Monday News: Scamdemic, Ukraine, And Of Course Other REAL News

Yes, welcome to Monday, the beginning of a new week, and further happenings in terms of the collapsing financial systems across the planet… I must reiterate to readers that NOTHING in terms of this pre-planned collapse of the world wide financial system is happening by chance, as the criminal psychos in charge have long wanted to see us all lose our life savings as they want to force a one world government, one world digital currency system, down our throats!

OK, Enough of that short ‘rant’, as it is time once again to get down to business and take a look at some REAL ‘news’ happening around our sick world…..And as I usually do I want to start off by attacking the SCAMDEMIC head on as THIS is absolutely THE greatest act of genocide and mass murder of humanity in all of our history…

And of course we have the madness of some of our so called ‘health industry’ experts that are out there trying to push everyone right around the world into taking as many ‘boosters’ as possible of the deadly KILL SHOTS, making the claim that the initial ‘shots’ as well as initial ‘boosters’ do not do the job in ‘preventing COVID ‘ at all, and that the only way according to these criminals that one could be ‘immune’ from this bullshit of ‘COVID’ is to be ‘up to date’ on their boosters! To me, this whole scheme is sheer madness as the facts are that these shots DO NOTHING to prevent ANY disease and the more boosters one takes, the closer the retard taking them is to death!

But, it gets even better, for I want to present the following report that comes from the NATURAL NEWS website at where apparently the psychos in Australia are now pushing the already shot up and damaged Aussies into taking a ‘5TH BOOSTER’ at least while claiming so falsely that each ‘booster’ is ‘only effective for several months’! Here is the link to that report:

Yes, Australia is already FUCKED, as the citizens of that locked up state have long been demanded to have ALL of these injections just to be able to live and work in that nation.. .The result now is seeing Australia having one of THE HIGHEST death tolls from these KILL SHOTS of any nation on Earth..

And now, the Australian criminal ‘government’ is pushing even MORE ‘boosters’ into the already immune compromised and health destroyed bodies of the Australian people, which will only further the damage and cause possibly MILLIONS of Aussies to die in this coming year alone.. This to me is sheer madness, and I do wonder WHY the Aussies have not gone into full blown revolution against the criminal psychopaths in Canberra for wanting to see the entire nation dead?

So, while Australia is now going to hell in a hand basket, with millions about to die from these lethal injections, the news elsewhere does give us some hope that the people are actually and FINALLY waking up.. For I want to present the following link to another report that comes courtesy of NATURAL NEWS, where apparently the GERMAN Health Minister has come out (finally) and stated that the COVID-19 KILL SHOTS are indeed harmful, after spending the last few years of this entire SCAMDEMIC with claims that these concoctions were ‘safe and effective’ and without any ‘side effects”.. HERE is that link:

OK, So now the GERMAN Health Minister has come out and spoken the truth that these concoctions are deadly? So WHERE are the German people now that should ALL be up in arms and rioting in the streets demanding that the Berlin Government be toppled for murdering the citizens of Germany for the last few years using these KILL SHOTS? I have been looking for such a report today, and there is NOTHING coming from Germany itself!

And of course not a peep from the lying whore media outlets about what has just happened in Germany at all.. But of course we all know by now that these criminals in the ‘media’ were part and parcel of the entire agenda of mass genocide, and that they will surely try to keep this bombshell news out of the public eye and just continue to push the sheep out there to take even MORE boosters into their already heavily damaged bodies….

AND… I continue to get a LOT of links to some very interesting reports, articles, and even scientific papers, from my great readers and I cannot thank them enough for their efforts in this fight for humanity… In fact, I want to present here the following link to an interesting “preprint” scientific abstract from Doctor James Thorpe and a few other fighters in this war against the SCAMDEMIC, that shows the TERRIBLE impact of these KILL SHOTS on pregnant women and on the menstrual cycle in so many women who stupidly take these death jabs into their bodies.. Here is that link:

Yes, this is something that I covered in some detail over the last few months, as one of the main troubling aspects of these shots early on that I discovered is how they are weapons of mass STERILIZATION in all women!

And finally, at least in terms of my reporting on the Scamdemic for today, comes the following link to an article from the SLAY NEWS online at where apparently children are now DYING at alarming rates and in greater numbers now that in previous decades… Here is that link:

Yes, it is painfully OBVIOUS what is causing these children to die at ‘ alarming rates’ and it is 100% due to these KILL SHOTS being stupidly administered to them with their own parent’s ‘consent’!

As I have said so many times, it is obvious that this entire program of subjecting humanity to these lethal KILL SHOTS is purely genocide and the want to exterminate as many human beings as possible… And one of the primary aims of these sick monsters behind this program of mass death is also to exterminate our children to end future generations as well… I just hope that readers continue to get it, and try their best to alert EVERYONE around them about the sheer stupidity of putting these death jabs into their bodies….

