The War In Ukraine: Summary Of Present Events

Believe it or not, but I am still in the ‘closing stages’ of this horrible bout of Influenza that has ravaged me for the last week…. I can tell that I am ‘getting better’ but the headaches and coughing are still persistent… YES, this indeed has been one heck of a nasty bug and I sure as hell do not wish it on anyone else…

And I just wish the naysayers would give it a rest when they claim I came down with ‘COVID’… That ‘ship has sailed’ so long ago, as that 100% fraud has been already proven to be the greatest hoax in all history… But you have to love these ass clowns for they need something to talk about as they linger way in their parents’ basements….

OK, Onto the subject at hand, and once again I want to present further updates on the war in Ukraine which is VERY REAL and is now into its 20th day of Russian operations to free the entire nation from the scourge of the US run puppet regime in Kiev that so ruined the country and its people for the last 8 years….

We are now seeing ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ so to speak as the Zelenskyy criminal regime is now openly wanting to discuss terms of surrender with the Russians… AND this makes sense for the fact is that Zelenskyy is trying to save his sorry ass and is trying to hold onto power in hoping that the Russians will accept the idea of a neutral, non-aligned Ukraine with himself as ‘head of state’…. To me, this prick should be in jail for what he has done including pilfering the Ukrainian people for over 2 BILLION dollars that is claimed now sitting in his personal ‘off shore’ bank accounts….

Well, enough of that rambling…I want to once again present the link to today’s update on this, the 20th day of Russian operations in Ukraine, from the Southfront website at for everyone to view right here:

I do appreciate the work that Southfront has been doing in giving us the FACTS about the present battle lines in Ukraine… AND to those who have claimed that Southfront’s information is not ‘legitimate’ I sure would love to see these naysayers PROVE IT, for the facts are that the LYING WHORE media outlets are NOT giving anyone such details about the actual fighting in Ukraine at all!

AND yes, once again day 20 of this invasion has seen the increasing emphasis to conclude the capture of the key Sea of Azov port city of Mariupol… Here is another link to an article from Southfront that explains WHY it is so important to have Mariupol under control now:

I have been reading reports on the battle for Mariupol closely over the last few days, and to me this emphasis is on saving the civilian population that is being used 100% as ‘human shields’ by the diabolical ‘Azov neo-nazi brigades’ which is indeed a war crime….

That and with the evidence that I showed in yesterday’s report about how the Zelenskyy regime has put hired western ‘mercenaries’ into the battle in Mariupol shows how diabolical these criminals truly are and how they will resort to any means of dirty tricks to try to promote and escalate the bloodshed in that embattled city…

I have also been looking for a GOOD map of the present situation in Ukraine that shows true and valid battle lines… I can no longer even trust the crap that the LYING WHORE media outlets promote for they are so badly inaccurate and do not even show the magnitude of the advances that the Russians have made into Ukraine at all…..

Yes, many may say that I am ‘biased’ on this war and that I am showing only the ‘Russian perspective’…. I have to laugh at such a notion, for I HAVE gone through the crap that the lying whore media has shown for the last 20 days and yes, all they promote is lies, lies, and even more despicable lies…..However, there is still one other site that has shown to provide a pretty good and accurate map of the present situation in Ukraine, the “Institute For The Study Of War” at that gives a daily analysis through the eyes of ‘western observers’ on the entire war in Ukraine, and here is the link to their latest ‘daily report’ here:

And in fact here is their updated map of the war in Ukraine, from March 15th, right here for everyone to analyze:

Well, that hopefully will answer the silliness that I am somehow ‘biased’ at all…

Even by analyzing this map presented by the “ISW” group, we can see that I have been indeed correct in my assessment of the Russian advances, as their northern forces continue operations to ‘close the ring’ around Kiev which is no small task considering the population of nearly 2+ million civilians that are still in the nation’s capital… And therefore their push further south from Kiev has been ‘stalled’ for the time being…

And yes, the main offensive thrusts into Ukraine continue to be from the southern Lugansk to Crimean front where the ring around Mariupol has been closed and with the major city of Donets now in LPR/Russian hands, the next operation should be a combined land/sea assault on the major port of Odessa….

IMHO, The Ukrainian military had already lost this war weeks ago… Other than some resistance from Zelenskyy’s criminal ‘militia’ groups, the Russians have had little resistance to their advances and therefore this does explain why that scoundrel Zelenskyy is now basically suing for peace..

