Saturday News: Of Course More On The SCAMDEMIC, The War In Ukraine, And Other REAL News!

Well… I am finally on the road to recovery after enduring much of last week with a bout of Sinusitis… My head is finally clearing up and the headaches are gone…. I DO want to thank those readers that gave me a long list of products and supplements to try to get over this illness, and I have taken a few things that were recommended…. And honestly, I absolutely HATE getting these infections as they do knock me for a ‘loop’ at times..

But good old NTS is back… And I have been reading since early this morning one heck of a lot of material that has been sent my way, and via just surfing the internet for research….. Thus I do once again want to start off this report with my usual shots at the SCAMDEMIC, as I have to remind readers from time to time that THIS is THE most important event of our lives, and if we lose this ‘war’ then our very futures could be lost…..

And one very astute reader that sends me comments from time to time, asked me to take a look at an interesting report that was just released yesterday, via the ‘HAL TURNER RADIO SHOW’ online news service at that claims that nearly 1/2 TRILLION ‘free roaming’ ANTIGEN SPIKE PROTEINS are released into the suckers that take one of the criminals’ so called ‘boosters’! AND that their heart damage done by these killer SPIKE PROTEINS is phenomenal and results in their hearts being permanently damaged and/or destroyed! Here is the link to that article for readers to view right here:

I also did the calculations myself in that link provided, and yes you do come up with that phenomenal ‘435897435897’ number based upon the figures presented…

Thus we once again have further proof that these foul and most deadly injections are fucking up the hearts of its victims… And the damage done to heart tissue is indeed PERMANENT also for the basic fact that heart tissue itself is one organ material that has probably the worse time in trying to repair itself….

That and we must again realize that once the cells in and around the Heart are transfected into producing Spike Proteins on a permanent basis, the damage done to the Heart goes on and on until the victim DIES from HEART failure…. The sad part being that there are BILLIONS of suckers out there that have taken these KILL SHOTS and ‘boosters’ that do have permanent heart damage and that damage will most probably kill them all within the next few years….

And I actually have about a 1/2 dozen more links that I will try to put up at this report for today just focused in on the horror show of these KILLER antigen Spike Proteins and of course the KILL SHOTS themselves… One in particular was most alarming and I do want to focus on that article’s very disturbing findings here….

I have long reported in so many previous articles that these KILL SHOTS absolutely DESTROY the immune systems of those who are stupid and retarded enough to take them….. In many of my previous articles I showed proof positive that nearly everyone that takes even ONE ‘dose’ of these horrendous death jabs will doom themselves to a life of despair as they have basically given themselves AIDS, or what is now called “VACCINE induced IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME” aka ‘VAIDS’ for short…. AND the MORE ‘boosters’ that these retards line up to so willingly take just magnifies this horror show to the point that the victims have ZERO immune systems left to combat ANY illnesses at all!

And therefore I want to turn to a new report that comes courtesy of the NATURAL NEWS online website at that shows how ‘getting vaccinated’ for this fraud called ‘COVID’ leads to near complete collapse of the immune system! HERE is the link to that report here:

Yes, this once again vindicates exactly what I have been stating now for well over 2 years… How quickly so many have forgotten that in my original reports about these mRNA experimental crap shots that the developers psychotically and purposely incorporated some of the genetic material for HIV in their concoctions… This is fact and not fiction, and we are now seeing the dividends of their sickening aspirations come to fruition with everyone that takes these KILL SHOTS now having AIDS!

Thus, and once again, we have so much evidence that these KILL SHOTS are definitely THE most evil concoctions ever created in all mankind, and are done intentionally to MURDER as many human beings as possible… The last estimates for the actual death toll by this point are easily in the 500+ MILLION range and is continuing to climb making 2023 the deadliest year in all human history..

