Freedom Convoy Aftermath: Some Good News As Emergency Measures Act Is Rescinded. Status Of Political Prisoner Tamara Lich Remains Unclear For The Moment.

Yes, I have not given up on this cry for REAL FREEDOM across Canada… There have been many readers sending comments my way the last few days asking “Why have you given up on the Freedom Convoy, NTS?” and my answer is so simple: The Freedom Convoy in Ottawa has been broken up thanks to the illegal and criminal actions of the TURDEAU hired UN mercenaries/goons and the so called ‘Ottawa Police’, BUT the spirit of the CONVOY and its intentions to truly FREE Canadians lives on elsewhere across this brutalized nation… I still support the ‘Cry for Freedom’ and will continue my attacks on the criminal and diabolical scoundrel that calls himself the ‘Prime Minister’ of this once free nation, that SOB and WEF programmed stooge named Justin ‘I am a TURD and have no dick or balls’ TURDEAU….

I wanted to keep this report short… For I WANT to share some good news first… Apparently that evil bastard son of Fidel Castro, TURDEAU, has ‘rescinded’ the ‘Emergency Measures Act’ effective IMMEDIATELY… And to cover this piece of ‘good news’ HERE is the link to an article from that TURD’S own propaganda garbage site, the CBC online, that covers this latest event:

OK, That is indeed good news… And the truth is, in spite of the bullshit given by the ‘CBC’, that TURDEAU has had no choice but to ‘withdraw’ or ‘rescind’ his attempt to become a FULL BLOWN DICTATOR under that “Emergency Measures Act” as apparently the ‘passing’ and ‘rubber stamping’ of that ‘act’ in the Canadian Senate actually came to a stand still, with very strong evidence that the Senate was going to ‘vote it down’… Therefore, for the ‘little potato dictator’ to ‘save face’ he has had to call off the entire ‘act’…

Thus, the criminality and horrible ‘rules’ that this criminal wanted to impose on all Canadians after he got his ‘Emergency Measures’ BULLSHIT ‘act’ passed by the criminals in Parliament is out the door, at least for the moment… Thus Canadians can for the moment breathe a ‘sigh of relief’ and hope that now the Canadian public can go after that fucker and his WEF ‘minions’ for what they had planned on the destruction of this once great nation….

BUT of course, even with that ‘good news’, we find a few recent reports claiming that one of the Freedom Convoy ‘organizers’ Tamara Lich, has been found dead today in what the lying whore media and the people in Canada’s failed justice system are calling a ‘suicide’ while she sat in a jail cell under FRAUDULENT charges and was refused bail at all…. Here in fact is the email about this latest travesty, sent my way earlier today, for everyone to read for themselves here:

Tamara Lich, leader of the Ottawa Trucker Convoy, found dead in her cell – reports

Jason Pires

Tamara Lich, one of the organizers for the Ottawa Trucker Convoy, also known as the Freedom Convoy, was found dead in her cell in Ottawa from an apparent strangulation Wednesday, just after midnight. Sources close to the scene say that Lich was not suicidal, and that her death was “suspicious,” speaking on condition of anonymity, due to risk of being targeted by Trudeau’s authoritarian regime.

Tamara Lich was arrested last Thursday on charges of counselling to commit mischief. After an unsuccessful bail hearing on Saturday, she was officially denied bail on Tuesday. Lich was facing many years in jail for organizing and distributing funds for the Freedom Convoy, and was scared to go to prison. Lich is prohibited from accessing her bank accounts after they were frozen by Trudeau’s henchmen, seeking to silence political dissent.

Journalist Avi Yemini from Rebel News pointed out the obvious conflict-of-interest between the judge that denied Lich bail, and the Trudeau government. The judge was a former Liberal candidate, even endorsed by the Dear Leader Justin Trudeau. In response, Yemini tweeted, “Canada has fallen too far” in all caps.

Alex Jones slammed Justin Trudeau for declaring Canada a dictatorship, citing Trudeau’s links to Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. Trudeau has been seizing people’s bank accounts at will, kidnapping people’s children, killing people’s pets, and pressuring them to take experimental medicine they don’t want or need.

Lich’s family is demanding a thorough investigation and believe foul play may have been involved.

The mainstream media is working overtime to suppress this exclusive article. Share now with your friends!


Here’s a photo of her, from another source:

tamara lich | News, Videos &

NTS Notes: OK, This is still not yet ‘confirmed’ and I am indeed waiting for confirmation as to whether or not Tamara is truly dead at this time..

And many have been asking WHY is Tamara in jail in the first place? She did nothing wrong except to stand up with the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa for true freedom for all Canadians..

Well, apparently her actions and the actions of so many at that Freedom Convoy in Ottawa just pissed off the little dictator himself, Justin TURDEAU, to the degree that he demanded that the corrupt Canadian ‘justice system’ basically throw the book at Tamara and several others, and basically lock them away on completely bogus and illogical ‘charges’ just to teach them all a lesson that you do not fuck with a dictator…..

I do hope that the reports of her demise at this time are not true, for this woman is to me one of the bravest Canadians alive and when we win this nation back from tyranny, I do want her and the others in the Freedom Convoy to be heralded as true Canadian heroes….

