Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 14th 2024

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Sunday… And that means time once again for my weekend rant..

It is indeed the middle of April, and the temperatures here in central Canada are being absolutely as expected for this time of year…. Highs in the mid teens Celsius along with periodic periods of rain…. There is still ZERO signs of this ‘CLIMATE CRISIS’ thingy, and I seriously doubt that we will ever see this ‘planet boiling’ crisis that the perpetrators of that fraud are now continuing to scream….

Yes, I am sick and tired of those who still try to promote the fraud of there ever being a ‘Climate Crisis’…. It is apparent now that the whole goal of this entire fraud has been to brainwash fools and retards out there to believe it is somehow real, just so they can use the fraud as one of their platforms to try to restrict and remove our basic human rights…. And yes, this entire ‘Climate Crisis’ fraud is indeed one of the platforms that these sick and twisted freaks in charge want to use with their impending ‘Pandemic Treaty’ that will become a reality at the end of next month..

Yes.. The PANDEMIC TREATY that these sick freaks want in place at the end of this May is absolutely REAL and its articles enclosed in the entire fraud are devastating to our very rights and freedoms… With the passing of this fraudulent ‘treaty’, the criminal World Health Organization (WHO) will be propelled from being basically an ‘advisory group’ for governments to have full power OVER our governments! Thus if and when the criminal WHO ‘decides’ to unleash a brand new SCAMDEMIC, they will have the power to force signatory nations to lock down their citizens, take away their basic rights and freedoms, and FORCE their citizens to have to take even more deadly KILL SHOTS that will no longer be ‘mandated’ but forced into everyone with zero rights of refusal… Basically, with the fraudulent ‘PANDEMIC TREATY’ in place, you will not be able to refuse ANY of their KILL SHOTS, and if you try you could face jail time…..

Yes, I have continued my efforts to try to alert everyone about this impending PANDEMIC TREATY, but all I get is continuing ignorance and that usual ‘deer in headlights’ look in these fools….. I have had so many say ‘The Canadian government would not allow this to happen’ and they all get absolutely stunned when I state that the TURDEAU Liberal government was almost the FIRST nation to ‘sign off’ on the entire fraud ‘treaty’…..But I have long expected this reaction by the GMO-HUMANS out there, as most are still glued to their idiot boxes to get any ‘news’ and of course the LYING WHORE MEDIA outlets are absolutely in league with our criminal governments and are NOT even talking about this horrific ‘Pandemic Treaty’ at all…. It is therefore apparent that most Canadians will only discover this ‘treaty’ AFTER it is put into place and starts making their lives a living hell on Earth…

OK… Time to discuss the REAL issue of today, which is of course yesterday’s massive Iranian ‘reprisal’ attacks on that sickening and grotesque ‘state’ of Israel, for that sick ‘state’s’ blatant attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus earlier this month…. And yes, in spite of the LYING WHORE MEDIA outlets trying so desperately to sway ‘public opinion’ into the false notion that this Iranian attack was ‘blatant’ and ‘unprovoked’, the facts remain that Iran has EVERY RIGHT to retaliate against the sickness of ‘Israel’ for what they have done… And from what I have read so far in terms of the result of this massive retaliation, I must applaud Iran for their massive success…

Yes, we have the LYING WHORE MEDIA trying to promote the outright lie that some ‘98%’ of ALL Iranian missiles and drones used in this assault on that sickness of Israel were ‘destroyed’ before they hit their targets… But a reality check will show that yes, so many of Iran’s DRONES were indeed intercepted and destroyed before they hit their targets.. BUT the Iranian HYPERSONIC MISSILES used in this. attack absolutely reached their targets and did considerable damage to several ISRAELI military bases….. What this shows is the fact that yes, slow flying drones are still prone to being shot down, but there is nearly ZERO defence against HYPERSONIC MISSILES flying at above MACH 5……

