Thursday News: Scamdemic, Ukraine, Disaster In Ohio, And Plenty More

Well… I am back… I definitely needed yesterday to be off just to get some much needed rest… But now I am hopefully a bit ‘recharged’ and ready to tackle some of the REAL issues out there….

OK, I have tried my best to reach as many people that I can to wake them the fuck up from this nightmare of the ‘Scamdemic’ that has been proven by myself and so many others for the last 3 YEARS plus to be a 100% hoax and a fraud… But there are still those who ignore my pleas for them to just RESEARCH for themselves to find the truths and if they do not believe me to please PROVE ME WRONG….. Sadly, it comes to a point in time that we cannot bother any more and too many are ‘too far gone’ to even try to save, and as I have said over the last while I just hope their deaths are quick and painless….

Well, onto presenting some important news about the entire SCAMDEMIC.. And first I want to present the following link to an interesting report that I came across yesterday, where apparently the American CDC aka the ‘Centre for Disease Control’ was WELL AWARE of the serious links between their KILL SHOTS and patients contracting MYOCARDITIS from these shots as early as May 2021, which was after they started injecting everyone with this poison! Here is the link to that report, that comes courtesy of the NATURAL NEWS website at for everyone to read for themselves:

OK, I am not in the least bit surprised by this revelation… These KILL SHOTS have absolutely NOTHING to do with any ‘disease’ or magical virus at all, but have ALWAYS been intended for the purpose of KILLING its recipients…. Myocarditis is in fact just one of thousands of ailments and horrible ‘side effects’ from these death jabs in fact…..

And the sad part is that the American people are STILL not going after these pricks with pitchforks and flaming torches demanding the heads of the CDC be put on trial and summarily executed for this massive crime against humanity… Instead we still find the ‘right arm’ of the entire Scamdemic, aka the propaganda put out by the lying whore media outlets telling everyone to get out and take their shots, ‘boosters”, and to be ‘up to date’ on their ‘vaccines’…. Madness is just putting it mildly….

And over the last while, I have put so much focus on the serious harm that these deadly KILL SHOTS are doing to our children… And I was especially shocked when earlier this month the criminals in the American FDA ‘fully approved’ the addition of these weapons of mass death into the ‘regimen’ of childhood ‘vaccines’ that are administered to American and Canadian children before they even reach the age of 5! Apparently our children are subjected to at least 50 different deadly “vaccines” that cripple children for life by that age, and now the criminal fuckers have added the KILL SHOTS to the entire scheme which means that our children, our very future, is now in serious doubt..

But of course many are asking WHY would the FDA and other ‘health organizations’ go ahead and ‘approve’ the deadly KILL SHOTS for children at all? And the answer comes courtesy of the following important article from the Mercola website of Doctor Josef Mercola, at, through the Global Research website at that shows that once these KILL SHOTS were approved for administering to children, it gives the producers of these deadly poisons PROTECTION from any lawsuits! Here is the link to that report:

Yes, this is such a crime against humanity, and absolutely a means for these criminals to murder our children with impunity never having to face trials for these murders of innocent lives… These monsters now can murder children and get away with it through this ‘permanent liability’ clause….

Thus our very children are now open targets for these mass murdering freaks that only want to see as many people DEAD that they can murder through their program of mass genocide…

And sadly, I am beginning to see the very harm being done to innocent children’s lives, as I want to present the following report that shows how young athletes here in Canada, a few as young as 7 (!) have now ‘died suddenly’ as a result of being forced by their parents to take these death jabs…. Here is the link to this most sad report, that once again comes courtesy of the Global Research website, for everyone to read for themselves:

I read this report and the sad ‘obituaries’ and I almost cried… This should NOT be happening to our children, and the parents responsible for having these KILL SHOTS injected in their bodies should be tried for manslaughter…

The sad part is that this is only the beginning… I have started to see a massive uptick in the number of deaths from these deadly KILL SHOTS, and to the point now that even the lying whore media outlets can no longer cover up these cases of death by lethal injection any longer by dismissing them all as ‘something else’ or ‘died suddenly’! Time is now against them and people everywhere may finally realize, even though a bit too late, as to what has been done to their lives and the lives of their own children….

