Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 5th 2024

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Sunday… It is so nice to finally be back and writing my articles…. And yes it is time once again for my usual weekend rant..

Well.. That was one time frame of being very sick that I surely would not wish on anyone… I had thought that I would have recovered by mid week last week, but no dice as my body was telling me hell no and that I needed more rest and more time to fight off my sinus infection AND one heck of a bad case of Influenza….. And yes, the antibiotics did work like gangbusters as they helped my throat clear and also cleared up the buildup of phlegm that was in my lungs.. But of course taking those antibiotics did have their usual side effects of nausea, diarrhea, and in my case constant headaches…. It took time to heal, and right now I am probably 90% or better over this crap and sitting at my trusty iMAC computer pounding away with this report…

Yes… I could fill this ‘rant’ with so much of my perspectives of what I see happening in our sick world as we are now spiralling nearly out of control towards a major world war against a much more powerful Russian Federation allied with China…. And quite honestly, this is of course by design by these monsters involved in wanting to see most of us DEAD or permanently turned into their slaves…

The facts remain that since they are now getting a lot of ‘pushback’ and people are now aware of these psychopaths’ sinister nature, these same psychotic freaks are indeed going to push this world to the precipice of total destruction just to have everyone cower in FEAR and basically force the sheep to accept their servitude to everything that these criminals desire…. This has long been their evil plans and I had hoped that by this time that there would have been a world wide awakening to their evil and that we would be in revolution to stop them… But instead, all we have is mutton heads out there so broken down now that most are willing to accept their fate…..

Well… The SCAMDEMIC is now definitely headed into ‘part II’ as there was a report just a few days ago about how their probably weaponized form of ‘Bird Flu’ has now ‘crossed over’ and that a person down in the continental United States has ‘contracted’ it….. The question of course is just how ‘deadly’ this will become as more humans do indeed come down with this ‘disease’ and I have been watching and reading carefully over the last while about both sides in this argument where one side claims it will be ‘far more deadly than ‘COVID”, which is a crock of shit since COVID itself was nothing more than a more harsh form of INFLUENZA.. And of course the other side where many are saying that it will only have the same ‘symptoms’ as either the common cold or again Influenza… I am leaning on the latter, of course, as we have been down this path of bullshit once before and I personally will never be fooled…..

I do wonder of course, much like everyone else, as to where these monsters are indeed going to take their ‘Bird Flu’ nonsense in terms of selling its ‘dangers’ to the gullible and stupid out there? As I have said before so many times, they successfully tried this once with their ‘COVID’ crap in basically locking down nearly the entire planet for months before unleashing their REAL plan behind the entire SCAMDEMIC which was the KILL SHOTS, and thus it is not a stretch to see them run with this ‘Bird Flu’ crap in the same manner and then use their FEAR PORN on the gullible and stupid to get most of them lining up to take their next mRNA based lethal injections with the claims that it will ‘stop Bird Flu’…. Sadly, most human beings are indeed not as bright as fence posts and they will fall for this nonsense once again big time…

It has been said that what COVID actually was, was an INTELLIGENCE TEST for most of humanity.. And guess what? And no surprise here at all, that some 85-90% of humanity world wide FLUNKED that intelligence test! Why should anyone be shocked at all by this is beyond me, for the facts remain that WE as humans have always prided ourselves to be the dominant species on this planet, and all that COVID did was to prove otherwise……This COVID “intelligence test” proved that most human beings are still a long way on the learning curve towards domination on this planet indeed…

YES, many had their ‘choice’ to take the KILL SHOTS and sadly even though they did have the choice to opt out and not be poisoned, most still so willingly lined up and threw their lives away….. Are we now supposed to feel sorry for this level of ignorance? ABSOLUTELY NOT, for the time to ‘feel sorry’ is long gone, for the proper choice of action for those who took the KILL SHOTS should have been where ALL of them became very angry and joined we, the still pure bloods out there, in taking down these criminal monsters and have them taken out of our lives forever… BUT instead, the ‘vaxxed’ out there aka the now ‘GMO-HUMANS’ are still just as ignorant and stupid as always and are doing NOTHING to stop these psychopaths in their tracks before they unleash ’round 2′ with their ‘bird flu’ nonsense…. I have long given up the want to have sorrow for such stupidity and I can only hope now that their deaths are as quick and painless as possible..