I have also wondered about Israel’s much ‘hyped’ IRON DOME so called ‘missile defence’ systems that have been said to make missile strikes in Israel an ‘impossibility’… But I must make it perfectly clear that I wrote several articles back in my ‘blogger’ days about the ineptitude and fallacy of this ‘IRON DOME’ system, as I have seen it as just a step above the failings of the horrible ‘PATRIOT’ systems that could not hit the broadside of a barn…. There was evidence that I presented then that IRON DOME was a complete fraud and was nothing more than a most expensive propaganda stunt that also could NOT shoot down even slow flying drones and cruise missiles, AND was a complete failure in regards to stopping HYPERSONIC missiles…. And from what I saw happen yesterday, I have been proven once again correct, as the ‘IRON DOME’ system was completely useless against Iranian HYPERSONIC missiles as most probably ALL of them hit their targets in Israel…

Thus, in spite of the typical PROPAGANDA put out by the lying whore media outlets, the Iranian assault was a complete success, and it has now sent a message to the psychopaths in that sickness of ISRAEL that they have ‘met their match’ in terms of trying to subdue and quite possibly try to get a war going against a most powerful Iranian nation…. The Iranians have done nothing that violates international law in fact, as they have followed UN ARTICLE 51 that states that any nation that has been ‘attacked’ by another nation has every right to retaliate in kind…

Thus here we are today, holding our breaths, and wondering what comes next? It is apparent now that the psychos in Israel will do EVERYTHING imaginable to poke and prod their puppet poodle nation called the ‘United States’ to now come ‘running’ to them and start attacking targets directly inside IRAN…. BUT to even get to Iran demands freedom of travel over some countries ‘air spaces’ and apparently Türkiye and many other Arabic nations are now saying ‘hell no’ to allowing the Americans and the Israelis to use their airspace to launch an aerial assault on targets inside Iran…..

Thus the US is now in a quandary, as they do have ‘limited’ options in terms of any ‘support’ for their JEWISH freak masters in Israel, including launching aerial assaults from the TWO Aircraft Carrier battle groups located in the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf right now….In fact, the Iranians have already informed the US that ANY attacks from those two battle groups would result in them putting the two Aircraft Carriers to the bottom of the sea via their Hypersonic Missiles that the American navy has ZERO defence against…..

So…What will happen next? Well, unless the psychos in Israel are now ready to escalate this ‘war’ against Iran into a full blown World War, there is not much that these psychopaths can do right now…. But knowing we are dealing with JEWISH freaks and criminals that absolutely are frothing at the mouth and wanting their ‘blood lust’ for war against Iran, something diabolical may be coming very soon…. The question about whether we are on the ‘cusp’ of a global conflict is still open to debate, and we shall see where this goes over the next day or two as apparently there is word today that ISRAEL is going to launch a form of ‘retaliation’ for the Iranian strikes starting as soon as tonight… Yes, the world is now holding its breath indeed..

And for those stupid American ‘Donald Drumpf’ supporters out there, I have bad news for you all as ‘Donald Drumpf’ has now shown his 100% JEWISH colours in stating that he is angry that the ‘Biden’ administration is not doing ‘enough’ right now to save his loved and cherished state of Israel… This alone once again proves that Drumpf is NO HERO to America, for he is 100% Jewish controlled and if he was in charge, we would definitely be in World War III thanks to his undying support for that criminally psychotic state OVER the American nation itself….I do hope that so many remember this when the ‘elections’ happen this coming November…

OK… Many continue to ask why I have this ‘hatred’ of the sickness of JEWS and their sick and twisted Demonic ‘religion’ called Judaism… And my answer is ‘Are you kidding me?” as I have long asked everyone to just take the time to actually READ what is in their twisted and sickening so called ‘holy books’ called the TORAH and especially the perversions enclosed in their ‘TALMUD’… All I have ever seen in reading these pieces of filth is perversions, sickening desires for blood and murder of everyone else that is not a ‘JEW’, as well as terrible actions taken against innocent children…. All that anyone has to do is simply read the ‘passages’ in the so called ‘TALMUD’ that calls for the destruction of children’s lives, especially sexual abuse of children, that shows that we are dealing with demons here… ALL that, and what is never told is that these foul creatures absolutely HATE the rest of mankind, and have been born and brainwashed into the false belief that THEY are the only humans on this planet and the rest of us are all nothing more than ‘subhuman’ beasts….. Thus it is apparent that these foul creatures have twisted the very terminology of the word ‘hate’ for THEY are the ones born and raised to HATE everyone else…