OK, I have been beating the SCAMDEMIC to death now for well over 3 1/2 years… Time once again to turn my attention towards the ‘war’ in Ukraine and the latest happenings in terms of the REAL news rather than the bullshit that the lying whore media outlets continue to falsely portray..

I do want to start off of course with the latest and fully updated map of the major battle front centred around the key Donbas city of Bakhmut…. Here once again is that map, which comes courtesy of the great writers over at SOUTHFRONT at, for everyone to view for themselves:

As I have said now for the last two weeks, the Russians continue to basically bludgeon the Ukrainian ‘defensive forces’ in and around Bakhmut, turning the entire city and its surroundings into a meat grinder of death and destruction for the Ukrainian ill equipped and under trained forces…

And yes, the losses by the Ukrainian defensive forces at Bakhmut continue to be STAGGERING with recent estimates now well over the 100000 mark and climbing… Ukraine can ill afford any more losses at Bakhmut and the SANE move would have already been to withdraw what is left of the defensive forces in and around Bakhmut to better and well prepared defensive lines WEST of Bakhmut itself… But remember that we are not dealing with ‘sane’ leadership in Kiev that has been sending in ill equipped and untrained civilians into the battle of Bakhmut where they are being slaughtered en-mass by the better trained and superior Russian forces…

And of course to give an overall perspective and summary of today’s fighting in Ukraine, I want to present the following link to a report that once again comes courtesy of SOUTHFRONT that gives great detail about today’s fighting and adds the report that the Ukrainian forces are somehow being prepared by NATO to launch an ‘offensive’ against the Russians very soon… HERE is that link:

OK, I have heard rumblings and seen the recent reports that the Ukrainian military is indeed being ‘prepared’ to launch a major ‘offensive’ against the Russians.. But I am troubled as the Ukrainian military does NOT have the trained forces any more for such an endeavour and therefore this ‘offensive’ if it does actually happen would consist nearly ENTIRELY by NATO forces alone…

That, and exactly WHERE would the Ukrainians launch this ‘offensive’ and hope for some success? The Russians are now well placed in and around Bakhmut and are ready for any type of Ukrainian attacks, so obviously this offensive has to happen elsewhere, and I do suspect that it may be in the southern region around Zaphorizhe in a push to reclaim the nuclear reactors at Zaphorizhe and to try to push south to cut off the Donbas ‘land bridge’ to Crimea…

If the Ukrainian (NATO) military is indeed about to try to launch an attack in and around Zaphorizhe, good luck to them as with Russia’s near total control of the Ukrainian skies and their superior fire power, such an attack could result in a catastrophe, with thousands of dead NATO forces and be beaten back with heavy losses on the Ukrainian side….The Russians are no fools and guaranteed they will see this coming and be well prepared to turn it into a debacle for the psychos in Kiev…

And, in my last two reports on the actual situation in Ukraine, I called attention to the boneheaded maneuvers of the leadership in Poland, who have already stated that they would ‘commit’ at least a dozen Soviet era MIG 29 fighter jets to Ukraine, and have been stupidly ‘poking the Russian bear’ with their statements that they would possibly come into the conflict in Ukraine itself if Russia is on the verge of ‘winning’… In fact, I want to turn to the following report that comes from RUSSIA TODAY at that covers this clear insanity on the part of Poland, for everyone to see the link to right here:

Yes, I wonder what the fuck the leadership in Warsaw is actually thinking? Poland is not in any shape or form able to take on the Russian Federation, and even if NATO backs them in their push to enter Ukraine directly, their forces are NO match for the Russian forces at all….

Basically, if Poland actually decides to enter the conflict in Ukraine, it would signal the jump from a war between Russia and Ukraine directly into a war between Russia and NATO which would be catastrophic for the entire planet…. This is yet another reason why I would dearly love to see the RUSSIANS finally get their great ‘offensive’ launched NOW rather than later just to put Ukraine out of its misery and free the Ukrainian people from the evils of that Zelenskyy maniac in Kiev NOW! The longer Russia now delays in launching that attack that would finish the conflict in days, the greater the risk that some boneheaded Moron in NATO will cause the war to become global…

OK… I figure that is enough for the moment in my ‘daily news’ on the war in Ukraine… I do want to turn my attention elsewhere and onto the ‘financial news’ for today where things are going from bad to worse as the world is now definitely heading towards GLOBAL financial collapse that is 100% being done on purpose..