I will update this article accordingly if and when I have confirmation of the status of Tamara… Obviously, if she is ‘dead’ she was clearly ‘suicided’ in that jail cell just to shut her up permanently…. This seems to be the standard way of getting rid of ‘opponents’ to dictatorships right across the planet and obviously here in Canada as well…

Important update, February 23rd, 2022: Apparently there is a REAL reason for why TURDEAU has had to ‘rescind’ his ‘Emergency Measures’ BULLSHIT ‘act’, and it has to do with the fact that his attempts under the act to ruin Canada’s banking networks actually flies in the face of the fucking criminals that WANT to impose their WEF control over Canada..

Read the report here:

Therefore TURDEAU has LIED once again claiming that the ‘Emergency Measures Act’ was ‘lifted’ due to the convoy in Ottawa no longer being a threat, when the real reason is that he was obviously ORDERED by the WEF themselves to lift it as it was impacting on their want to put Canadians under their ‘Digital ID control’!

YES, once again the TURD lies, and there is an ‘underhanded ‘reason for his turnabout in terms of his attempt at blatant dictatorship…

I am still waiting on any new reports on the status of Tamara Lich at this time, so stay tuned…

Update, February 24th, 2022: I STILL have no ‘confirmation’ as to whether or not Tamara is dead or if she is in fact still alive…

THIS is indeed most troubling, for there are many out there that are awaiting confirmation indeed, which to me should have been ‘put to rest’ earlier today or late yesterday…

If that information does come forward, I will update this article accordingly.. ‘Enquiring minds want to know’…

Update, February 25th 2022: I am STILL waiting on news as to whether or not Tamara is alive or dead… There has been ZERO news coming out anywhere and the only news continues to be about her being ‘denied bail’.

And I have come under relentless attacks from trolls and naysayers now for even posting this article…I have ONLY asked about Tamara’s status in light of the ‘rumours’ of her demise… I therefore do not have to make ANY apologies for this article as again, and this is directed at the trolls, that I want to know whether this brave lady is indeed alive and therefore the trolls can go and kiss my ass….

Update, March 12th… Well, Tamara is indeed ‘alive’ but knowing if she is ‘well’ is another story… They have released her on bail but with the OUTRAGEOUS rules that she cannot partake in peaceful protests and must NOT discuss “COVID” at all….. This only shows the criminality of the entire Canadian judicial system that is beyond corrupt!

More to come


9 thoughts on “Freedom Convoy Aftermath: Some Good News As Emergency Measures Act Is Rescinded. Status Of Political Prisoner Tamara Lich Remains Unclear For The Moment.

  1. I hate that this might sound like an ad, but the one thing I see on the horizon that MIGHT bring a solution to all this is the re-establishment of the original frameworks of the North American governments – from the late 1700’s. Common law was practiced by people back then and the corporate world was only just then on the rise. Attorneys hadn’t infiltrated the governments and legal system yet, and the Titles of Nobility Act was soon to be a remedy for that possibility. People hashed out their disagreements in a much simpler forum that they understood, and though the Rothschild empire was looming, it hadn’t begun to suffocate the fledgeling States of America, yet. We didn’t understand who’d REALLY ‘won’ the war for Independence – economically speaking, that is. But we were to have a 50 – 60 year chance at what freedom from direct and local influence from the Crown Corporation and the East India Tea Company would be like. At least that’s what it felt like.

    search american states assembly for what to do about it in this century.


  2. Trudeau comes on making out he is a hero by stopping this criminal move he implemented and his stupid Deputy PM Freeland we’re using pressure got him I believe the Senate was going to end it. Trudeau and these others need to be held accountable for what they have been doing.


  3. According to “”
    Covid19 update for Feb 22
    Half way thru you can read that Tamara Lich has already Promised to not organize demonstrations in the future at a bail hearing.
    I warned about this previously. This has nothing to do with Canadian law.
    She was under no obligation to make any promise, hire an attorney, nor even step foot into a courthouse.
    Now she’s in a big tangled mess with the Attorney, Judges, and courts. All BAR controlled under Public Policy.
    No Canadian is obligated under any circumstances to do business with Attorneys, or any BAR Member.
    Tamara is highly influencial, and has made serious progress against Trudeau over the last several years. They are holding her to coerce more promises from her to effectively bar her from any political activities.
    Her fucked-up Attorney is seeing to that she is misinformed of her powers and abilities, and her option to just fire his sorry ass, and tell the judge to die in a grease fire.


  4. The suicide “news” appears to be the work of a trash clickbait site. Verify this independently before getting suckered


    1. I do appreciate your comment as others have pointed that out as well…

      But again; why the complete cone of silence in regards to Tamara herself? If she is ok, then lets get some news out there that says that is the case!





    1. I am letting your comment through for the moment…

      Further comments will be banned if you only use CAPITAL LETTERS in your comment…

      And I have yet to find proof positive that this is somehow ‘fake news’……. If this is wrong, then as I said an update will be done with my apologies to readers… But that update for error is contingent on verification that Tamara is actually still alive..


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