The REAL Reason They Want To Give COVID-19 KILL SHOTS To Children: It Is So Diabolical!

In yesterday’s weekend rant, I went over in some detail the real reasons for why these bastards want to shoot our children up with their horrendous and most deadly KILL SHOTS….I have looked into so many aspects of WHY these bastards would want to have our children DYING from this garbage, and after a while it dawned on me as to the REAL reasons, and it has nothing to do with this COVID crap at all, but for a means of making horrendous amounts of additional profits for the bastards at Big Pharma, definitely..

It was NOT for the ‘safety of our children’ as these lying sacks of shit try to proclaim vigorously throughout the lying whore media propaganda and the garbage being pushed by our criminal governments, but absolutely 100% so that they can have these most lethal injections added to the ever increasing list of ‘standard vaccines’ that are presently approved and given to our children now from birth on a regular basis…

Basically by having these KILL SHOTS added to that list of approved ‘vaccines’ that are administered to children, these fuckers at Big Pharma can AVOID any legal litigations and lawsuits when the children start suffering and DYING from these horrendous mRNA concoctions… To me this is so diabolical, and after researching the matter for a while I honestly wanted to puke….

And to further show proof positive that this is 100% factual, I want to present the following most important report that comes from Dr. Mercola’s website at… As this article is indeed very long and contains a long list of fine details into this matter, I have the link to that article here for everyone to read for themselves, which I do recommend EVERYONE read, especially if they have children of their own… I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

NTS Notes: Yes, again this is so diabolical and does make sense… By having many ‘health services’ stupidly adopt these KILL SHOTS to their already horrendous list of ‘vaccines’ that are given to children on a regular basis, these monsters can avoid lawsuits and even jail time for their seeking the death of millions of our children..

And the real sad part? These fuckers at Big Pharma will make countless more BILLIONS of dollars in profits by having these KILL SHOTS added to the annual list of ‘shots’ that children have, and again none of them will ever be charged with the deaths that they are causing…

This all makes sense now… And does explain why these fuckers are in such a rush to get this shit into our children while at the same time have them be ‘approved’ as a regular regimen for children…. People everywhere must wake the fuck up and see what is happening here, and hopefully with enough awareness we can still save our children as our children ARE our future..

More to come


7 thoughts on “The REAL Reason They Want To Give COVID-19 KILL SHOTS To Children: It Is So Diabolical!

  1. Yes, I have been reading and watching an ever increasingly long list of ‘adverse effects’ in children… AND this one only adds to the dangers..

    We must remember that these fuckers do not care about the damage or deaths, just as long as they destroy our next generation by murdering the children and make massive profits in the process.


  2. A never ending supply of customers. This is Fauci’s marching orders.
    A psyop and sales campaign rolled into one. The war chest they need to maintain to keep waging their war against European Peoples worldwide needs constant massive replenishing.
    It gets worse. The FDA will approve at some point, it’s baked into the plan. They just want to make it all appear legitimate first.
    LEGAL, legis, to make appear to be legitimate.
    It’s a war, and we aren’t good at war , because most people couldn’t see that a literal war has been waged against them for thousands of years. It’s about time everyone realized where they really are in this. Then we can go from there.


  3. This will stop when the people REALIZE an important fact: NO VIRUS! But then it’s probably already too late, and the global genocide will already have happened.

    Break it down to the one single thing: show us the virus. And they can’t.

    It’s more than ever necessary to debunk the criminal test procedure. These tests are not able to diagnose illness or an infection, as the infection theory was never proved, but much more important: THERE IS NO VIRUS AT ALL, so what do these tests test for?

    There was never a pandemic, there is none, and there will be none. It’s all all giant hoax the enable things otherwise impossible, and they do it as always with Hegelian dialectic: create a problem (Co$hit), control the reaction (terror without end), implement the solution (Agenda 21/2030 WEF New Normal world wide slave system, transform humans into cyborgs).

    All you need to know: THE ENTIRE VIROLOGY HAS BEEN REFUTED! There is no virus, no variant/mutation, and there was never a pandemic!

    The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) and the Higher Regional Court (OLG) Stuttgart have made world history.

    Here you can find the decision of the BGH, AZ.: I ZR 62-16 from 1.12.2016

    The BGH and the Higher Regional Court Stuttgart have refuted all allegations about the suspected “measles virus”, the infection of measles and the measles vaccination.

    Even more, it is now the case law of the highest court that the entire virology has been refuted.

    You can find out why this is so in this text.

    Here you can find the important judgment of the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart, AZ.: 12 U 63/15 from 16.02.2016




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