Friday News: Trying To Make Sense Once Again About What Is REALLY Happening Around Our World

Yes..It is Friday and it is also ‘Good Friday’ for many out there of the Christian faith….

AND it is also time again to take a look at what is REALLY happening out there in our very sick and twisted world and try to make sense of it all…..

As I have said so many times before, the sicko freaks in charge of this planet are definitely up to something no good, and are probably going to unleash hell on Earth for the rest of us, as most of what is left of humanity is finally waking the fuck up and finally realizing that these are indeed very sick bastards who only want to see most of humanity murdered as we are in their twisted eyes the so called ‘useless eaters’ of the planet…. Therefore these freaks know their time is relatively short to get their ‘agendas’ in place that will see us all permanently locked down under their global enslavement systems….Thus I can see them now ‘going for broke’ before they are no longer able to pull the wool over everyones’ eyes, and WE the people are able to destroy their evil plans….

Yes… There is a lot to cover in today’s report, and I will do my best to try to touch on so many different aspects and subjects today.. I first want to start off by taking a look at what has been happening up here in my home nation of Canada, where that sick freak ‘in charge’, none other than Justin ‘I do hope that others enjoy shoving tampons up their asses as much as I do’ TURDEAU, who is definitely following EVERY aspect of the evil WEF guidelines for that criminal group’s lust for world domination, and has caused this once great nation that has so much to be proud of to now be on the road to total ruination…

And yes.. I was sent the following link to a most interesting article that came out earlier this week, where Canada’s criminal government controlled ‘RCMP’ or ‘ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE’ released a most troubling report that showed how most Canadians are indeed seeing their once great nation falling to pieces thanks to criminals such as TURDEAU AND that there is a ‘risk’ in the near future of a major REVOLT by the Canadian citizens themselves against the evil agendas of our sick government! Here is the link to that report, and be aware that this ‘report’ is ‘heavily redacted’ as expected:

Yes… I will state it clearly in saying that CANADA IS FUCKED if we the people of this once proud nation continue on this path of ruination and despair thanks to the EVIL WEF machinations of that twisted freak TURDEAU…. I must state it clearly that TURDEAU has done more damage to this nation and its citizens than ANYONE else has done in the rest of Canada’s entire 157 year history!!!

Yes.. Canada is FUCKED thanks to the criminals in charge… Which leads to the question about what are the sick and twisted goals of these WEF monsters that are so thoroughly wanting to turn Canada into their latest version of a huge enslavement camp for Canada’s near 39 million citizens? And WHY Canada of all places?

Well.. To answer some questions about Canada itself and to present some mind blowing information about how these sick and twisted ‘Globalists’ have always controlled Canada and have absolutely and purposely steered this nation into what eventually will be a massive enslavement camp of slavery for its citizens, I want to present the following link to a most important document that lays it all out about EXACTLY what these criminals are doing to Canada and their goals..Here is that document:

Yes.. THAT is a most important document, and one that must be read by ALL CANADIANS especially … I do hope my other truth seeking ‘partners in crime’ here in Canada do take that information and present it on their own websites as well…. Canadians must see the bitter truth about what these ‘GLOBALIST’ bastards are doing before it is too late to stop them!

The bottom line here… CANADA apparently has NEVER BEEN A FREE NATION… I have long believed this statement to be fact as more and more I personally have become aware over the years about the AGENDA that the monsters in charge have for this ‘nation’… I have sadly come to the conclusion that we as Canadians have only the ‘illusion’ of freedom and liberty, for the facts are absolutely to the contrary..

OK… Onto other ‘news’ and yes, I have spent a LOT of time over the last while going over in detail so many aspects of that FRANCIS SCOTT KEY bridge collapse in Baltimore Maryland earlier this week, and even though so many are stating that this was a ‘planned operation’ and possibly a ‘terrorist’ attack, I simply do not see it at all…..

