Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 17th 2024

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Sunday… And time once again for my weekend rant..

The weather up here in central Canada is so agonizingly slowly becoming more warmer by the day… It is apparent that WINTER does not want to let go yet in these parts, but the expectations are a return to more ‘seasonal’ springtime weather come the beginning of April…

And yes.. I continue to try to knock some common sense into the numb skulls and brain dead out there that have had their intelligence turned off by the bullshit called ‘Climate Crisis’… I again must reiterate that there is NO ‘climate crisis’ at all, as yes the climate does change and it is called ‘weather’!

It is apparent that the psychopaths in charge are still trying to fool everyone into this ‘climate crisis’ bullshit, for as I have repeated it many times before, they want this ‘crisis’ to be one of their major ‘platforms’ for their desire to have us all enslaved permanently to their very whims… It is a FACT that is staring at everyone in their faces, that these pricks have absolutely no intention of ever following their bullshit ‘green initiatives’ that they are trying to ram down our throats as they do believe that they are ‘above everyone else’ and will continue to abuse this planet to their own desires and likings…. YES, ‘climate crisis’ rules and restrictions for the pee-ons and slaves out there, but not for we the ‘elite’….

OK…. I have continued my daily observations of the GMO-humans out there and I continue to be just exasperated in seeing most of them still as brain dead and moronic as ever…. As I stated in previous articles, I have continued my personal ‘crusade’ to try to read these brain dead and heavily shot up with the KILL SHOT morons, and all I am getting from them now is such crap as ‘mind your own business’ and ‘I do not care about it any more’ as their answers… It is becoming more painfully apparent by the day that the psychopaths that want to see as many as 7 BILLION human beings either DEAD or turned permanently into something that is not even human have succeeded in their endeavours as those who have been permanently damaged via the KILL SHOTS are sadly wanting to ‘move on’ with their lives, no matter how shortened and permanently destroyed those ‘lives’ have become… As I have said many times, you cannot fix stupid no matter how hard you try! And it shows when dealing with the GMO-humans out there..

Just a few days ago I was warned by my contacts in the US that the US criminal government may once again attempt to impose ‘lock downs’ and ‘restrictions’ on the gullible American people.. And their excuse this time may be the ‘exploding’ cases of MEASLES as well as possibly the still upcoming release of their long planned new ‘variant’ of their CORONAVIRUS that continues to be dubbed ‘Disease X’…. And one astute researcher also stated that these maniacs may actually be contemplating a return to using ‘PCR tests’ on the gullible out there, and supposedly first try to implement that fraud ‘test’ on passengers and crews taking airline flights across the US and internationally…

Yes… On top of still trying to shove KILL SHOTS into the suckers out there by claiming a ‘new deadly virus’ is out there, they are indeed going to once again use the fraud of PCR to get their latest batch of ‘new cases’ of that same fraud ‘deadly virus’ just to scare the gullible and stupid out there into accepting loss of freedoms…. I have already covered in great detail in previous articles the FACT that PCR aka ‘Polymerase Chain Reaction’ is absolutely 100% NOT a valid ‘test’ at all for any diagnosis of ANY disease, but is actually a variation of an ‘amplification tool’ used to get enough material to THEN be used by another ‘test’ to verify a medical diagnosis… PCR itself can NOT give an accurate diagnosis no matter how it is employed or how may ‘cycle counts’ are used in laboratories, as it requires further diagnosis testing to verify positive results, and thus when we have this claim of ‘positive tests’ from using that application tool alone, that is 100% a lie and complete bullshit!

The sad part is that we are living in an “Orwellian world” where most of what used to be humanity but is now ‘GMO-HUMANS’ with shortened life spans, are still as stupid as ever and will accept so blindly the idea that we are once again in ‘danger’ of somehow dying from these ‘deadly viruses’…. AND yes, most of these GMO-humans will once again line up again at those fraud ‘testing’ facilities to have 6 inch cattle prongs shoved up their noses by inexperienced ‘testers’ who will damage their sensitive cribriform plates in the rear of their sinus cavities, to get ‘material’ to be tested fraudulently by ‘PCR’….. I used to just laugh my face off several years back in seeing so many of the dumbest examples of humanity lined up for BLOCKS at local ‘testing facilities’ so willing to throw their lives away to be PCR ‘tested’, and yet recent history is probably doomed to repeat itself very shortly…. Yes.. What this entire SCAMDEMIC has proven, sadly, is that most of humanity is indeed as stupid as fence posts….

