Scamdemic News: Some Of The Latest REAL News In Terms Of What Is Really Happening In This Fight Of Our Lives

Well… Time once again to present some of the latest in terms of the SCAMDEMIC… And yes, this is and has always been the REAL fight for our lives and for the future of all mankind.. For if we do not defeat these sick bastards responsible for this program of mass death of humanity, then we are doomed to see our very existence and the world that we know come to an abrupt end..

And yes.. Time remains relatively short now as these sick freaks are indeed about to unleash hell on Earth in terms of their upcoming PANDEMIC TREATY coming into effect by probably the end of this very month… And if these sick freaks are able to get the world to sign on to this ‘treaty’ then all of our rights and freedoms will disappear if and when at the criminals’ very whim, they unleash new FEAR PORN on the planet in terms of a brand new ‘deadly virus’… Once a new ‘deadly virus’ is announced after this fraud ‘treaty’ gets signed into the law of the land, then the World Health Organization will be the ultimate power on the planet and every nation will have to bow to their criminal demands…

I again have been asking HOW in the fuck did our ‘governments’ ever sign on to this fraud PANDEMIC TREATY? And how did they get away with signing on board to its ghastly rules and regulations without even telling the general public who stupidly elected most of them into power??? Well, the answer lies in the general ignorance of the general public overall and the fact that our own LYING WHORE MEDIA outlets have absolutely refused to even discuss this fraudulent ‘treaty’ anywhere…… I have absolutely NOT seen any reports on this incoming ‘treaty’ anywhere on the so called ‘6 o’clock news’ and thus it can be stated that the media itself has been nothing more than a weapon of evil to keep everyone ‘in the dark’ as to how this ‘treaty’ will change their lives forever….

OK… That is my opening ‘rant’ for today’s article… But the message should be clear that we ALL must get out there NOW and alert everyone as to what is coming if these monsters do get away with having this ‘treaty’ passed into law…. We all must be the messengers and be the ones to tell everyone the bitter truth about what our evil governments and their compliant ‘media’ is doing… We must never accept ignorance from the public, as again time is so short now and if we fail, then our very futures will be changed not for the better….

OK, Time to once again present some new material in terms of this fight against this fraudulent SCAMDEMIC…. And I want to once again start off by presenting more evidence of the dangers of PRION disease that is absolutely one of the horrible ‘side effects’ of the KILL SHOTS….

There has now been an ‘explosion’ happening in terms of serious ‘brain disorders’ associated with those who have gullibly and stupidly allowed themselves to take these deadly KILL SHOTS into their bodies, and I have seen countless reports over just the last few weeks that discuss in detail this ‘deadly surge’ in serious BRAIN DISEASES such as “CJD” aka “Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease”, which have NO CURE and basically once the victim comes down with this deadly ‘disorder’ they are as good as dead…. AND thus I want to present the following most interesting SUBSTACK report that comes courtesy of KRISTY TALLMAN’s substack at that gives some details on this ‘deadly surge’ of CJD cases that does ‘appear’ to be skyrocketing in those who have indeed taken the deadly COVID KILL SHOTS.. Here is the link to that report:

Yes.. I have written in the last couple of SCAMDEMIC reports about this horrific and ‘rapid rise’ in these CJD cases everywhere… It used to be that so many of the so called ‘medical experts’ out there would classify ‘CJD’ as being a ‘rare disease’ but with this rise in PRIONS coming out of the bodies of those who have been turned into GMO-humans by taking these KILL SHOTS, this is no longer considered as ‘rare’ at all…

And I do want to repeat it here that this rapid rise in PRION diseases due to those who have taken these KILL SHOTS has a ZERO cure possibility… And there is increasing evidence that even those who have safely NOT taken these deadly KILL SHOTS are now at risk from contracting these terrible PRION diseases such as CJD by just being around the ‘vaxxed’ or being in contact with them through ‘shedding’ … Thus until we know more about the risks of PRION exposure from the GMO-HUMANS, I will continue to recommend that we all practice safety in dealing with these modified humans…