OK, Right now there will be many that will be screaming that NTS is off his rocker and that he does not see this as an ‘operation’ and therefore ‘in the wrong’… But honestly and if you use rational thinking, the big question of exactly ‘who benefits’ if this was a ‘terrorist’ or a ‘planned’ operation… NOBODY really has ‘benefitted’ at all from this cargo ship knocking down that bridge at all, other than to see the port of Baltimore’s shipping traffic disrupted for a short time frame, as well as commuters not able to use that vital conduit for their daily travels and are now forced to take detours to reach their destinations…. Thus common sense has to be the rule of the day, and to me we have just seen a major ‘accident’ that was caused by several major problems…..

There are of course a whole shit load of questions about exactly HOW that collapse had taken place, especially in regards to the interesting ‘news’ that the cargo ship itself lost power during its passage towards the bridge AND made some peculiar turns in navigation before hitting the bridge’s major support structure pylons….. AND we have the following report that comes courtesy of ‘X’ AKA ‘Twitter’ where apparently the ‘black box’ on board that cargo vessel is missing ‘two minutes’ worth of vital data that coincides with the ship approaching the bridge pylons, which is indeed most unusual.. AND there are some questions about the ‘captain’ of that cargo ship, who’s name for the strangest reasons is being kept ‘secret’ (!).. HERE is that link:

Yes.. So many strange peculiarities with this one… But again for those who are indeed looking at these troubling inconsistencies, you have to ask yourselves ‘WHO BENEFITS?’ from bringing down that bridge??? If the sickos in charge of the US government had an ‘agenda’ for taking down this vital bridge I am still not seeing it yet…..If, as some are asserting, they wanted to do this as an ‘attack’ to start the full blown economic collapse of America itself, then there are other and better ways to do such damage rather than destroying this bridge at all…

But, to show both sides of this argument, I will present the following link to an article that comes courtesy of the NATURAL NEWS website at that makes the assertion that this bridge collapse was a ‘brilliant strategic attack’…. Here is that link:

Yes…. There are those who are saying that this was an ‘attack on America’, but again I have to ask ‘for what purpose?’ and of course ‘WHO BENEFITS?’…..There is nothing of beneficial value in the bigger scheme of things by causing this bridge in Baltimore harbour to be destroyed at all, other than to force the already bankrupt US government to come up with the billions required to replace the destroyed bridge….. BUT I will of course keep an ‘open mind’ and if something ‘earth shattering’ comes my way that proves this to be an actual ‘attack’ on America, I will post that information in a subsequent article…

Meanwhile, and in other ‘news’ we still have the aftermath of that heinous US/UKRAINE ‘terrorist’ attack on that Crocus concert hall in Krasnogorsk Russia, where the death toll as of today sits at 144 people dead….There are so many ‘misleading’ reports of course, especially from the lying whore media outlets that are out there to lead everyone down the wrong path and to lead them away from the real perpetrators of this crime… Suffice to say, but the ONLY ones out there that actually BENEFIT from this horrendous attack are absolutely the UNITED STATES and of course their puppet nation of UKRAINE…

Lets not beat around the bush here with this one.. All of those reports out there claiming that so many ‘intelligence’ organizations around the world were fully aware ahead of time that this attack in Krasnogorsk was coming is definitely out there for ‘fluff’ and to lead everyone astray… The FACTS are that there is only one group that ‘benefits’ from this attack, and they are the psychotic JEWISH freaks in Ukraine and their controllers in Washington DC… It has been obvious that with the Russians now heavily ‘winning’ everywhere in regards to the ‘war’ in Ukraine that the US and Ukraine had to come up with something dastardly and they decided on this strike against innocent civilians at the Crocus Concert Venue as an attempt to strike ‘fear’ into the Russian people….

