No News Article Tonight, As NTS Is Taking The Night Off! Full News Report Tomorrow!

I am once again beat… I had a horrific time at ‘work’ today as I had ZERO help and was stuck having to solve a few major issues… As I said in yesterday’s ‘news report’, there are now so many coworkers off as ‘sick’ now, and many of them are trying to claim that they have ‘caught COVID’ for the umpteenth time! WE in fact know the truth about why they are all getting sick as nearly ALL of them have taken multiple KILL SHOTS into their bodies as well as many having their ‘full compliment’ of BOOSTERS as well!

Yes, I am now in ‘retirement mode’ as I will be handing in my resignation and take my full retirement at the beginning of April…. And seeing now that they so desperately NEED ME and are stuck trying to have me ‘fill in’ for so many of those who are ‘sick’, I have to LAUGH IN THEIR FACES for their ignorance last year when they ‘furloughed’ me for 5.5 months as I refused to take the KILL SHOTS into my body…. Everyone now getting ‘sick’ is proof once again that I was SO RIGHT in telling the company to fuck off in regards to trying to ram these deadly poisons into my body..

Thus, I am going to take tonight ‘off’ and get some much needed rest…. I know, I know, that things are continuing to heat up around the planet, and I do my best to try to keep up with that so called ‘news’ to try to make sense of it all and give everyone my rational ‘two cents worth’ of some truth.. But even NTS needs a break from time to time and that time is now…

I will be back tomorrow with a full ‘news report’ and am crossing my fingers that the world suddenly does not go to hell before that time! So, until then…

More to come


2 thoughts on “No News Article Tonight, As NTS Is Taking The Night Off! Full News Report Tomorrow!

  1. NTS,
    Retirement is a whole new scene.

    Believe me you will be working harder!

    Being a bachelor, when I retired after a mild heart attack I had no idea what laid ahead. I was just happy to be alive.

    Young women started hitting on me! It was very strange.

    Then I searched the Internet and unvaccinated sperm is in demand. If I’m called to duty I will do my best.

    I might need help.


  2. I’m so sorry to hear about your tough day at work. It sounds like you have been through a lot and have done your best to stay positive throughout these trying times. I can relate to feeling like you just can’t keep up with the demands of the job, especially with so many coworkers off due to COVID-related issues. Have you considered looking into other job opportunities before making the decision to retire? It could be worth considering what else is out there and what could be a better fit for you.


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