Well… I am not in the least bit shocked in seeing new reports about the EXPLODING cases of TURBO CANCER that are happening everywhere…..What is not being reported about these rapidly rising cases of Cancer, of course, is that nearly ALL of these sudden cases of TURBO CANCERS are in those who have been heavily injected with the KILL SHOTS… Coincidence? Absolutely not, for the psychopaths in charge have long known that IF they are unable to get their death numbers and mass genocide by turning human beings into mutations, then they purposely placed several other ‘agents’ into their death jabs that would absolutely give the victims of these KILL SHOTS inoperable and deadly CANCER…..Thus the idea that millions if not BILLIONS of victims of these deadly injections are walking around unknowingly carrying ‘stage 4’ Cancer in their bodies is all according to plan…. The monsters that want to see nearly 7 BILLION dead around the world by their lethal injections know exactly what they are doing and have all the bases covered indeed…

Someone asked me recently about how there is now very strong evidence that those who have taken these KILL SHOTS are indeed ‘glowing’ under ultraviolet light… I have long been ‘intrigued’ by this concept and have seen so much evidence now that those who have been turned into GMO-humans are indeed glowing in an orange hue when exposed to 365 nanometer wavelength light in the ultraviolet spectrum….. Some have sent me further evidence that this ‘glow’ was exactly what the psychopaths in charge have wanted, as it may be one of the side effects from that still being researched ‘LUCIFERASE’ compounds that have been incorporated into these lethal injections…. I am not sold on this being their ‘mark of the beast’ that many have claimed, but suffice to say I have indeed ordered myself personally a 365nm wavelength flashlight that I will keep on hand just in case, and to see for myself if indeed the GMO-humans are putting out this most strange ‘orange glow’ off of their damaged bodies…

Well.. I have absolutely been watching closely the actions and interactions of the GMO-humans out there these days, and sadly I have to report that the mental state of nearly all of those who I have come into contact with seems to be on a rapid decline…. I have continued to watch in horror when some of them seem to just ‘wink out’ and suddenly do the strangest actions that you would never see BEFORE this SCAMDEMIC hell began…..It is at times frightening to see them lose their complete common sense and abilities to rationalize or use logic in their day to day activities and sadly this type of situation will only INCREASE as the antigen Spike Proteins permanently being manufactured by their own cells does its handiwork in destroying their brain tissue…..The facts are that it is getting pretty ‘bad’ out there, and I do expect this troubling situation to just get worse as time progresses….

And yes.. Some have once again asked me about the ‘smell’ of the GMO-humans that I have noticed over the last few years… I must say that I apparently am ‘hyper-sensitized’ to the GMO-humans, as when I have been even in close proximity to a lot of them I find myself feeling sick for some time afterwards… Thus I have made it my personal policy to ‘limit’ my exposure to so many of them and thus have not noticed much of that sickly smell over the last while… That and with it being WINTER in these parts, most of the GMO-humans are heavily bundled up from the intensive cold and those layers of clothing have ‘blocked’ a lot of that sickly smell that is being spewed out of their pores constantly… However, with SPRING approaching and everyone taking off those winter layers of clothing, I am expecting to once again get a ‘whiff’ of that strange odour from time to time… I will indeed report on what I observe in this aspect in upcoming articles….

Well… The clock is definitely ticking now up here in this formerly free nation called “CANADA” as that heinous SOB in charge, Justin ‘I absolutely love the feeling of tampons being shoved up my ass’ TURDEAU, is trying to ‘ram through’ that criminal new ‘law’ that has been labeled as ‘Bill C63’ in Canada’s ‘parliament’ that will absolutely destroy all vestiges of ‘rights and freedoms’ in this nation permanently…