And of course we have the fact now that the major ’11 perpetrators’ of that ‘attack’ in Krasnogorsk are now under Russian custody, where some of them are absolutely giving the Russian authorities the information that they have needed to go after the other facets of this conceived operation.. Which leads me to the following report from the Al Jazeera website at where the Russians have worked with TAJIKISTAN officials in arresting 9 additional individuals in Tajikistan itself that were involved in this operation.. HERE is that link:

YES, I will be waiting to see what comes further from that report, as it is clear now that these 9 individuals along with the 11 captured in Russia were DEFINITELY hired by someone to do this deed.. When the truth comes out and we can get the clear picture as to the WHO, and the WHY of this operation, I will have that here in a subsequent article as well… I can almost GUARANTEE at this point that the evidence will point absolutely squarely at the Biden administration in Washington as the ones who bankrolled this entire attack…

Well.. In terms of the actual ‘war’ in UKRAINE, I continue to see daily reports and especially those through the YOUTUBE “Military Summary’ channel, that shows that the Ukrainian army is losing nearly 500 combat troops per day in what is basically a massive slaughterhouse along the Donbas front in southern Ukraine…..

And to me, I simply cannot understand VLADIMIR PUTIN at all these days… Considering the FACT that the Ukrainian Jewish psychopaths in charge in Kiev just killed 144 innocent people near MOSCOW, and how Putin has been saying for the last week that he will seek revenge for that attack.. Then why in the fuck is he still playing games with these sickos in Kiev, rather than just thrown in EVERYTHING that he can into the war in Ukraine and have it finished off within a week’s time frame? All I see by PUTIN’s inaction and not taking REAL vengeance for that murder of innocent lives, is again him answering only to JEWISH interests that want to see the ‘war’ in Ukraine continue so that they can eradicate UKRAINIAN’S WHITE population….As I have long said, Putin is part of the UKRAINIAN ‘game’ as I have no other logical answer…..

Well… In terms of the actual ‘fighting’ in Ukraine, the main battle lines have barely budged at all over the last week as I have long expected…. AND to cover some of the ‘news’ about the actual fighting, I will present a few links to several articles here for readers to view for themselves..

Starting with the following report that comes from the RUSSIAN TASS website at that gives an overall picture of the fighting in Ukraine as of today, stating that the Russians have clearly seized the initiative and are now advancing ‘steadily’ against Ukrainian forces that are lacking both manpower and especially ‘ammunition shortages’ to stop the Russian advances.. HERE is that link:

Nothing in that report is unexpected as the UKRAINIAN army has no real forces to stop ANY Russian advances now…. It only leads to more enforcement of what I have been saying for a long time in that PUTIN could end this conflict within a week if he actually wanted to!

And I again have to take a shot here at the ineptitude and uselessness of those ‘vaunted’ American made M1A1 ABRAMS main battle tanks that are proving to be nothing but DUDS and huge wastes of money in terms of their abilities to be used against Russian forces.. For here is a report that comes courtesy of the SPUTNIK INTERNATIONAL website at that shows how the Russians are having a ‘field day’ in destroying ANY Abrams tank that dares even come close to the front lines… HERE is that link:

YES, so much for the vaunted ‘ABRAMS’ that has been touted to be this ‘super weapon’ and one that would change the outcome on the Ukrainian battlefield… These 75 TONNE monstrosities are nothing but a waste of US taxpayer money as their true abilities in actual combat against Russian forces has indeed proven themselves to be unmitigated disasters…

The bottom line here is that UKRAINE has not only and most badly already lost this ‘war’ against Russia, but now they are definitely just sending ALL of Ukraine’s remaining ‘army’ to the front lines to be slaughtered wholesale and for no logical purpose other than to have WHITE Ukraine basically bled to death…..I again am sticking to my guns here in stating that Zelenskyy in Kiev has his full intentions of seeing every Caucasian Ukrainian man and woman outright slaughtered as he is following the JEWISH demands of seeing Ukraine emptied of their WHITE population to make room for the twisted goal of turning what is left of UKRAINE into another ‘homeland’ for the JEWISH freaks…..