And I have never held back on my strong belief, that has been backed up with so many proofs, that these JEWISH freaks are the PARASITES of this planet… What I have found to be true is the throughout all human history, there has always been this group that has done nothing more than feed like PARASITES on the rest of humanity, doing nothing good for the benefit of humanity in the process… How we, as human beings, have ever allowed such a level of Parasitism to even exist on this planet today shows how we have indeed so much yet to learn and mature as a species… But that maturation can only happen if and when we remove such a level of sickness from our species first and foremost…

Well, I have probably turned a lot of readers off at this point, and all I can say is too bad… I am not going to back down from stating the obvious here, as I always ask the naysayers to please ‘prove me wrong’ in what I have stated above? And yes, so many will come out and say ‘what about the ‘good’ Jews out there?’ to which I remind them that even the ‘good’ Jews are raised and brainwashed by the evil teachings of their ‘holy books’ and that brainwashing has proven to be so hard to get rid of… Yes, there have been a few ‘good Jews’ out there, including BENJAMIN FREEDMAN who tried so desperately last century to warn the world about this Satanic death cult in our midst, but sadly so few have listened…..Thus this ‘good Jew’ concept is so limited and in reality remains nothing but a blip on the radar in regards to the sickness of the entire ‘tribe’ of parasites…

And yes, I have had some ask me; ‘What about Henry Makow?’…. Yes, I have looked at some of the works by Henry from time to time, and he tries to put out some ‘decent’ information… BUT Henry does still promote that massive and STILL unproven so called ‘holocaust’ of the Second World War that is so easily defeated quickly when ANYONE just does the simple mathematics to prove that mathematically it was clearly impossible… Thus, it is apparent that Henry Makow can NOT be trusted at all as he always falls back on the Holocaust ‘narrative’, screaming from time to time that it was ‘real, without even discussing the FACT that even that ‘narrative’ is completely impossible alone based on Mathematics, and that it should be wide open to full debate and investigation to prove its ‘authenticity’…… Thus I will NEVER EVER trust Henry until the day that he finally realizes that people want only the TRUTH, even in regards to this ‘Holocaust’… The bottom line is this; Henry does present a lot of good material, but he defeats his own purpose when he continues to scream the ‘holocaust’ narrative in our faces, as THAT just once again shows that he is a JEW that should never be fully trusted…

Well, the SCAMDEMIC is still going strong, as the psychopaths in charge of that massive fraud are definitely gearing up for ‘Round 2’ and just in time to unleash their fraud PANDEMIC TREATY as well.. Nothing is ‘by chance’ here, as we are definitely watching as the lying whore media outlets are now ramping up this ‘AVIAN FLU’ nonsense everywhere across the world… These psychos are definitely going to use this ‘AVIAN FLU’ nonsense to target ESPECIALLY those who have already taken so many KILL SHOTS and ‘boosters’ into their bodies, destroying their immune systems in the process… Thus with near ZERO defence against ANY contagion, this ‘AVIAN FLU’ will probably ravage and destroy so many of the GMO-humans out there that are not already sick and dying from the horrors of Myocarditis or even TURBO Cancer…..