But I am not done yet, as I do want to present one more interesting aspect about these deadly KILL SHOTS, and it has to do with the man now in control of that criminal ‘social media’ network called ‘Twitter’, none other than Elon Musk himself…

Many should be aware by now that Elon Musk has taken at LEAST one of these death jabs, and just today he supposedly sent out a ‘Tweet’ via ‘Twitter’ that even I have found alarming, and shows that even those who supposedly should know better and have some ‘intelligence’ have been played as fools by these KILL SHOTS.. Here in fact is that ‘tweet’ that shows that Elon is suffering from the adverse effects of taking his SECOND dose right here:

OK… This indeed shows that even Elon Musk is not as ‘bright’ as many have claimed.. He states that he felt like he was dying from taking the second KILL SHOT, and actually hopes that there is no ‘permanent damage’?

But this is typical, as we still live in a world surrounded by SHEEP that do not have a clue at all that these things are indeed DEADLY! I personally have continued my own observations of the sheep around these parts and they are as brain dead as always, just clamouring for even MORE DEADLY ‘boosters’ to be shot into their bodies, for fear of that still unproven and magical ‘disease’ called ‘COVID’! Yes, you cannot fix stupid no matter how hard you do try, definitely!

Well, I want to turn away for the time being from the SCAMDEMIC, as once again I have ‘other fish to fry’… Which leads me to the latest news concerning the ‘war’ in Ukraine…

And first, as I typically do, I want to present an updated map of the present battlefront situation in southeastern Ukraine, where the Russians are STILL and steadily enveloping the key city of Bakhmut…. Here in fact is the latest updated map of that situation courtesy of the great writers over at the Southfront website ( for readers to view right here:

Military Situation In Bakhmut-Soledar Region On January 21, 2023 (Map Update)

Yes, as noted in the information presented on that map, the Russians continue to seize towns on both the north and south sides of the city of Bakhmut, with what is obviously the intention of entrapping the Ukrainian forces within Bakhmut itself that will undoubtably lead to the surrender of tens of thousands of Ukrainian AND NATO fighters…

AND there has been a key and most important major event that has happened starting yesterday, where the Russians have now launched a brand new offensive aimed at seizing the Ukrainian city of ZAPOROZHIE, north of course of their already controlled major nuclear power station along the Dneiper River… Here in fact I want to present a most interesting article that also comes from the Southfront website, that covers in detail the ‘military overview’ of that situation near Zaphorozhie, along with other information to help readers get ‘up to speed’ about exactly what is really happening in Ukraine right now.. Here is that link:

Yes, what has been happening is the Ukrainian military, in their need to bolster their already weakened forces in and around Bakhmut, have had to pull forces from other defensive fronts including those around Kherson to the south as well as Zaporozhie… The Russians so obviously knew about these troop movements and have now sprung a brand now offensive against the weakened Zaporozhie front, with the latest news that I read earlier today seeing Russian forces already more than 15 KM deep into Ukrainian territory…

And of course all this is taking place by the bolstered Russian forces along the southern fronts in Ukraine, while the bulk of the Russian forces to the north especially along the Belarus front, waiting the word to spring into action in that long awaited major OFFENSIVE that should end the entire conflict once and for all….

So… Here we have REAL news and not that garbage promoted by the liars in the lying whore media outlets about what is really going on in Ukraine right now….And I have read reports about how the pricks in NATO, including the scumbag government here in Canada, continues to send their ‘military hardware’ including armoured personnel carriers to Ukraine, which to me will all turn into toaster ovens for any Ukrainian soldiers that are unlucky to be seated within them!

You want an example as to how useless these armoured personnel carriers are, including the US BRADLEY useless machines, in REAL combat? I want to present the following report that also comes from the Southfront website, where a CANADIAN ‘armoured personnel carrier’ known as the “SENATOR” was attacked by Russian forces, and indeed turned into a flaming hulk of scrap metal due to that attack… Here is the link to that article:

Yes, here we have the proof that the sinister “LIBERAL regime” here in Canada is sending military hardware into UKRAINE only to see it utterly destroyed by the superior firepower of the Russian forces… Honestly.. WHAT A WASTE, especially in terms of any Ukrainian/NATO forces that may have been unlucky enough to be on board that ‘Senator’ at the time of the Russian strike!