OK… Onto other ‘news’ and yes, I again will state the obvious in regards to the situation in the Gaza Strip, where the JEWISH psychopaths in that sick and twisted ‘state’ of Israel are definitely going to go into the Palestinian refugee camps now situated in and around the city of Rafah very shortly and absolutely MURDER ever single civilian that the IDF forces come upon.. This attack will probably happen as early as next week and it will be an outright massacre of innocent lives and one that the entire ‘world’ will turn a blind eye to as our nations are firmly under criminal JEWISH control…..

I again can only say ‘thank god’ for the nation of YEMEN that continues to be the ONLY nation on the planet that is fighting directly back against JEWISH tyranny, and continues with its relentless attacks on US/Israeli criminal ‘shipping’ in the Red Sea and in the Gulf of Aden…. It still troubles me in fact to this day about how so many other nations on this sick world of ours have not followed Yemen’s lead and also cut all ties with that criminal psychopathic ‘state’ of ISRAEL and come to the full support of Yemen in their cause….

There have been relatively few reports this last week about the ‘success’ of Yemen’s attacks on criminal ships still trying to make their way through the Red Sea to Israel, but a few have surfaced such as the following one that comes from the C4ISRNET website at, where an ‘unidentified’ American warship apparently ‘successfully’ fought off an attack by Yemen HOUTHI drone forces in the Red Sea just a few days ago.. HERE is that link:

I am surprised that there are not more reports such as this one.. But recently those reports have all but ‘dried’ up as apparently there is a push for censorship now to prevent the real reports about any Houthi successful attacks against these ships from reaching the internet and therefore the general public.. I expected as much, as the ‘news outlets’ do not want to show the truth that the nation of Yemen is indeed giving these criminals a black eye!

And for those who do not like these reports, claiming that I should not support these actions by a nation such as YEMEN, I have news for those naysayers.. EVIL is EVIL and I will absolutely support ANY GROUP or nation around our planet that has the BALLS to stand up against such evil, always…. Yemen of all places is doing what we ALL should be doing instead of continuing to bend over and kissing JEWISH ass!

OK… Onto other ‘news’ and I do want to cover as much as I can with some interesting real news before closing today’s report…

Starting with last week’s criminal trial in America where that JEWISH criminal, Samuel Bankman-Fried finally had his sentence read and was found GUILTY for his horrible theft of BILLIONS of dollars from ‘investors’ in his FTX criminal scheme and now faces as much as 25 years in jail for his actions… Here in fact is the link to a report from the ZERO HEDGE website at about the aftermath of that ‘trial’ and the sentencing of this sick freak Bankman-Fried, where he is suddenly ‘remoreful’ for what he has done! HERE is that link:

Considering the fact that the US ‘judicial system’ is near fully controlled by these JEWISH criminals, I was actually surprised that this freak was found ‘guilty’ and was sentenced to 25 years in jail in America… I had expected that this Bankman-Fried would have probably been ‘EPSTEINED’ and secretly whisked out of America to spend the rest of his miserable and criminal life safely in that hell hole called ISRAEL where there would be no ‘expediting’ at all for his crimes.. But instead he will indeed see some time in ‘jail’, but the question is what type of ‘jail’ for we have seen in so many of these cases where these criminals get sent to a ‘jail’ that is not much more different than a country club!

And in terms of the southern US border ‘crisis’ where those illegal third world pieces of diseased garbage just continue to saunter into America completely unabated, vetted, or stopped for ANYTHING at all, I continue to wonder about exactly how many of these freaks have been ‘allowed’ into America in just the last barely 4 years of the ‘BIDEN’ administration?