But of course this ‘AVIAN FLU’ madness has an underlying sickness to it, which is to see so much of our food production facilities across the world shut down due to ‘Avian Flu’ being ‘detected’ in Cattle and Poultry supplies… There has long been a push by the criminal WEF group to see ‘Beef’ and even ‘Poultry’ production come to a standstill and to see everyone FORCED to abide by their demands to stop eating such products…Thus this ‘Avian Flu’ stupidity has come now and at the nick of time just to force everyone to stop eating healthy and real products but to dine on insect protein products instead….. Yes, they definitely will use this ‘AVIAN FLU’ garbage as their means of forcing us all onto a diet of eating bugs which is in itself carcinogenic and will cause irreparable damage to our health…

Well… I am indeed continuing with my observations of the GMO-humans out there, as I am so ASTOUNDED these days as to the sheer ignorance that most portray in regards to even understand who is responsible for the horrific damage on themselves and their health… It is sad these days in even trying to discuss ANYTHING with these mutated former human beings, as most are always not even wanting to ‘talk about’ what has been done to them…. This to me is a classic case of ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ to an extreme as these fools have had their minds turned to mush and are absolutely not even willing to fight back now against these monsters that have destroyed their lives….

The other factor that I have noticed with increasing horror these days, is how the KILL SHOTS that so many have took has now caused a ‘rapid aging’ effect…. I have seen so many that are still in their 30’s and 40’s NOW look like they are in their 60’s at least….. And their actions when they do daily activities are also affected horribly, as it is not only them looking like they have aged 20+ years in just the last 3+ years of taking these KILL SHOTS, but their motions and activities are of those that are also at least 20 years older at least…. This declining state of health in the GMO-humans has absolutely been inflicted by design, as the psychopaths in charge are indeed using so many different aspects of killing their victims, including premature ‘aging’ as one of their main goals…

And yes… I have been doing my utmost to severely restrict ALL contact with so many of these GMO-humans, for I have learned over the last few years that I am very susceptible to becoming very sick if I am in their proximity for any length of time… Thus SHEDDING is absolutely a REAL cause of concern for all of us, we the still safely UNVAXXED, out there and we ALL must take a lot of precautions when we do our daily business and activities….. The facts are that the GMO-humans are absolutely exuding a wide variety of different proteins in the material that they are SHEDDING, and we must avoid those toxic proteins at all cost…..

One last thing before I go onto my ‘last minute tidbits’… I have continued to read and view so much material these days, with absolute disgust, in regards to this sickness of ‘Modern Women’ AND I have ZERO sympathy for ANY of them when they realize that they have wasted their lives in being brainwashed by the FRAUD of ‘Feminism’ and only ‘hit the wall’ by the time they are in their 30’s and are then desperate to find a man in their lives as their biological clocks are ticking.. The facts are that most of these ‘modern women’ have done nothing than chase away ALL of the ‘good men’ out there as they have been brainwashed through ‘social media’ that they should be pursuing ‘perfect men’ out there which in most cases are nothing more than slime ball ‘chads’ that have no interest in long term relationships at all, but only want to screw most of them and in the process damage these women’s psyches and left them as damaged goods…. Thus ‘Modern Women’ have turned into a graveyard for most ‘modern men’ who rightfully are pursuing women with traditional values and who are truly loving women, overseas…. I absolutely blame the frauds of FEMINISM and of course the fraud of ‘Social Media’ for creating this situation, that has poisoned so much of our societies today…