However, the criminals in the US puppet regime, along with the bastards in the US/NATO criminal axis of evil, may have one more ‘trick up their sleeves’ as there is now increasing information coming forward that these criminals are about to unleash a FALSE FLAG ‘chemical weapons’ attack that they will try to use the LYING WHORE media to blame on Russia… Here in fact is the link to a TASS news report about this diabolical possibility:

Yes, to me this shows just how LOW these pricks are willing to go to try to ‘turn the tide’ in this war in Ukraine…

But we have seen this same type of ludicrous provocation before, ESPECIALLY in the war to free Syria from these monsters’ tyranny… Therefore people must be weary that they will try this same MO AGAIN in Ukraine and be ready to not accept the BULLSHIT from the LYING WHORE media outlets when it does occur…

I also want to get back to presenting the daily summary from Jim Stone’s website at, that covers not only the present situation in Ukraine, but also a lot of other happenings across the planet that have been overlooked due to the criminal LYING WHORE media continuing to mesmerize the simple minds of the sheep out there with ‘Ukraine all the time’.. Here is Jim’s latest from today:

March 16 updates


Just like the first time around when people stopped showing up at work they blamed it on people simply wanting to find new jobs, the second time around is a repeat. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN MASSIVE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE DIE AND YOU WANT TO BURY IT? YOU SAY “THERE ARE MASSIVE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE QUITTING THEIR JOBS TO FIND NEW ONES.” Such an occurrence cannot be organic, there’s a cause behind it and someone wants that cause to not be known. 

Welcome to Ukraine war propaganda round two, this time for Covid, if people were not awake to the lies before the Ukraine war they ought to figure out by now that lies are told THIS WAY:

Highly probable: Someone is starting fires to create shortages

Yesterday it was a giant fire in the largest warehouse for the largest grocery store chain in Taiwan. Today it is a massive Wal Mart distribution center. 2 in two days? Not plausible, unless intentional. Throw incidents like these on top of the economic pressure that has already been applied and you get a recipe for economic disaster.

HEADLINE: Putin loses 4th general

MY COMMENT:  America lost every last decent loyal general in the entire country under Obama, who replaced ALL OF THEM with un-qualified traitors like Rachel Levine. Levine is not an Obama pick but you know what I am saying. That is why the government can now actively seek to destroy the entire country and the military does nothing to stop it, just like the military did nothing to help at all with the coup that happened after the last election.

Before the American media trumpets how Putin is losing generals, they ought to at least go over what has happened to the United States, which may not have a significant number of legit generals at all.

I have been over everything this morning and a comment is most appropriate.

There have been countless reports of Russian generals being killed and paraded in the streets. As far as I can tell, they are all bogus and those generals go to social media and laugh. Though in any war you are going to have some losses of this type even on the winning side, what Ukraine is claiming is ridiculous and ends up being debunked in the most silly ways possible.

Ukraine has resorted to using cluster bombs on civilian populations. Remember who we are up against – Zalensky, who is an Israeli jew that has only one thing in mind: To drag this out and create crisis to get other nations to go to war with Russia on his behalf. Though the cluster bombing, which killed at least 25 civilians and injured 50 more is well known to have been done by Ukraine, you can safely bet the Jewish controlled MSM is going to take the dead baby pics and say Russia did it. There is no honesty anywhere in any of this with regard to the Western MSM.

As it turns out, now that Russia is positioned for the python squeeze, the Ukranian forces vastly underperformed considering how well they were equipped.  Never at one point ever, NEVER ONCE did Ukraine actually issue a defensive response that had a chance of being meaningful. All of the actions Ukraine took were disorganized and isolated, the armed forces never once united nationwide to accomplish an objective. One could say that’s because Russia wrecked communications but that’s a tough claim to make when all the cell phone providers were owned by Russia’s enemies and the cell phone systems kept working.  There is no excuse whatsoever for the pathetic performance of Ukraine, which never once scored a meaningful victory or put up meaningful resistance at all.


My final conclusion is that Russia kicked butt on the ground, and the west kicked butt with propaganda. The West has managed to front the illusion of a genuine resistance in Ukraine when in reality Ukraine probably has a couple hundred people in a command chain that is drawing it’s life from Western support which is getting minimalistic stuff done by those they can threaten and cause to fight Russia out of fear FOR THEM, NOT RUSSIA, along with whatever idiotic mercenaries were suckered into going to Ukraine by Western lies and propaganda. They are even threatening the mercenaries more than Russia is.

It is pointless to even mention it, but Zalensky has not been in Ukraine for weeks now, all of his appearances are green screen. Early on you could find people debunking him by using the chroma key feature in video software, where the color levels of the green screen background, and the color levels of the overlay are enhanced, and Zalensky was popping out like a red demon. It was all fake. You can make a green screen look somewhat convincing as long as no one starts enhancing the output, once enhanced it was clear Zalensky was never in his garden and that he had abandoned his country.  It seems that’s all the west is capable of – fakery and lies. The lie is modus operandi.