And that article also shows how much waste in terms of Canadian taxpayer dollars has now gone into this ‘conflict’… That article states ‘BILLIONS’ in direct aid to the criminal Zelenskyy government in Kiev as well as now over a BILLION dollars in direct military hardware! All that money should have been spent here in Canada, especially in helping the homeless and those in poverty, but instead has been thrown away by those TURDEAU maniacs into UKRAINE!

Well… I do want to touch on a few other ‘news’ items before I do close today’s news report… And I do want to start off by presenting here the link to the latest article that came out just the other day by my fellow Canadian real truth seeker, Greencrow, who writes her blog over at … In Greencrow’s article, that I do have the link to, you will see some of the real happenings both here in Canada, as well as over at that horror show in Davos Switzerland where the criminal WEF is about to now wrap up their ‘meeting’ and absolutely fuck every one on this planet with their latest ‘agenda’ of pure evil… Here is that link:

Again, kudos to Greencrow for this fine report, and one that covers a wide range of important information for my Canadian readers and friends… And yes, when we look at that scumbag LIBERAL regime in Ottawa and its evil ways, “Power” does indeed corrupt!

And I do want to answer one ‘critic’ here to this blog, as he/she has come out and claimed that I am ‘wrong’ about there being NO CURE for the antigen SPIKE PROTEINS released by the transfected cells of those who have stupidly taken the KILL SHOTS… That person sent me an email just a short time ago asking me to take a look at the latest news coming from Jim Stone’s website at, where apparently Jim has come out and said that it was worth a try in taking foods that release a chemical known as ‘Bromalein’ that supposedly KILLS Spike Proteins… HERE first is that article from Jim Stone:

RUMOR: Bromelain plus NAC destroy the spike protein

UPDATE: A reader calculated the actual doses needed to destroy the spike protein and they are not attainable in real life. /update

I am putting this down as rumor because with AI out there shitposting it could be the opposite. HOWEVER – 

Bromelain is in pineapple in copious amounts. It is robust and will survive pasteurization so processed pineapple (in juice) still has practically all of it. Already a con artist is saying it is only in the core, where there is less bromelain than anywhere else in the pineapple.  Have you ever noticed when eating pineapple that it seems to eat you too? Bromelain is quite literally a digestive enzyme and it is the bromelain that does that, it is not the acid in the pineapple doing that. The juice and yummy parts of the pineapple contain the most bromelain.

NAC is found naturally in very large amounts in raw uncooked onion and also to a lesser degree in garlic. Though a small amount will survive cooking, it will be diminished greatly so it is much better to eat the onions raw. Like on a nice, thick cheeseburger.

The only question is, is this legit? considering how they wanted to ban NAC supplements along with the ivermectin, I’d say there is probably something to this. What are they going to do next? ban pineapple and onions??? Or are they going to GMO the benefits out of them??

If I got jabbed, I’d say this is worth a try. 

Coulden’t be easier, could it? And that’s exactly how the so-called “elite” would have it if one of their own accidentally disastrously somehow got the real shot. How much do you need? Bromelain is such a huge portion of a pineapple that only 1 ring per day would do the trick. But who eats only one? And there’s so much NAC in onion I would assume that one appropriate hamburger slice per day would do it, but with onion I don’t know for sure. 

OK, I have read about this chemical from ‘pineapples’ and other sources for some time, and YES, there may be something here in terms of this chemical killing Spike Proteins that are generated from transfected cells… But the KEY issue here is that this chemical may indeed kill Spike Proteins that are released, but what about the transfected cells themselves? People have to realize that even if this chemical works against Spike Proteins, it does NOT shut off the transfected cells as they will continue to pour Spike Proteins into the body as their are programmed to do..