OK… As I have stated so many times, I could fill this ‘news report’ with just information on the Scamdemic alone… But as I have been saying for a long time now, I have ‘other fish to fry’ and I want to turn to the latest news on that ‘war’ in Ukraine…

First, and just to of course give everyone an up to date idea on the actual fighting in that war, I want to present the fully updated battlefront map from the KEY Donbas front in Ukraine, that once again comes courtesy of the great writers over at SOUTHFRONT at .. .Here is that map for everyone to look at:

Military Situation In Donbass On February 23, 2023 (Map Update)

Yes, as you can see from the map just above, the Russian advances around the key cities of both Bakhmut and Ogledar have been so painfully slow as the Russians have continued to try to close the rings around those two key cities and hopefully trap a large number of Ukrainian and NATO forces in the process…..

And just north of this key Donbas front, we are also witnessing the Russians launch a major push in the Kharkov region… And I want to present the updated battlefront map of that area of fighting, once again courtesy of the writers at Southfront, for everyone to view here:

Military Situation In Kharkiv Region On February 23, 2023 (Map Update)

What should be noted by that map is how the Russians are advancing across land that the Ukrainians seized in their ill fated ‘offensive’ last fall, and how the Russians are regaining that territory against sparse Ukrainian military positions as well….

And all this slow and ‘methodical’ advance of the Russians is coming from their reinforced troops in place along these major battlefronts, and does not even take into account the hundreds of thousands of troops ready to go if and when Putin launches his much needed MAJOR OFFENSIVE that should have taken place already… I had hoped that Putin would have launched his offensive LAST MONTH as it surely would have ended this entire war and saved the lives of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in the process that have been thrown into the battlefronts where they are being slaughtered by superior Russian forces… That, and the fact that this offensive would indeed cause the entire corrupt government of that criminal Zelenskyy in Kiev to crumble and give a return to real freedom for the Ukrainian people..

OK, While the Russians continue their slow and very painful ‘advances’ in the Donbas region, there has been alarming news coming out over the last few days that the criminal psychopath in Kiev, that sickening Jewish freak Zelenskyy, may try to launch a major attack against the Transnistria breakaway republic region along the Moldovan border in southwestern Ukraine… I had warned months ago that this monster would indeed consider such an attack, but waited until the situation in Moldova itself was changed, in terms of a new ‘government’ before this undertaking…. And apparently with a US/NATO backed ‘government’ now in power in Moldova, that major attack against the Russian speaking citizens of Transnistria may happen within days!

Here in fact is the link to a great article that once again comes from the Southfront website that covers this impending attack against Transnistria for everyone to read here:

And here is a follow up report, also from Southfront, about this serious situation in Transnistria here for everyone to read as well:

And yes, the problem has always been that the estimated 15000 defenders, and over 150000 Russian speaking civilians of Transnistria are cutoff from any supplies or reinforcements from the Russian Federation… To me, the lack of this much needed Russian Offensive to put an end to the entire Ukrainian conflict is partially to blame for this situation where the battered Ukrainian military may attack Transnistria along with Moldova to not only eliminate that Russian enclave, but to have a propaganda and PR victory!

So, what will the Russians do when the Russian speaking citizens of Transnistria are attacked and slaughtered by the Ukrainian and Moldovan forces? Probably not a whole lot, but it may finally force Putin’s hand in getting that offensive launched and put an end to this entire bloody war once and for all….

I will of course continue to report on the REAL situation in Ukraine… That sicko freak pant-shitting Biden has left, but not before he basically gave that sinister Zelenskyy regime a ‘blank cheque’ and non-stop flow of US money and weapons into the entire lost cause… That money, as I stated in my last ‘news’ report, could have done WONDERS for the US ailing economy and failing infrastructure as well as being sent to aid those who presently are suffering the dire consequence from that environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio…

OK, I have stated over the last few news reports and even last weekend’s rant, that I was NOT sold on the idea, at least yet, that this was a DELIBERATE attack on the citizens of East Palestine Ohio and the American public itself, when the criminals blew up and set on fire that massive chemical tanker train just outside of the city of East Palestine itself… I pointed out the horrific condition of the ‘railway lines’ themselves that were absolutely unfit for any trains to run across as being probably the cause of the entire ‘derailment’… But some information came my way over the last while that shows some evidence that this entire scenario was indeed done deliberately and I do want to share some of that information with readers…

First, I want to present here a most interesting article that comes courtesy of JIM STONE’s website at where apparently a team of chemical experts were deliberately murdered in Arkansas two days ago where they were loaded into a private company jet that was supposed to fly to Ohio so that they could inspect the actual disaster in East Palestine for themselves…HERE is that report:


The new take the MSM is spinning is that they were going to Ohio to investigate a metals factory.  However, if you look up the details shown below, that company was sending people to Palestine Ohio, a “coincidence” I am not inclined to accept. Overwhelming probability is that the Palestine team was offed, probably because the people on the team were “not with the program”.