Well… I have continued my personal observations of the ‘vaxxed’ aka ‘GMO-humans’ out there, and just the other day as I was feeling a bit better from my bout of sickness, I decided to join one of my friends and fellow now retired coworker at that shit hole that I had worked for for some 38 years, for a nice get together over coffee…. We had a long chat about a wide range of subjects and of course our friendly talk turned towards what had been happening with the GMO-HUMANS out there….

What that friend of mine told me about another now ‘retired’ coworker was the best part of our conversation, for he told how this man was one of the ones in our department who took the liberty to just blast away at him, myself, and anyone else that were safely ‘unvaxxed’ and refused to take the KILL SHOTS at all, even though they were ‘mandated’ by our criminal corporation.. Apparently this person was also one of the ones who did everything he could to slam us all and wanting to see us all ‘fired’ from our jobs for refusing the KILL SHOTS….

Yes, that was then and now when we fast forward to the other day, I was informed by my friend that this person who was so against we the ‘unvaxxed’ has suddenly ‘changed his tune’ and is now screaming to high heaven about how these KILL SHOTS are now ‘deadly’ and how nobody should be taking them into their bodies, period.. It was indeed enough to make anyone just laugh and howl, for this once again shows the ignorance of so many, who suddenly become HUMBLED when they realize that we the UNVAXXED and the ones with REAL intelligence were indeed right all along… But, the sad part that my friend told me is that this person is absolutely still not going to ever apologize to all of us for being right, for he is either ‘too proud’ or ‘too arrogant’ to admit that he was terribly WRONG….

I must say that this arrogance and refusal to even show an ounce of humility is common everywhere I look in terms of dealing with the GMO-humans in my travels… Most are still refusing to admit any fault and are instead willing to just allow their own lives to be destroyed by the KILL SHOTS that they have taken, rather than stand up and join us in going after the monsters responsible for this hell on Earth…. It just saddens me to see how much humanity has fallen, and this sheer arrogance and stupidity is obviously EXACTLY what these criminals behind this plan for world wide GENOCIDE have always known all along… These criminals absolutely knew that there would be little to no ‘push back’ against this crime, which we see clearly to this day, and this is why they are going to shove this ‘Bird Flu’ nonsense down our throats for they know that so few will challenge them at all…. Intelligence Test is one thing, but this is beyond stupidity….

OK… I have been asked in a few replies via emails about this danger of ‘PRIONS’ and what they can do to mitigate themselves being exposed to those deadly ‘misfolded’ protein structures… I have to say it clearly here that there is NOT a lot that anyone can do at this moment, for there is absolutely ZERO treatment for PRION illness and ZERO chance that anyone can be ‘cured’ of PRION disease if they do unluckily contract that most gruesome illness… PRION proteins are now known to be nearly INDESTRUCTIBLE and can survive in the wild for some time before even possibly breaking down… They are nearly heat resistant, as it takes temperatures beyond 1000 degrees Celsius just to even have a chance in breaking them down as well… Thus the possibility of exposure, especially by the still safely ‘unvaxxed’ out there is real and indeed dangerous…

Thus the question does become about ‘shedding’ and whether or not the GMO-humans are indeed now shedding not only mRNA protein runts out of their bodies, but mis-folded PRIONS as well? And the answer, sadly, is ABSOLUTELY YES… Thus we are now in serious trouble as human beings as we not only have to worry about being exposed to mRNA material when being shed upon, but also PRIONS that hare thousands of times more deadly than even other forms of mRNA poisoning..