The sad part here is that when I do approach the denizens and the ‘GMO-humans’ out there here in central Canada with the facts about this most evil and diabolical ‘bill’, most give me that ‘deer in headlights’ look in their eyes, and some even state flat out that they have never heard about this ‘bill’ at all…. I have asked some where they are getting their ‘news’ and most say that their source for ‘news’ is via the idiot boxes as well as ‘printed newspapers’, AND with that I have my answer as to WHY most Canadians are in the dark about this ‘bill’… The LIBERAL regime in Ottawa controls nearly ALL of the so called ‘media outlets’ and thus the information ‘televised’ to the gullible Canadian people.. That, and ‘printed newspapers’ are also controlled by much of the same criminals as the other media outlets, and any ‘reports’ about this horrendous ‘bill’ are curtailed in that source of information as well…. Thus what we have is some 38 MILLION Canadians completely ‘in the dark’ about the implications of what will happen if and WHEN this ‘bill’ gets passed in our crooked government, and most will be very sorry as Canada as we once knew it will be DEAD….

Yes, I am not pulling any punches here in stating that IF the TURDEAU regime is able to get this ‘BILL C63’ made the law of the land, it will be curtains for nearly ALL forms of free speech for every Canadian.. This ‘bill’ will basically outlaw free speech, as it will have ANYONE arrested, fined, or even face JAIL TIME if they speak out in any manner against evil or criminals out there, and/or somehow ‘offend’ anyone with their statements…..That, and apparently it will also allow ‘judges’ who are as corrupt up here in Canada as well as the US to ‘decide’ to put any Canadian citizen into jail or under ‘house arrest’ for just the suspicion that they could, in the future, ‘offend’ anyone!!! Yes, imprisonment for even having the ‘thought’ of offending someone, which is madness…… This is basically nothing short than pure tyranny and shows how Canada is about to become a totalitarian state of 100% tyranny that would make ANY previous dictator in Communist or other totalitarian states blush….

AND yes, I have been asked repeatedly over the last while what will happen to myself and so many other real truth seeking Canadians out there IF this horrendous ‘bill’ gets passed into law? Suffice to say, but it would be the END of my writings and the end of this site, for I would definitely one of many Canadians targeted by those who will claim that I have ‘offended’ them by the information that I present… THIS site and other information that contains my name or even my NTS moniker would have to be deleted and shut down permanently just to save myself from the Canadian ‘thought police’ who would be in action goose-stepping across Canada and arresting anyone for having improper ‘thinking’ processes…..Yes, this is a dark future for myself and indeed ALL of Canada if these lunatics get this ‘bill’ passed into law..

The question of course is WHY is TURDEAU so badly gunning to have this ‘bill C63’ made the law of the land for Canada? And the answer is so obvious as Canadians have FINALLY awakened to the dangers that WEF reject from clown college is doing to Canada by his criminal acts…. I have seen several articles in fact that state that the WEF supreme powers in charge have ‘ordered’ their minion nations to purposely impose these horrific ‘laws’ on their citizens just to muzzle all dissent against their evil plans for world domination, and apparently TURDEAU being one of their main poodles and psychopaths in charge here in Canada is absolutely obeying his ‘marching orders’ by ramming that ‘bill’ down our throats…. The bottom line is that IF this ‘bill’ passes here in Canada, then there could be ZERO real opposition against Turdeau and his evil plans, and those who do try to speak up against such evil are thrown into jail! Canada will no longer exist in its present form as it will be nothing more than a 100% dictatorship that makes even North Korea pale in comparison….

OK… So what can we do here in Canada to stop this ‘bill’ from becoming law? I say this to my fellow Canadians that we ALL must become the messengers for the masses and alert EVERYONE around us about what is to become of Canada thanks to TURDEAU and this most evil ‘bill’… We all can start protests everywhere and on EVERY street in Canada, as well as contact ALL of those who are supposed to be ‘representing’ us in Parliament that we are all dead set against this evil ‘bill’ and demand that they listen to those who actually ‘voted’ for them… We as Canadians have to become a most ANGRY people and not sit idly by as our once proud and ‘free’ nation gets destroyed…..And yes, if all else fails, then it may come the time for the Canadian people to finally rise up, get off their couches, and actually march on Ottawa to force these lunatics to stop trying to ruin our nation… I am not advocating a ‘revolution’ at all, but we as Canadians must definitely take action to save our nation from these tyrants…