You can’t make this stuff up, and it was the “clinton airport” to boot

That is not just a “social media post”, I confirmed this legit. Elon had better get his sh*t together with Twitter because his saboteur staff is not allowing this to be posted. He needed to fire ALL the leftists, ALL OF THEM and did not. And censoring this just proves what kind of crap American style leftists really are (I had to single out “American” because Obrador is considered “leftist” when he’s really a Ron Paul:-)

Yes, this is NO ‘COINCIDENCE’ and points the finger squarely at the criminals involved in creating this ‘environmental disaster’ in Ohio, who of course did not want to see some private firm suddenly reveal to the world that it was indeed done deliberately! Murdering 5 men in cold blood is nothing to these monsters, as long as their agenda keeps going..

Therefore, I am indeed now leaning towards the idea that this was indeed a criminal attack by psychopaths in Ohio… BUT I am still troubled by the basic question of ‘FOR WHAT PURPOSE?’ What exactly is gained by this detonation and subsequent release of a shit load of DIOXINS that will permeate that entire region of Ohio and nearby Pennsylvania for decades to come?

I do want to cover some bases here, as I am indeed wondering what the FUCK was really in those tanker cars in that. derailed and subsequently blown up Northfolk Southern chemical train outside of East Palestine? Something is amiss and I do wonder if there is so much more than meets the eye and what has NOT been told to the public at all..

Thus I want to present the following link to an interesting report that comes courtesy of the RENSE website at that presents a most interesting speculation that the chemicals on board that Northfolk Southern chemical freight train were in fact destined for usage in the war in Ukraine (?)… HERE is the link to that article:

OK, Some may say this is a bit ‘far fetched’.. But so few do remember that last week I reported here at this blog that the Ukrainian military was indeed ALREADY using chemical weapons in their defense against the advancing Russian forces outside of Bakhmut… This and the fact that the main supplier of those chemicals has to come from the US and NATO! Thus rather than dismiss that article above, it should have a lot more people saying to themselves “Hmmmm..”.

At this point, I am indeed like most other people very angry as to the very poor ‘response’ from the Biden criminal ‘administration’ in terms of support for the VICTIMS of this horrific environmental disaster at East Palestine… This reminds me of Ancient Rome where Nero supposedly played a Roman version of either a harp or a Lute aka ‘fiddle’ while Rome burned…Now we have pant-shitting criminal Biden going over to Ukraine to play with Zelenskyy’s ‘fiddle’ while East Palestine burned in America itself….

And the real sad part here in terms of the lack of support coming from the criminals in the Biden COMMIE administration towards those who have their lives damaged from this disaster in Ohio, is the outright NERVE of these pricks tot try to lay blame for this environmental disaster elsewhere, and especially against the former Donald Drumpf admninstration itself! In fact I want to present the following link to a report that comes courtesy of the ZERO HEDGE website at that shows how these monsters are indeed laying blame for East Palestine on the Drumpf administration, rather than look at themselves in the mirror, right here:

Yes, there are definitely lunatics running that asylum in Washington DC.. And this shows how LOW these criminals will go in trying to divert the blame that they themselves have, for this horrible situation… And sadly, there are still so many Americans that will actually believe such horse shit!

OK… I want to focus in on the citizens who are still there and are going to suffer tremendously over the next while from the damage done from deadly DIOXINS…. I came across a few ‘articles’ over the last while that have been put out by so called ‘medical experts’ that have been pushing their swamp water witches’ brew of different ‘cures’ and ‘treatments’ for DIOXINS… In fact some have been absolutely atrocious, especially the ones that are claiming that ‘camel urine’ of all things helps to remove Dioxins from the bodies of those affected! ALL of these are utter nonsense, as Dioxins are accumulative and our bodies have a very poor time in naturally removing them from our vital organs, which takes YEARS…. Thus do not fall for all of this witch doctor type ‘medicines’ as they are out there just to fool the gullible and make a few bucks for the criminals pushing such nonsense….