Yes, many are still ‘in the dark’ about PRIONS and the dangers that they can cause.. The facts are that PRIONS have an affinity for attacking BRAIN tissue and once the misfolded PRIONS do get into the cells of the brain, they do indeed cause other cells in their environment to also ‘misfold’ and permanently damaging those brain cells…. The damaged brain cells are attacked by the victims’ own immune system and in most cases are removed from the brain tissue leaving HOLES in the victim’s brain with ZERO brain tissue to fill those holes at all.. This leads to the disaster that we are seeing right now with an explosion of cases of ALZHEIMER’s disease, DEMENTIA, and even Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, where these ‘diseases’ used to be so rare and yet thanks to these KILL SHOTS and the formation of PRIONS, they are NO LONGER RARE and in fact has reached almost epidemic proportions… And again there is absolutely NO CURE to any of the damage inflicted by PRIONS other than death itself…

And lets be serious here, for the criminal monsters behind this entire KILL SHOT program of mass death ABSOLUTELY have always known that their concoctions would cause PRION disease… The facts are that when you are a psychopath that wants to see as much as 90% of humanity destroyed, you definitely would come up with a multifaceted method of that destruction, meaning that these monsters have always known that their KILL SHOTS would generate THOUSANDS of different ways to kill the GMO-humans, including having them destroyed via TURBO CANCER, MYOCARDITIS, and especially PRION disease…

Is there a way to avoid PRION exposure? Actually there is not a lot that anyone can do at this moment other than to lessen their exposure to the GMO-humans out there and to avoid a lot of the public places that so many of them do gather, as PRIONS will definitely be still lying around in those environments long after the GMO-humans have left….. Personally this is why I continue to limit my ‘interactions’ with the GMO-humans at all, and why I go to places when the GMO-humans have either not gone to yet or have long vacated…..Safety is the issue here, and until we do get a better understanding of the implications of PRION disease, it is far better to be safe than sorry and to absolutely reduce any exposure at all…..

Well…. I have once again been asked as to why I constantly ‘harp’ on the SCAMDEMIC issue? And my answer remains the same as always… ‘Are you kidding me? THIS is THE most important issue in our entire lifetimes, and one that we must tackle and defeat first and foremost BEFORE we can even tackle the other issues around our very sick world..’…. I have remained relentless in my attacks on these monsters and how they are wanting to see us all dead, and will never give up this fight until we see these psychopaths wanting to see most of humanity both dead and rotting in hell for what they have done to us….. I am indeed a fighter and will never give up this fight at all….

But to answer some of those critics; Yes indeed I do want to get back to covering the wide spectrum of material that I used to cover, before 4.5 years ago and this SCAMDEMIC nonsense was hoisted on all of us….. I do indeed miss writing my articles on HEALTH concerns, especially about how the bastards have poisoned us all purposely by shoving poisonous Fluoride into our drinking water supplies and in so much of our other food items… And I do want to get back into writing about our REAL history and not that crap that continues to pollute the minds of so many in our ‘history books’ and now even in that fraud known as ‘Wikipedia’ as well…. And being a man of real science, I do want to tackle so many of the massive lies and cons that are out there being passed as ‘science’, and to give everyone a dose of truth and reality… But all of these will take time to get around to, as again I want to see the SCAMDEMIC die the painful death that it deserves along with the sickos behind the entire fraud as well…. All I can do is ask readers to be patient….

Suffice to say, but one other subject that I have indeed become very ‘intrigued’ about over the last while has been the ruination of our ‘nuclear families’ and what I call our entire ‘socieities’ with this madness of what our ‘modern women’ have turned into …. It used to be barely 30 years ago, and at the time when even I was dating so many different women looking for a ‘partner’ and a ‘life mate’ that most women were not as greedy, selfish, self-centred, and ‘narcissistic’ as they are now… And yes, I blame the present ‘collapse’ of so called ‘modern women’ on them having their limited intelligence brainwashed by the lies of ‘social media’…

As I have stated so many times, I have NEVER used ‘social media’ and I never will.. I see it as nothing more than a CURSE on humanity and one that was deliberately created by the JEWISH criminals (See who owns all of the social media platforms, for they are nearly ALL JEWISH) who have cunningly used those poisons as their means of control of the masses and to brainwash the users with lies and falsehoods…. I have always recommended to EVERYONE that if you are still gullibly using a ‘social media’ platform to turn the damn things off, remove yourselves from those fraud ‘platforms’ and actually get out there and be human once again….