Well… That is about all I wanted to discuss in this ‘rant’…. Some have asked me how I am enjoying my ‘retirement’ and I will say that after 9 months now of ‘freedom’ from that hell hole ‘corporation’ that was indeed out to FORCE lethal injections into my body, I do not miss that type of tyranny at all.. Yes, I do miss my personal interactions with other employees at times, but I do periodically keep in touch with some of them from time to time just to see how they are handling things without myself to kick around…. It makes me laugh when I hear these days how so many of them are now ‘seeing the light’ and have turned into the same form of radicalism that I expressed in my last few years working under such tyranny, and I do ask them WHY they did not listen to me 2 or 3 years ago when I saw that form of tyranny for myself and became outspoken about it in the process! It has taken some time since I formally retired last year on July 1st to finally unwind from the damage done to my mental psyche by the criminal ‘management’ running that evil corporation, but now I see myself as a free person not having to ever put up with such bullshit ever again…. Once the “dust is clear” and I have been at least 1 year into retirement, I will probably let readers know the name of that corporation so that they can be warned about what it is really like to deal with that firm and how they ONLY care about profits and keeping employees under their thumbs…

OK… Onto my ‘last minute tidbits’ and once again I will try to keep this one ‘simple’ and to the point…. I continue to maintain my contacts with so many Americans via emails, where most are still just falling over themselves in ‘support’ of that most evil JEWISH criminal Donald Drumpf. I have done my best to warn them about Drumpf and especially how he is 100% JEWISH and totally under JEW control, and most simply say ‘they do not care’ as Drumpf is still ‘better’ than that sick freak Biden. It has indeed come down to the fact that Americans are having to ‘choose’ between the ‘lesser of two evils’ and thus are all rooting for Drumpf to make a ‘triumphant’ return to the White House in November… And again Americans had better be careful of what they wish for with Drumpf in charge, for he was absolutely the monster behind the heinous ‘OPERATION WARP SPEED’ that shoved KILL SHOTS into as many as 250 MILLION Americans, giving them all a one way ticket to certain death! I will state it plain and simple therefore in that with Drumpf you Americans will probably be as FUCKED as when you had ‘Biden’ in charge over the last 4 years……..And about ‘creepy’ pant-shitting Joe Biden? Well, the news last week was about how Biden and his other criminals in charge supposedly wanted to ‘overthrow’ that lunatic in charge of that psychotic ‘state’ of Israel, Benyamin Milikowsky. I will state it flat out here that the JEWS of course control America, and this ‘attempted overthrow’ of Israel is pure garbage and fluff for the gullible masses to absorb. The facts are that the JEWS control Biden 100% and this ‘overthrow attempt’ is pure unadulterated bullshit….The recent ‘news’ that French President Emmanuel Macron is not only a flaming homo, but his ‘wife’ that most ugly Brigitte Macron is and has always been a man. Macron can scream all he wants to the French ‘press’ and threaten everyone that states that he is being poked by a bull dyke, but facts are facts as he is 100% in a relationship with a tranny….. The American southern border invasion by every disgusting degree of filth and human garbage continues unabated and with no stopping until America is destroyed. But now we have this incoming problem with Haitian ‘refugees’ who are just as disgusting and filthy as that garbage crossing the southern border, about to come flooding into the southern US states, especially Florida, by ‘boat’. And yes, these foul creatures will bring as much death and destruction to American cities as those other invaders, if not worse, since their average IQ is at best 67! And I have seen reports that these ‘Haitian refugees’ also practice the horrors of ‘cannibalism’ to boot! Just great, and I can only imagine what will happen when this type of sickness is unleashed in the streets of American cities to come……Saw reports about how some American ‘colleges’ and ‘universities’ had the gall over the last while to FORCE their students to watch ‘anti-white’ propaganda filth. Honestly, is THIS what has become of the AMERICAN (not much different here in Canada..) so called ‘education’ system when students are purposely indoctrinated with fraud ‘hate’ against WHITES? And yes, this is being done purposely as the JEWISH wet dream remains to see ALL whites aka Caucasians on the entire planet destroyed by all means necessary……Saw reports where it states that modern men are no longer even bothering to date ‘modern’ women at all. And yes, I saw this happening, as any sane ‘modern’ man can see how frauds such as ‘social media’ and even the horrors of ‘feminism’ have been out there purposely to DESTROY modern women and in the process destroy our natural want for families and children. This is all by design, and once again the JEWISH criminals have almost everything to do with this destruction as it is yet another pillar of their plans to ruin our societies….Saw some ‘economists’ out there still trying to claim that ‘inflation’ is now under control, and I have to laugh. Obviously these fraud ‘brainiacs’ have not spent time like us pee-ons in grocery stores and even other retail businesses to see for themselves that prices are still rising out of control and with no end in sight. Reality is indeed a bitch here, as I too have yet to see ANY signs that ‘inflation’ is somehow declining anywhere I look…….Saw a new report earlier today that apparently the CDC in the US has just had a study confirm what I have said for the last few years, in that these DEADLY KILL SHOTS not only cause a wide assortment of ailments to the suckers that have stupidly taken them, but also shortens their life expectancy by up to 24 years. Yes, take the death jabs, and watch your life get severely shortened in the process indeed…..And yes, there is still a lot of ‘news’ about that fraud ‘social media’ platform called ‘TIK TOK’ with the latest that the JEWS are wanting to control that platform themselves. Nothing new here, as nearly ALL ‘social media’ platforms are under their control and are being used to manipulate the GENTILES stupid enough to actually use them. As I have said so many times, get rid of your ‘social media’ garbage and NEVER look back……..Saw recent ‘news’ about how some ‘social media’ garbage and other ‘news outlets’ are slamming University of Iowa’s star Basketball point guard, Caitlin Clark, for her ‘disrespectful’ actions after Iowa’s recent wins in Basketball, and suffice to say that there would be ZERO outrage against Clark if she was ‘Black’. Thus this ‘outrage’ is of course out there because yes, Clark is a WHITE woman who is indeed a most gifted athlete……And yes, Arsenal is not playing in EPL action this week, and I am going through soccer withdrawals as a result. Luckily I have been paying attention to MSL soccer here in North America as I have been watching Argentinian superstar LIONEL MESSI play for Miami in league action instead. Seeing Messi play for MSL soccer is a huge boost for the entire league, and many are now noticing….Thankfully , nothing ‘new’ in regards to that twisted and sickening ‘Kelce-Swifty’ stupidity this week. Yes, two useless human beings with nothing great between either of them. Maybe something ‘earth shattering’ next week….. And finally, in the twisted and freakish world of Kardashian comes a new report last week about how the ‘CLIMATE nut cases’ are now going after main skank and trollop KIM for her supposed ‘abuse’ of her ‘private jet’ in making 5 trips across America in just the previous week alone for her ‘personal business’. To me, and beyond the spewing of the climate nutcases out there, this shows the level of sickness of these useless human beings, as they flaunt in everyone’s faces that they have their own private jets that they use and abuse as they desire, as well as their avarice and gluttony thanks to the hundreds of millions of dollars that they get from the brain dead US public that actually watches their ‘antics’. When will Americans finally say enough is enough and force these useless air breathers to just disappear forever?