OK… Onto my ‘last minute tidbits’, and once again I will try to keep this relatively short and to the point…. Will someone please explain to me HOW the Demon-rats in America can even expect now to somehow ‘win’ this November’s ‘Presidential vote’ when all they have is a severely brain damaged ‘Biden’ sock puppet to run as President that continues to do nothing more than shit his pants CONSTANTLY and can no longer even put two words together? Obviously, the Demon-rats on banking on something HUGE to happen very soon that will stop the ‘voting’ from taking place at all. Be ready, America, for this is coming………And besides the FACT that Drumpf shows his true JEWISH colours with his love of that sickness of Israel, he still will never back down from his ‘OPERATION WARP SPEED’ that has destroyed possibly 75% of the American people via the KILL SHOTS. The sad part is that most Americans actually want this criminal into the Oval Office this November, and I have to say to the American people to be careful of what they wish for……And I still am not sold on RFK Jr to be the ‘right choice’ for Americans and to be their ‘alternative’ to the other two crooks. He does have his JEWISH controller as his ‘VP’ candidate, AND he has recently once again shown that his allegiance is also to that sickness called ‘Israel’ first and foremost. Thus I again have to say that NONE of these ‘candidates’ will do any good for AMERICA at all, and that the American people have to take their nation back from their tyranny themselves………Well, apparently we are now into ‘INFLATION PART II’ supposedly as there are now ‘warnings’ out there that prices that have been skyrocketing everywhere over the last while will only ‘skyrocket’ even further over the next few months. Let us face reality here, as people are already barely making ends meet as it is right now with the prices they face for basic goods and food, AND this ‘new’ rising inflation should push most over the edge. A revolt by the citizens of our nations against this hyperinflation cannot happen soon enough……..Up here in Canada, that sick freak in charge, Justin ‘I am always smiling now as I have a tampon shoved up my ass’ TURDEAU did indeed make his ‘deposition’ at that recent ‘hearing’ about Chinese illegal influence in Canada’s recent elections, and I was appalled. It was apparent that you could tell this sick freak was lying every time he opened his mouth, and that he is 100% GUILTY in regard to his part in this Chinese treasonous influence. But sadly, nothing will be done, as this ‘hearing’ was nothing more than another sham, and Turdeau will indeed be ‘off the hook’ once again. I do hope Canadians remember all this, even though any ‘election’ here in Canada to have TURDEAU removed from office may be two years away…..Not much happening in regards to China and Taiwan as I have long expected, as most of the world’s limited attention spans are so focused in on the crisis in the Middle East these days. Suffice to say, but all of this talk about China ‘invading’ Taiwan remains nothing but nonsense and fluff for the gullible masses out there, and sadly so many have been treated as suckers as a result……The sickness of ‘transgenderism’ and other sickening aspects of this fraud of ‘Wokeism’ are all now and hopefully for good, on their death beds, as most everyone has turned against the sickening freaks promoting such horrors on humanity and especially against our children. Hopefully all of this sickness dies a most painful death, as they are detrimental to society and have had only the goals of destroying the very fabric of western societies, our families, permanently……The southern US border continues to be nothing more than a turnstile for all of that third world pieces of garbage and filth to come sauntering in and shipped across the US ( and yes, up here in Canada as well..) to destroy our cities. I have long said that this is all going according to the Demon-rat’s sickening plans to create havoc and civil war in American cities as their means of destroying the American republic from the inside. I just continue to be completely appalled as to the lack of any ACTION from the so called ‘American patriots’ that should be out there trying to save what is left of their failing republic before it is too late……Well, Arsenal is playing Aston Villa right now in EPL soccer action, and right now as I type this report the Gunners are tied with the Lions late into the game. I am still hoping the Gunners pull off the victory as every point counts now. in terms of standings…….Thankfully, and nothing new to ‘report’ on that sickening Kelce-Swifty circus, as I again must state that both of these foul creatures are sell outs to criminal JEWISH interests and therefore do not deserve our support at all…….. And finally, while the world holds its breath right now in regards to a possible World War, the limited attention spans of the general public still focuses in on trailer trash such as the KARDASHIANS in skank-ville. I have long said that these foul trollops and trolls do not deserve even one iota of our attention, and I have long held firm in saying that these useless morons should all just disappear. Nothing to see here, so just move along everyone…

More to come


One thought on “Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 14th 2024

  1. NTS,

    We are going to WW3, no doubt. Israel got an ass kicking so bad from the Iranian missile strike that the US has to rescue them.

    Regarding the Covid fraud Dr Geert Vanden Bosch stated that between 30% and 40% of the world’s population will be dead this year. 

    I think Trudeau and Biden have an agreement. If Biden changes Trudeau’s tampons Trudeau will change Biden’s diapers! 


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