And yes, all that anyone has to see in terms of this fraud of ‘modern women’ and how it has collapsed the entire concept of marriage is for anyone to go online and see the facts for themselves… Nearly ALL of the ‘traditional marriages’ in our so called ‘western’ nations have ended in DIVORCE, with the said rate being nearly 75-80 of all marriages overall today… It used to be barely 30 years ago, when the divorce rates were in the 50% bracket that most people looked that that ‘50%’ rate in horror.. But as ‘social media’ took over and basically brainwashed the minds of so many with their garbage, the rate of failed marriages has only exploded today…

The facts are that most ‘modern men’ are indeed looking for a ‘traditional’ woman and not one that they see in terms of this ‘modern women’ fraud.. Men today do not want the headaches and the terrible hassle of having to put up with these ‘modern women’ who are do nothing but SLAM and put down any ‘man’ that they do encounter… This is why most modern men absolutely do not want to even considering ‘marriage’ to such foul creatures and are instead going elsewhere and especially ‘overseas’ if they do desire to have a wife and life mate in their lives…..This and most men are now ‘pushing back’ against these foul ‘modern women’ by going into what is called now their ‘soft guy’ era where they are not putting up with the antics of ‘modern women’ and are in fact demanding that since these ‘modern women’ want ‘equality’ with every man, that they must show that equality at all times… Modern men are now demanding that these ‘modern women’ approach them instead of the man approaching women, and for THEM to pay for any dates and for gifts for that man.. Sadly, Gone are the days of ‘chivalry’ for sadly ‘chivalry’ is now dead thanks to these ‘modern women’…

Sadly, I do not like where all of this ‘modern women’ concept is going at all… Birth rates in our ‘western’ nations is now on a very steep decline, thanks to not only the effects of the KILL SHOTS, but also to how ‘modern men’ are basically no longer wanting to put up with the nonsense that they are exposed to by these foul individuals…. And sadly what we are seeing now is a whole bunch of ‘modern women’ who spent their lives in their early 20’s pursuing their ‘perfect man’ whom many are calling ‘Chads’ and ‘Tyrones’ suddenly finding themselves in their early 30’s childless, unmarried, and having their biological clocks suddenly ticking very loudly… They themselves are the only ones to blame for this hell that they created, and this is why we are seeing now an explosion in the number of ‘modern women’ who are aging badly and have nobody in their lives to share with at all…..

Is there a solution to this horrible problem that is destroying families and could possibly tear our societies apart? To me, the solution is for people to stop being brainwashed by this impossible imagery created via the lies of ‘social media’ … Women themselves are absolutely not the ‘perfect 10’s’ that so many are gullibly believing via the fraud of ‘TIKTOK’ and other garbage platforms and do need a true REALITY CHECK in their lives sooner than later… Their pursuit of the ‘perfect man’ due to their stupidity in thinking that they themselves are ‘perfect’ has to end, or the result will see more and more of them left lonely and only having pets such as cats as their companions in their later years in life….. Women need to turn back to ‘traditional’ values and understand that they are biological in nature, driven by their own bodies’ ability to bear and nurture children, and that they are absolutely in need of love from a man for them to fulfill their happiness in life as a part of a loving FAMILY unit…… There is still time to fix this horror show that we are seeing in terms of ‘modern women’ but that time to fix that problem is now before it is too late for so many of them…

Well, that is all that I want to discuss in my primary subjects for this rant… Before I go onto my ‘last minute tidbits’, I want to say that I am still out there, and am always open to suggestions for subjects and topics to cover at this blog…. Yes, my focus still remains on trying to defeat the scumbags and their SCAMDEMIC, but I always welcome emails and comments from any one about the material that I write about, and if they want to see more… And yes, if you do have any questions, feel free to ask them any time in the comment section or via email as well….