I find it puzzling that Israel actually admitted to Iran killing 4 of their generals on a Mossad base this week. That’s not the 9 Iran claimed but at least it was some measure of honesty.  And it is a cold hard fact that Iran took out more of Israel’s top military people in a single 20 second missile strike on Iraq than Ukraine has managed to do against Russia during a military campaign that saw ALL of Ukraine’s military wiped out. Quite literally, all Ukraine has left is squirrels throwing nuts.  It is over. Unless Biden and others outside Ukraine decide to start making a mess. ON THAT NOTE:

The U.S. moved in patriot missiles and they are now perfectly positioned to down aircraft in Ukraine FROM POLAND. 50 miles from the border of Ukraine, which is approximately where you would want them. With that type of system “right on the border” is not as good. Someone wants an escalation. But just in case it does not happen, that “someone” is starting to pump Corona fear again, as the CEO of Pfizer, fresh off reassurances he will not be hung for what he did, starts pushing the 4th shot.

Yes, I think we are looking at world war 3. The West has done nothing but deceive and hoax everything, right down to “We want peace”. Like hell they do. Those who control the west via vote fraud, (including France, Germany, Canada, Australia and a whole lot more) want the West blown to smithereens. Let’s hope Russia has enough brains to know who the enemy is and what to target.  And more:  Let’s all hope Russia is not that exact same enemy that is merely playing a part to make the world believe this all happened because “Russia was the bad guy” and not because our own Jewish controlled and subverted leadership craved it.

NTS Notes: Yes, I too have wondered what the pricks running the scam-demic will do now to cover for the MASSIVE amount of death and destruction caused by their KILL SHOTS? And I will say that Jim’s assessment is pretty spot on in terms of how they will indeed cover for the MILLIONS of deaths that are happening right now!

And one other note before I close this article… I too have been DISGUSTED by the criminal actions of that putrid TURDEAU that is just Begging now for a massive world wide war against Russia and has done nearly everything that he possibly can to have Canada, a pipsqueak country, militarily, compared to the Russian Federation, declare actual full blown war against Russia! That ass clown of a Prime Minister just continues to open his fat TURD mouth and stick his entire foot, and in fact his entire legs, into his mouth….

BUT yesterday the TURDEAU regime really showed its complete and sheer stupidity when it actually invited that criminal Zelenskyy to be present through a ZOOM meeting in Canada’s parliament in Ottawa, where Zelenskyy lied his ass off about ‘freedom and democracy’ to the criminal Canadian politicians present… And in fact Zelenskyy received a ‘standing ovation’ to boot for his spew of lies! Here is the link to an article about this atrocity here:

When I found out yesterday about this horror in our own Parliament, I wanted to puke… And as a result of that stupidity, Canada just continues to PISS OFF the Russians and puts itself into harms way definitely if the war in Ukraine was to suddenly ‘expand’ into a world war…. And honestly, do those RETARDS that gave that criminal a ‘standing ovation’ even understand that Russia has nuclear weapons and that they may have just turned Canadian cities into prime targets if this situation goes nuclear?

This just shows the sheer level of stupidity and brainwashing of the gullible and stupid out there by the LYING WHORE media coupled with the criminals running our crooked governments… The people have been so heavily had their brains turned to mush now with the ‘hate Russia’ bullshit that most are lost causes…. And all of that means is that we are just one step closer to a world war where BILLIONS will be dead as a result…

I will end this article at this point, as I know that there will probably be more updates coming and I will post those updates here as well……..So stay tuned..

First Update, March 16th, 2022: That did not take long.. Someone sent me the link to the following BITCHUTE video saying that it does an excellent job of summarizing the entire ‘war’ in Ukraine.. I want to share that video with my own readers here:

Honestly, a pretty good and once again unbiased opinion about the entire war… And the emphasis is of course on how much people are being LIED TO by the pricks in the LYING WHORE media outlets which to me has been beyond ludicrous…

More to come


3 thoughts on “The War In Ukraine: Summary Of Present Events

  1. Lies on top of lies on top of lies. They keep re-naming places in the attempt to keep the people confused.

    Kiev becomes Kyiv, pronounced “Keev” by the liars in the msm to give the impression that Kiev and “Keev” are two different places.

    Unless I’m mistaken, “Ukraine” was known as “Georgia” just a few years ago. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    Now I hear from a Polish contact that “Ukraine” never existed as a country, that “u krainia” really refers to (if I understand this correctly), “at” or “by” (u) a region or territory (krania).

    I’m told the Eastern part was always Russian, the Western part was always Polish, the South was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and a long time ago, it was known as Khazaria.

    Surprise, surprise. Seems the name-changers also continually change the names of the land masses they occupy.

    Khazaria becomes the shared territory known as “u krania”, which then becomes “Georgia” before morphing into “Ukraine”. No wonder the jew-controlled “governments” and their propaganda mouthpieces want to preserve this particular piece of Khazar history and get their revenge (again!) on the Russians who drove them out hundreds of years ago.


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