Well.. To give everyone a scope as to how MASSIVE this invasion of America actually is, I want to turn to the following report that comes from THE NATIONAL PULSE at that gives a realistic estimate of some 13.7 MILLION invaders marching into America in just the last 4 years under Biden alone! Here is that link:

YES.. THIS is and has always been an outright full blown INVASION of America… And I again have to shake my head in disgust in asking WHERE are the AMERICAN patriots out there that should be up in arms and trying to stop this full blown invasion before it becomes too late for AMERICA itself? All I continue to see and read in that regard is crickets chirping…

And guess what? I do remember in my long conversations with my former colleague, John Kaminski, where John stated that through his long list of sources that the REAL number of invaders crossing the southern US border in just the last 4 years has been 20+ MILLION! I have no doubt that John’s figures were absolutely accurate, and to me that 20 MILLION plus only means that the criminal Biden adminstration is absolutely committing blatant TREASON against the American people….

Well.. In terms of that ‘circus’ that the US ‘Presidential elections’ have truly become, I have written many times about how NEITHER pant-shitting Joe Biden, or that other criminal Donald ‘Operation Warp Speed’ Drumpf, are or will ever be the ‘right choice’ for the gullible American people, as BOTH are fully controlled by EVIL JEWISH interests. If either of these two slime balls get into the US ‘White House’ this coming November in that upcoming FRAUD of an ‘election’ then America will continue to be truly FUCKED as the JEWISH criminals in charge in America will only continue their rampage in seeing America go down the toilet..

But what about Robert Kennedy Junior and his apparent ‘LIBERTARIAN’ campaign that is supposed to be an ‘alternative’ for Americans? Well you can forget that notion, for RFK JR has just shown his true colours and how he is 100% backed and controlled by criminal JEWISH interests with his ‘strange’ selection of none other than JEWESS “Nicole Shanahan” as his Vice Presidential candidate…. Many have been asking WHY he would ever select this snivelling JEWISH freak that is a hard core ‘leftist’ and will only bring ruination to America if she gets in as VP? And the answer is relatively simple as RFK Jr needs a LOT of JEWISH money for his campaign and I will state that since this ‘Shanahan’ foul creature continues to be his major contributor for his entire campaign, the payback for those contributions has been to have her as his ‘ running mate’… Thus RFK Jr once again shows how he answers ONLY to criminal JEWISH interests and thus there is NO REAL ALTERNATIVE for the American sheeple this coming November if you are stupid enough to vote for ANY of these JEWISH controlled candidates….

Well.. Hopefully I have touched on at least a FEW issues that we see around us at this point… I have continued to receive an abundance of great new reports about the SCAMDEMIC of course, and will try to present that information this coming Tuesday in my usual ‘SCAMDEMIC NEWS’…. If something ‘earth shattering’ comes about over the next while, I will present my own reality check on that subject in a separate article… So, until this Sunday and my usual weekend rant…

More to come


2 thoughts on “Friday News: Trying To Make Sense Once Again About What Is REALLY Happening Around Our World

  1. The Shanahan web of Jewish deceit stinks to high Heaven.

    Looks like debauched Khazar money has finally put paid to participatory democracy for good. Illuminati Jew money controls the entire election process.

    The Jewish cabal controls all the Presidential candidates. And this probably true in all the countries where elections are scheduled for 2024.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good post.

    Re. the Russia “terr-ist” attack I look at it like I do most heinous crimes here in greater Orwellia called kosher planet earth… First thing I think about is what it is meant to do to the group mind… because I believe that is what they think about most often.. Also, of course we know “Isis” but perhaps they got away from that.. is all about influencing the group mind and was founded by jews…

    What did it accomplish? It’s telling they just had some poll in russia (If anyone can believe their biased polls)… that showed everyone gung ho on war (goyim death for jew money and real estate).

    Secondly and this is actually huge… it got minds off their sickening starvation genocide of everyone in Palestine, and the US sending many more weapons to the inbred retards in Israel … “silently” as an article just stated.

    The group mind is their whole battle.. and we need to ignore the hell outta them right now… hating them is OK though.


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