The ONLY real ‘cure’ remains to be where the transfected cells of the victims are somehow returned to normal by a ‘reverse transfection’ that changes the DNA of the affected cells back to ‘normal’… NO ‘chemical’ will do that, period, and thus the only way to fix this problem of transfected cells is for another ‘gene therapy’ that may be able to change cells back to their normal state BEFORE the victims started taking the KILL SHOTS…. Do we see this type of injection being offered ANYWHERE across the planet? OF COURSE NOT, for the facts are that the sinister pricks behind this mRNA ‘experiment’ absolutely want their victims to be destroyed… None of these monsters invested one penny into a ‘reverse genetic process’ what so ever…

And on the ‘men identifying as women and participating in women’s sports’ fiasco, I saw the following interesting report from the ‘DAILY SIGNAL’ online at where apparently a US Judge has finally had some common sense and has now BARRED biological men from competing in women’s sports against biological women… Here is that link:

When I read about this victory for women, I said thank goodness… Personally I am sick and tired of this entire fiasco, as biological men are MEN and are NOT women no matter how much they attempt to mutilate their bodies… To me, these transgender men are indeed freaks and mental cases that surely need HELP psychologically AND to stop trying to suddenly think that they are something that they were not born as….

The facts are that I have been so sick and tired over the last few years about this fraud of ‘transgenderism’ and especially how it is being used by the SICKOS in charge to ruin our children… THERE ARE ONLY TWO SEXES, MALE AND FEMALE, and do not let people try to convince you otherwise……

I just hope that this victory leads to a massive awakening across our planet as to how MEN should never be allowed to compete in any athletic event as WOMEN and vice-versa…. I have said that those who have militated themselves or are so psychologically damaged that they think they are a sex that they are not, to be able to compete ONLY against other freaks out there…

And last but not least, comes this ghastly news out of that meeting of psychopaths and freaks over at Davos Switzerland, where the WEF itself is now criminally pushing their latest ‘agenda’ of the imposition of their DIGITAL ID and DIGITAL monetary system, by the ‘introduction’ of a “NATIONAL DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE” program that will be used to ‘monitor and verify’ the user’s ‘vaccine status’ AND potentially push the agenda of where the safely ‘unvaxxed’ people out there will be forced out of society entirely due to not taking the KILL SHOTS! Here is the link to a report from the “RAIR FOUNDATION” website at ,where none other than former UK “Prime Minister” the hideous and most evil Tony Blair himself is pushing this horrific agenda:

Yes, We all knew that the WEF Davos criminals would never let go of their ‘SCAMDEMIC’ and are now going to try to use it to impose this ‘Digital system’ by FORCE on everyone, especially those who have been smart enough and brave enough to NOT take the KILL SHOTS!

And of course who else but that freak Tony Blair that has always been a criminal as well as a major proponent of the WEF ‘new world order’ agenda being at the forefront of this push… I just hope that the people of the world will absolutely RESIST this evil plan and hopefully have the WEF fully exposed for the monsters they are and put out of their misery…

Well, that about covers it today in what I see is some of the REAL ‘news’ happening around our sick world… I will of course be presenting my weekly rant tomorrow and hopefully cover some more of these events as well as other important issues that I always give some rational and my own two cents worth of truth… So until tomorrow, stay tuned..

More to come


2 thoughts on “Saturday News: Of Course More On The SCAMDEMIC, The War In Ukraine, And Other REAL News!

  1. I find it incomprehensible that you actually believe 2007 WEF Young Global Leader Musk to have taken the jab – just because he said so. They’re all liars! He said so because he’s positioned his social media organ as a bulwark against censorship and he’s fond of describing himself as a man of the people instead of the ever privileged POS that he is. Like Jew shill Peterson, who also claims to have taken 2 doses of the killer serum, Musk wants the gullible public to regard him as “one of them/us.” These job of these 2 assholes is to waste people’s time commiserating with them (“this is our fight”) or cheering them on. Fuck ‘em all.


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