Is Robert F Kennedy Junior The ‘Savior’ That America Has Been Waiting For? Not A Chance In Hell!

I was asked the other day to write at least ONE article about ‘Robert F Kennedy Junior’ who indeed has ‘thrown his hat’ into the American political circus in his attempt now to seek the ‘Democratic’ nomination for the upcoming 2024 Presidential ‘elections’. I will say that IF the ‘voting’ was somehow fair and actually not fixed like so many previous US ‘elections’ than MAYBE RFK Jr. did stand a chance in unseating that heinous pant-shitting pedophile psychopath that presently demonizes that American Oval Office, Joe Biden… But since the ‘vote’ is just a laughable circus now in America, it remains anyone’s guess as to how the criminals that select the US Presidents will fix the 2024 vote….

OK, There have been SO MANY out there that are now thinking that RFK Jr. is indeed this ‘saviour’ of America and that somehow if he survives the American ‘deep state’ that surely, if he sways away from Jewish control in any form, would put a couple of bullets into his head….. BUT I see several aspects of RFK Jr that have me shudder to think what this person would actually do if he is ‘selected’ to be the next US President, and I want to share those thoughts with my readers in this report…

First of all, RFK Jr has a most ‘colourful’ and ‘sordid’ past that many are now trying to bury and cover up… AND I want to first present the following interesting article that comes from the NEW YORK POST (which I usually call the New York Compost for their mostly bullshit articles..) at that shows how RFK Jr has a long ‘sex diary’ of many affairs with possibly hundreds of women over the previous decades before the publication of this article back in 2013….HERE is the link to that article:

NTS Notes: John Kaminski brought this article and OTHER information about RFK Jr’s long list of ‘affairs’ to my attention just recently, and we had a long discussion about what is ‘wrong’ with RFK Jr himself… I for one found some of the evidence in that article shocking, especially how this discovery of this ‘red book’ by RFK’s former wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, most probably led to her committing suicide!

But of course many may say that we can NEVER trust the ‘NY Post’ which may be true.. But the facts presented in that article, published nearly a decade ago, should have some people digging further into RFK Jr and his entire mindset and platform as he pursues the US Presidency in 2024…. AND knowing myself how nearly ALL of the Kennedy men including President John F Kennedy, and Robert F Kennedy, were ‘horn dogs’ that screwed any women in sight and have a long list of ‘conquests’ (JFK himself was estimated to have at least a thousand affairs…) anyone can see the pattern…..The ‘apple’ may not fall far from the trees in terms of the Kennedy men….

OK, Besides the possible ‘affairs’ of RFK Jr, we have some very troubling other aspects about this man, especially his apparent absolute support of the FRAUD of man caused ‘Climate Change’…… HOW bad is RFK Jr’s ‘support’ of the lie of ‘Climate Change’, you may ask? Well, feast your eyes on the following report that comes from the CRYPTOGON website at where apparently this US “Presidential Candidate” has said clearly that he wants to see ALL ‘Climate Skeptics’ in the US PUNISHED by ‘laws’ for their stance against the entire BULLSHIT… HERE is that link:

NTS Notes: AND to further show how badly RFK Jr wants to see ‘climate deniers’ put into jail for simply using common sense, we have the following link to an article from RENSE at for everyone to see and watch the enclosed video:

NTS Notes: THIS sickening aspect, even more than his ‘affairs’, just chills me to the bone… How this man, who many are hailing as an ‘antivaxx’ crusader’ can be so blind to the reality that man caused ‘Climate Change’ is indeed nothing but an elaborate hoax and is being used to ENSLAVE mankind is so troubling, and should have Americans thinking twice about ‘voting’ him in in 2024….

OH, And about this continuing claim that RFK Jr is ‘firmly and positively anti-vax’? Well, here is yet another article, with an attached video, that shows how RFK Jr is actually very much PRO VACCINE and how he wants policies to basically shove ‘vaccines’ into every American citizen! HERE is that link:

NTS Notes: Why am I not shocked here? I have never been sold on RFK Jr, in spite of all of this rhetoric about how he has been firmly against the fraud ‘COVID 19’ KILL SHOTS… He may have come out against that fraud that is NOT even a ‘vaccine’ by a long shot, and yet we find him firmly in support of shooting up Americans with a wide variety of ‘vaccines’ that are now proven to be harmful? Hypocrisy? You bet!

Well, I do hope that readers do get the message here, as ‘RFK Jr’ is absolutely NOT this ‘hero’ and ‘saviour’ that America needs in 2024… IF the American people do decide to put this person into power to replace the pedophile monster Joe Biden, then they have to be ‘careful for what they wish for’ indeed, especially with his supporting the fraud of ‘Climate Change’ that will surely destroy American industry in the pursuit of its idiotic programs….

And NO, THIS is no way a slam against ANYONE who now sees RFK Jr as a great ‘hope’ for change in America and to change the horrific policies that the COMMIES in charge have done to the once great American republic.. I am only asking that most do not be blinded and do their diligence in understanding what RFK Jr is really all about and to get that information out to others as well…..

And yes, America does indeed need a ‘change’ in their leadership so desperately… But the anointed clowns that we are seeing out there, from Drumpf, to Desantis (Who just revealed his true nature in vetoing a much needed Florida bill that would have stopped ANY WHO ‘health’ laws from destroying the people of Florida!), to RFK Jr, and others, are NOT the great ‘hope’ for the American nation, as that hope most definitely lies in the American people themselves taking back their nation and putting an end to the criminals’ control once and for all.. If that requires a new American ‘revolution’ then so be it, for the alternative is to see what was truly a great superpower, and one of hope for all humanity, perish from this planet…

I will indeed be keeping tabs on this ‘RFK Jr’ and if I find other interesting information, will post it up here in subsequent articles… So stay tuned..

More to come


One thought on “Is Robert F Kennedy Junior The ‘Savior’ That America Has Been Waiting For? Not A Chance In Hell!

  1. NTS,

    Most concerning is RFK Jr’s climate change agenda.

    “China ramps up use of COAL despite pledges to go “carbon-neutral””

    He doesn’t understand that the climate change accords are non-binding. China and India will do what they want. They will never go carbon neutral.

    If he has Ashley Biden type scandals then he needs to be called out. I don’t know if the NY Post is trustworthy.


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