No Rant Today As I Am Under The Weather

Well…. In spite of my now taking much better care of my health, and with almost zero stress due to no longer having to work in that gruesome environment that I put up with for years, I caught a nasty ‘bug’ on Friday that started off as just your basic head cold and then proceeded to take aim at my sinuses…

Now I have another bout of sinusitis and I just went to a Health Clinic about three hours ago as I knew it was pretty bad and that I would probably need antibiotics… And yes I was stuck in that ‘waiting room’ with too many ‘vaxxed’ people, but luckily I did carry a ‘face diaper’ with me that hopefully helped to cut down my exposure to ‘shedding’… I saw that ‘doctor’ at that clinic and he took one look at the massive redness in the rear of my throat and my plugged sinuses and ears and he wrote me out a prescription almost immediately for Amoxicillin….

Thus I am now on Amoxicillin and that stuff always knocks me for a loop and basically makes me very tired and nauseous at times… I barely have the energy to fire off this report in fact, and I do hope that readers do understand that I need to take care of my health first and foremost..

I will be back, and hopefully when I find the energy over the next few days, I will fire off a few articles…..

I again want to thank everyone for their patience with me… This horrible attack of Sinusitis came ‘out of the blue’ and I am still trying to figure out where and from whom I caught this nasty bug…

See you all in a few days.. And until then…

More to come


4 thoughts on “No Rant Today As I Am Under The Weather

    1. I am slowly getting better… This bout of Sinusitis turned into a full blown nasal infection that is finally getting better via the antibiotics..

      I should be back by Thursday with new articles, hopefully!


  1. I do want to thanks readers for their patience… I had thought I would be over this illness within a few days, but again it was very serious and since I am now 64 years of age, my recovery is a bit slower..

    Hopefully I will be back by Thursday… A lot to cover that I have missed..


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