More to come


2 thoughts on “Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 17th 2024

  1. NTS,

    Some good news. A co-founder of the WEF has called for the arrest of Gates and Schwab. I think his name is Pascal Nadaji. He’s a big time banker in Switzerland. He is slowly dying from the jab and his mother is also dying from the jab.

    Yes I understand your animosity towards Trump, but there is no way Biden can be re-selected. Biden is not only senile but is full on criminally insane. Alex Jones has sources in the White House. Biden wanders around naked in the White House in front of everyone and shits on the floor while drugged out of his skull. He also hits and kicks his dogs.

    Just when I thought Biden couldn’t be anymore evil he orders a floating pier to be built in Gaza. The cover story is that this floating pier is for the delivering of humanitarian aid. It’s not! It is to evacuate Palestinians. What a politically motivated evil plan. The people vetting these poor Palestinians will be US Military flunkies!

    The death jab is taking hold here in Northern Virginia (NOVA). At the grocery store the amount of people having their groceries delivered is beyond belief. The delivery people have their cars literally packed to the ceiling with grocery deliveries. I think people are too sick to go shopping.


  2. There were many writers/thinkers throughout the past who posed the concept that this planet is an insane asylum for other far more intelligent regions of the universe.

    And others of similar background were even more on target when they agreed, but posed the question “Is this planet another planet’s hell?”. The tribe that never had a civilization made it this way, and it boggles the mind that there are inmates that consider their “god” as the real deal.


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