OK… Onto my ‘last minute tidbits’ and try to cover some of the ‘subjects’ that so many want my 2 cents of common sense about… Starting with all of this crud about how ‘former President’ Donald Drumpf continues to be ‘railroaded’ in those fraud court sessions for crimes that he absolutely never committed. It should be apparent to most that these KANGAROO COURT sessions are nothing but for ‘show’ for the masses, and very much part of the criminals wanting to brainwash the American public into this false sense that Drumpf is some type of “HERO”. Be careful what you wish for, my American friends, for you all have so quickly forgotten how Drumpf was responsible for ‘OPERATION WARP SPEED’ and purposely poisoning some 250 MILLION Americans with the KILL SHOTS. That, and recently Drumpf showed his ‘true colours’ with his blatant support of criminals such as that House Speaker Michael Johnson, and his ‘intense love’ of that sicko state of Israel. Drumpf is NOT the solution that America needs, as the only solution now to saving the republic is indeed CIVIL WAR…….And yes, the DEMON-RATS are indeed going into their bag of tricks and coming up with new ways to try to get their sock puppet and brain dead moron, Joe Biden, back into the White House this November. But again, they are fighting a losing battle, and this is why we all suspect that they will unleash this ‘BIRD FLU’ nonsense very soon just as a means of stealing the 2024 vote just like they did in 2020…. The facts are that none of the 3 major ‘candidates’ for the 2024 US ‘selection’ are any good as they ALL bow down to JEWISH interests and are nothing but shills and criminals supporting the Israeli psychotic murder of tens of thousands of innocent lives in Gaza. I have been asked countless times about who the American people should ‘vote’ for this coming November, and I say that NONE of these party ‘candidates’ deserve that ‘vote’ at all. If Americans do want to save their nation, screw this fraud ‘election’ and it is time for open revolution against these psychopaths in charge, NOW!…….And about those ‘campus protests’ happening across America right now? I had warned in a previous article that the American college students had better be careful as the JEWISH criminals have indeed ‘infiltrated’ those protests with their own agent provocateurs and are trying to lead most of those protests astray and away from their true reasoning which is about the slaughter in Gaza. That and it makes sense as to why those ‘protests’ have happened now, for it has given the CRIMINALS in the US Congress their excuse to pass that recent ‘ANTISEMITISM LAW’ that is pure 100% garbage but is meant to destroy the freedoms and liberties of the American people by destroying their rights of freedom of speech. Again, be careful what you wish for, for the criminal JEWISH pricks in charge are ALWAYS involved in these actions and nothing is ever left to chance by them at all…….I again am ‘sticking to my guns’ in stating that VLADIMIR PUTIN is absolutely NO HERO and is absolutely involved in the slaughter of WHITE Ukrainians in his ‘war’ against Ukraine. The JEWISH psychopaths have always desired to see Ukraine remove ALL of its WHITE population so that they can come into what is left and form their next ‘homeland’ in Ukraine itself. Putin is doing as he is told here, and is absolutely not ending the ‘war’ but instead allowing his forces to slaughter WHITE Ukrainians along the front lines as planned. And yes, the psychopath Zelenskyy is also part of this sinister action as he continues to send untrained WHITE Ukrainians to the front lines for this planned slaughter to happen. Thus the Ukrainian war has never been as it seems, and people do need a rude awakening as to how it is being used to kill off Ukraine’s WHITE population…..Up here in Canada, that sick freak Justin, son of Fidel Castro, and ‘My tampons up my ass do give me a great thrill’, Turdeau just continues to make Canadians’ lives nearly unbearable these days. The problem is that nobody has had the guts to go after that sick prick and Canadians’ only hope is to see him removed from office in a ‘Federal Election’ that is not due to happen in Canada for another year and a half at least. And yes, when that ‘Federal Election’ does happen, I can guarantee it will be as FIXED and have the results predetermined just like the last one in 2021 was………I still get some hate mail and sad comments about my support of the nation of Yemen against the psychopaths in Israel in their blood lust to destroy the innocent Palestinians in Gaza, and I will not stop that support ever. Yemen is indeed doing the work that the rest of the world should