Project Veritas Videos Blow Scam-demic TO Hell; Nurses Declare “Vaccines” Are Shit! And Follow Up Video Again Shows It Is Indeed A Massive FRAUD!

I have been busy once again today with a lot of personal business… My apologies to any readers that are waiting patiently for a new article at this blog… And I want to reward those who have indeed waited so patiently with a real doozy of a few videos that absolutely blow this entire scam-demic to hell and beyond..

Many of those in the alternative media have become aware of a most important ‘Project Veritas’ video that just came out a few days back that is an absolute BOMBSHELL where a registered nurse has come forward with a startling expose about the TRUTH about the real situation in American hospitals in regards to ‘COVID-19 patients’ and especially those who are suffering greatly right now from the horrific adverse effects of the KILL SHOTS…. I first want to present the first video part of this fabulous expose right here:

Next… Everyone has patiently been waiting for the follow up to this bombshell report, and I have that video right here:

NTS Notes: These to me are absolutely BOMBSHELLS, and we can give Project Veritas full kudos and credit for bringing these forward for the world to see….

My only contention is the constant ‘comparison’ being made between what is happening now in terms of the horror show in our hospitals, with ‘Nazi Germany’…. To me, to make such contention is FALSE as I have written so many articles over the years that prove that all of the speculations about ‘criminal medical experimentation’ that supposedly happened in Germany between the 1930’s to the end of the Second World War is just that, speculation, and has no real proof of validity at all….. All we have is ‘hearsay’ and ‘reports’ made by so called ‘witnesses’ that have been proven to be untrustworthy and outright liars….

But these videos do show the falsity of this entire ‘pandemic’ fraud, and should be enough to hopefully awaken the masses to the reality that this fraud is indeed the greatest hoax in all human history and the FACT that these ‘vaccines’ are not only useless but are absolutely DEADLY to human beings….

I will continue my attacks on this entire scam-demic for this is indeed the most important subject in our society today, and possibly THE greatest period of time now in all human history… What we do now as a society will indeed decide the future of humanity for the next few centuries at least, and I for one want to see a world FREE of tyranny…

More to come


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