In fact, I do want to present the following interesting link to a report from KING WORLD NEWS at where a financial expert, Egon Von Greyerz, is saying the obvious that we are now definitely headed towards world wide financial collapse.. HERE is that link:

Yes, I will not fall for fear mongering, but it is painfully obvious that this has ALL BEEN DONE ON PURPOSE, and that the criminals behind this entire world wide collapse had it planned out MONTHS if not YEARS ago… These monsters want to see a world wide ‘panic’ of unprecedented magnitude that will instill enough FEAR into the masses that we all will blindly accept their ‘digital currency’ system as the ‘way out’ of this mess…

And honestly is there really an ‘escape plan’ that people can use if this is world wide? Probably not, other than to take your money and life savings out of banks and put it into more secure places and/or turn it into physical Gold and Silver… Other than that, there has to be resistance from the masses and demands that the real perpetrators for this crime get their day in court and then summarily hanged for such destruction…

Always remember that these psychos want people to be filled with FEAR for they know that FEAR is a powerful psychological weapon that will cause the most gullible out there to cry out for ‘help’ from higher authorities that absolutely WANT people to be turned into slaves via their ‘digital currency’ scheme…

Well, I will be keeping close tabs on this ‘financial crisis’ as it will indeed be interesting where these criminals go, and how far they are willing to allow such destruction on their own citizens… But in the meantime, I want to turn my attention to something interesting that came my way just a few days ago from an avid reader to this site, where apparently the criminal ‘Federal government’ here in Canada has been sending around ‘white vans’ across Canada, to harass those who have been safely ‘unvaccinated’ to apparently gather blood samples and apparently to try to push more Canadians into accepting the KILL SHOTS into their bodies! Here is that video, courtesy of BITCHUTE:

OK, I am not surprised at all by this, for it shows how LOW the criminal TURDEAU leadership will go in trying to FORCE Canadians into taking these deadly KILL SHOTS….. I have long suspected that these monsters would eventually resort to banging on the doors of the ‘unvaxxed’ sometime in the near future, where they would have the ‘unvaxxed’ take these deadly injections by FORCE…. Seeing these ‘white vans’ being rolled out and sent across the country is just one step below this level of criminality indeed..

I will of course be following very closely what is happening up here in this formerly free nation called Canada, and of course I am awaiting further ‘news’ on the sickness of the ‘Prime Minister’ himself, Justin “I do prefer 12 year olds than my beard Sophie any day” TURDEAU and his criminal actions in what I have been calling ‘China-gate’ that should have this prick already in jail on charges of TREASON!

But in the meantime, I have other ‘fish to fry’ and I want to cover some other interesting ‘news’ here before I close today’s report…

Is it just me? Or has anyone else bothered to read the shocking reports about how nearly 400000 gallons of radioactive waste water was released late last week from the “Xcel Energy” nuclear power station at Monticello Minnesota just outside of Minneapolis? I did, and to me something has just happened at that facility that ‘officials’ are so desperately trying to cover up!

In fact, I do want to present the following link to an article from the STATION GOSSIP website at that covers the ‘news’ about this massive leak in Minnesota in some detail… Here is that link:

OK, to me ANY leak coming from a nuclear power station should have everyone alarmed… What exactly happened at that facility that caused this ‘leak’ is still anyone’s guess… But the facts are that 400000 gallons of radioactive water has indeed been released into the upper Mississippi River system that will surely affect everyone downstream all the way to the Gulf of Mexico….. To me, XCEL Energy has a lot of explaining to do, and especially to the citizens of Minnesota which is just south of where I live here in Canada…..

And.. We are still awaiting ‘word’ as to whether or not former President Donald Drumpf will be ‘arrested’ tomorrow on sham charges stemming from his supposed affair with ‘Stormy Daniels’ several decades ago that has since been settled out of court, and should have outlived its legal time frame… But again, the DEMON-RATS in charge in Washington are looking for ANYTHING now to try to have charged against Drumpf, for any criminal charges should disqualify him from running in the Presidential race in 2024… So far, the ‘news’ is a mix of will Drumpf be ‘arrested’ or not? We shall find out tomorrow, and yours truly will have a follow up ‘news’ report to cover the REAL happenings in terms of this sham….

Well.. That appears to be it for the moment, and once again I can NOT cover everything happening right now in our very sick world but instead cover some of the major events that should interest readers… I will of course continue with these ‘daily news’ reports as I does give me a chance to cover so much more in one article rather than a whole load of separate articles at this blog… So, until tomorrow and as usual….

More to come


One thought on “Monday News: Scamdemic, Ukraine, And Of Course Other REAL News

  1. NTS,

    There is just too much going on!

    I listened recently to the interview with RFK Jr and Sasha Latypova. It’s beyond astounding. I have no idea why lawyers, both private and public, can’t cut through the bullshit and arrest, prosecute and convict these criminals. Apparently our US FDA and CDC are fronts for a US Department of Defense contract to develop and manufacture these poison shots.

    The whole thing is called ‘pseudo law’ by Sasha and these people involved are murderers.


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