have been doing all along in stopping these psychopaths from slaughtering innocent lives, and I absolutely applaud their efforts. Hopefully other nations will finally take notice and join Yemen in wanting to see the sickness of Israel finally subdued……..I continue to marvel at the sheer stupidity of so many out there that have fallen for this ‘electric car’ nonsense and have gullibly and most ignorantly went out there and actually bought one of these monstrosities. There is clear evidence everywhere that these ‘electric cars’ are actually detrimental to the environment and create FAR more pollution and poisons than conventional gas or diesel powered vehicles, and yet the stupid still continue to fall for the crap garbage that these things are more ‘green’? To me, the only way to end this ‘electric car’ nonsense until the technology someday will make them actually usable, is to simply say hell no to any of them and force the manufacturers to go bankrupt or get back into making gas powered vehicles only. It is time for a push back against those criminals shoving these useless vehicles in our faces, and that time is now…….Yes, there is a push back here in Canada against Supermarkets and their extremely high prices on basic food necessities. I say that there is nothing wrong with a boycott but not if it is aimed in the wrong direction. Supermarket chains are based on supply and demand and they themselves have to absorb the massive upswing in prices coming from the producers and in most cases try to cushion the consumer from those rapidly rising costs. That and so many supermarkets are having to try to absorb the cost of THEFT that is exploding in their businesses as so many have resorted to having to steal to feed their families, and try not to pass that cost off to consumers as well. We are stuck with hyper inflation for a wide variety of reasons, and many are indeed suffering right down the line because of it, and thus there is not one facet of this madness to blame but so many in fact…I for one am glad that the LBGTQI-EI-EI-O and transgenderism stupidity that has warped so many aspects of our present society is getting the push back that they so rightfully deserved. That madness has to stop, and apparently so many now are seeing the evils that they incorporate and are working hard to save their families and especially their children from their madness…..Some people are still mad at me for my exposure of that fraud known as ‘Amazing Polly’ and are still supporting that absolutely 100% disinformation agent. I say that they can go ahead and continue to follow that criminal, but be ready for when she shows her true colours and makes you all look like fools…..Arsenal beat Bournemouth yesterday by the score of 3-0 but sits only 1 point ahead of a hard charging Manchester City in EPL action. It is coming down to the wire for the battle for the top in the league, and I am still crossing my fingers for a Gunner victory. And yes, to the naysayers I say I have always been a soccer fan and will always be……….Not much going on in the sick and twisted world of Kelce/Swifty other than reports that these two sellouts to criminal JEWISH interests are indeed contemplating ‘marriage’. And yes, Swifty is now in her mid 30’s. and her own biological clock is ticking now. I just hope that Kelce does know what he is doing in actually thinking about marriage to this foul ‘modern woman’ and her own antics…….And finally, and after two weeks of not having to even discuss the insanity of Kardashians, I say fuck it this week as I do not have time to deal with trolls, trollops, sluts, and useless air breathers. I can only repeat what I have said so many times that I cannot for the life of me figure out WHY Americans continue to swoon over these losers? If someone has a decent answer, I am all ears…

More to come


One thought on “Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 5th 2024

  1. Hi l just wanted to thank you for everything your doing. Please don’t Give up as there are some of us who truly appreciate you. Also it’s nice that you have a Donna in your life. Please keep trying to wake up the people especially women. Ok l wanted to bring your attention to a story that happened last year I the African country of Kenya about a mysterious illness in a school. The story is in the Covid Blog. If you can read Please do comment on this as l would love to hear your thoughts on this story. This story has been swept under the rug , but if it’s true, then as you say we and everyone in this sick world of ours is in serious trouble. Thanks and keep up the great work


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