Well… That about covers most of what I wanted to spew in terms of the ‘news’ for today.. But of course there are other interesting ‘news’ reports out there and I will cover a few here before I close this daily report:

First, and while everyone’s attention is diverted elsewhere, comes a troubling report out of the Middle East, that claims that IRAN has now ‘acknowledged’ their ‘enrichment’ of Uranium in their already present centrifuges to at ‘least 84%’ purity.. HERE is the link to that report that comes from the ‘MILITARY’ website at for everyone to read for themselves:

OK, Before everyone goes off and claims this to be valid, watch the wording in the actual article where Iran has indeed acknowledged’ enrichment of Uranium… It is the author of this hit piece of bullshit that throws in the 84% lie….

And look, I have written extensively for years about the FACT that Iran has indeed been enriching Uranium, and that is well known to the IAEA group from the UN that has inspected Iran’s sites in detail.. But the actual ‘enrichment’ of Uranium by Iran is for MEDICAL ISOTOPES and has never ever exceeded 30-40%. The facts remain that for IRAN to actually build nuclear weapons, they would have to ‘enrich’ to beyond 95% purity for bomb grade Uranium which they have zero capabilities of doing even now…

Thus this is a bullshit propaganda piece by those clowns at ‘MILITARY’ and being done to try to put fear into the gullible American public so that they would blindly support an Israeli attack on Iran… This is reality everyone, and I do hope that nobody gets fooled…

Second, and this one is interesting to me… For according to the following link to a report that once again comes from the ZERO HEDGE website, apparently those of us that have true ‘cognitive abilities’ care more about the rights for freedom of speech than the sickness of ‘wokeism’ as shown by those who have little cognitive skills at all! Here is that link:

Yes, this to me makes sense, for the more intelligent an individual is, the more they have a full real expanded view of reality and what is really going on around themselves and across the planet… And this vindicates yours truly that has always applied cognitive skills in ALL of my own daily life, my writings, and my support of the RIGHT for PEOPLE to have the rights for any form of free speech… And I can easily assume that the readers of this site are also in this same category of having cognitive skills, right?

And finally, we have the following most troubling report that also comes from ZERO HEDGE, where research and new reports is clearly showing a rapid decline in sperm counts in men across the planet… Here is the link to that article:

This is a situation that I had written about in the past at my old blog at ‘Blogger’, and I said back then we are looking at an abysmal future where fertile adults will not be able to have children at all due to this horrific decline in sperm counts in males…

AND it must be noted that this terrible situation is being exasperated by males taking the KILL SHOTS into their bodies, which has not only destroyed their sperm counts, but has caused sperm to contain the mutated Spike Protein generating DNA that surely would be passed down to their offspring….. Thus these deadly injections are not only destroying sperm and making the victims sterile, but it is causing the mutation to be transferred to generations to come by those who may survive the initial damage done by these lethal and are somehow able to have children….

OK… That about wraps it up for the moment…. I will have more ‘news’ in tomorrow’s report and hopefully cover some of the real facts for everyone that you will never see anywhere else and especially in the lying whore media outlets.. So, until tomorrow, and as usual…

More to come


One thought on “Thursday News: Scamdemic, Ukraine, Disaster In Ohio, And Plenty More

  1. During March of 2020 I briefly gave the chance of a ‘pandemic’ a ‘shot’. I also applied a mantra from my kindergarten days concerning safe passage across an intersection; “STOP, LOOK, AND LISTEN”. I was able to work through all of 2020 and onward and I would pass the EMERGENCY entrances of two major hospitals in my city twice daily. They were ALWAYS quiet….”STOP, LOOK, AND LISTEN”. I credit the almighty bludgeoning power of the TV as the prime propagandist in this stinky affair and hot damn, what a smashing success it was! Endless jabbering about a ‘case-demic’ was their speciality. If you’re simply too stupid to think for yourself, you got the shot you deserve. People really ARE entranced, if not hypnotized, by that ‘idiot box’. Quite a tragedy to observe.


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