Well… Some out there have asked why I have not written more about ‘IVERMECTIN’ as it is apparent that chemical is very much a ‘wonder drug’ in terms of this fight against this ‘COVID’ crap as well as apparently rising evidence that IVERMECTIN itself is very much a CANCER fighting agent as well…. Suffice to say, but I did write about a dozen articles back in my ‘blogger’ days about IVERMECTIN, especially early on in 2020 about how the scoundrels behind this entire SCAMDEMIC fear porn were absolutely wanting to ‘vilify’ IVERMECTIN as they definitely KNEW that IVERMECTIN was a much safer solution to fighting ANY viruses, rather than their deadly KILL SHOTS….. I easily deduced and wrote about how these monsters were absolutely wanting to make sure that their program of MASS DEATH was going on, rather than tell the truth that by simply taking IVERMECTIN they could fight off this ‘disease’ without being turned into GMO-HUMANS and on a one way ticket to certain death…

And yes, apparently the push to ‘ban IVERMECTIN’ early on had reached 100% criminal proportions, as according to the following link to an article from the DEFENDER at ‘CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE’, at apparently the US most criminal ‘government’ paid off so many of AMERICA’S own leading Pharmaceutical dispensing businesses such as ‘CVS’ and ‘WALGREENS’ with billions of dollars to reject the usage of IVERMECTIN in their patients! Here is that link:

Yes… THIS is indeed 100% criminal, and it was not only in AMERICA that so many dispensers and pharmacies were bought off to not dispense IVERMECTIN, as the same criminal operation went on in Europe, parts of Asia, Australia, South America, and even up here in Canada….

The question is who exactly was in control of this ‘cartel’? And of course we can point directly to the BIG PHARMA murderers in PFIZER, MODERNA, ASTRAZENECA, etc who absolutely did not want to see anyone ‘cured’ of their COVID crap through the usage of IVERMECTIN, as their plans were ALWAYS one of injecting some 6+ billion foolish humans world wide with their deadly mRNA KILL SHOTS to see all of them DEAD as a result….. That, and there was ZERO money for these freaks to be made by seeing IVERMECTIN put an end to their diabolical plans, but BILLIONS to be made by injecting everyone with a deadly poison instead….. IVERMECTIN costs next to nothing AND made ZERO profits for these sick freaks, and thus it had to be ‘vilified’ especially through the lying whore media outlets….

Yes, the vilification of IVERMECTIN has always been a travesty, as that simple and readily available GENERIC drug not only ‘cured’ any viruses that may have been associated with this COVID crap, but once again it has now been seen as a major player in combating forms of CANCER as well…… Honestly, if in early 2020 when the world was suffering from the illogical FEAR PORN associated with this SCAMDEMIC, and doctors doled out IVERMECTIN instead of waiting as ‘demanded’ for the KILL SHOTS to be rolled out instead, the SCAMDEMIC would have ended very quickly back then and we would not be facing the deadly consequences associated with turning humans into GMO-humans……

OK… What about the so called ‘next wave’ of this entire SCAMDEMIC program of mass genocide of humanity, aka this incoming ‘BIRD FLU’ disease? Well, as I had predicted before, there has been few reports anywhere about this ‘next wave’, as the criminals behind that incoming fraud are absolutely waiting UNTIL AFTER they get their PANDEMIC TREATY in place and made the ‘law of the land’… Once they get their ‘treaty’ in place, look out for they will indeed unleash their ‘BIRD FLU’ scare mongering and all of our rights and. freedoms will quickly disappear forever…

But of course there is some ‘fear mongering’ going on, and I do want to present an example of this ‘BIRD FLU’ fear mongering that comes courtesy of the link to the following article from the GLOBAL RESEARCH website at where the ‘former’ Centre for Disease Control aka the CDC down in the United States, Robert Redfield, has been warning that this ‘bird flu’ crap will indeed be the ‘next great pandemic’… HERE is the link to that report:

YES… As I have said before, this is the kind of mental massaging of the gullible masses that is ongoing right now in terms of this ‘Bird Flu’ stupidity…

Here we have ‘warnings’ coming out from these so called ‘experts’ as to what we can expect happening shortly.. AND voila, the timing is so perfect for I can guarantee that this coming late June to early July, that the lying whore media outlets will be all out there selling the gullible public with this ‘Bird Flu’ nonsense and with the PANDEMIC TREATY in place, the denizens of this planet will be FORCED into taking the prescribed ‘cure’ aka MORE deadly KILL SHOTS into their bodies as the remedy!

My advice about this ‘Bird Flu’ nonsense remains the same… DO NOT FALL FOR THE PROPAGANDA and absolutely do not fall for this sickening trap that we all must become human pincushions again by being injected with their incoming KILL SHOTS… The COVID fraud should have taught humanity by now that the BEST way of fighting off any diseases are through NATURAL EXPOSURE and NATURAL IMMUNITY, as ‘vaccines’ are once again proven to be useless and actually deadly to our human health…

Well… I do want to present here an interesting analysis, that comes courtesy of the BURNING PLATFORM website at that also discusses in detail about how we all must NOT fall for this incoming FEAR PORN in regards to this BIRD FLU aka ‘H5N1’ craze that will indeed grip the planet shortly by design, just to have us all fall victim once again to the fraud of having our lives thrown away in taking more KILL SHOTS into our bodies.. Here is the link to that report:

YES, FEAR is a very powerful weapon indeed.. And I can guarantee that the criminals behind this FEAR PORN know exactly how to manipulate the minds of so many GULLIBLE and most stupid people into falling for this sickening trap….

To me, the real sad part has been in seeing too many out there simply bow down and accept everything that these LIARS and criminals in our own governments and the so called ‘health care’ industry have done with this COVID crap…… I was one who saw through the lies from the very beginning, and never accepted ANYTHING that these sick bastards had to say, as I knew early on that it was indeed a horrific trap and a program of mass death via the KILL SHOTS.. Hopefully now more are actually listening to my level of common sense and rationality for a change..

And yes, through my long list of articles already concerning this entire SCAMDEMIC, I tried my best to warn everyone to not partake in the LIES of the ‘tests’, the wearing of ‘FACE DIAPERS’ etc, etc… But one thing that I hardly touched on, as I had thought everyone would have seen it for themselves as being 100% ludicrous and made zero sense, was the LIE of this ‘social distancing’ aspect of the entire COVID fraud…

Yes, I do remember early on about how the gullible fools and retards out there swallowed the stupidity of this ‘social distancing’ idea, and how everyone that was brain dead actually screamed at anyone that even came near them, telling them to keep their distance and to ‘social distance’…. It was so terrible to see so many idiots out there fall for that complete nonsense, and so disheartening to watch how human beings threw rationality out the door with this lie..

Well.. I do want to present the link to the following article from the GATEWAY PUNDIT website at where the former head of the American NIH admits that ‘social distancing’ is indeed nothing but a 100% FRAUD and based on lies… HERE is that link:

The truth be known, but early on in 2020 I saw countless articles about how some of these fools that came out with this ‘social distancing’ nonsense based it upon an American junior high school’s ‘experiment’ that proved to be a laughable falsehood, and truly not the answer to preventing contacting any disease…

It became apparent to myself afterwards that most people are truly so GULLIBLE that they would fall for ANY crap coming from these lying so called ‘experts’ and that was proven as FACT with this nonsense of ‘social distancing’…. It also proved to myself that humanity is mostly nothing but brain dead fools and THAT was proven as factual as I witnessed so many line up like gullible lemmings and sheep to take the KILL SHOTS into their bodies later on starting in late 2020……

And one last thing about these ‘tests’ and other stupidity with the COVID nonsense.. As someone just sent me the link to the following report that comes courtesy of the STATE OF THE NATION website at that contains an interesting video where an amateur researcher has taken one of those PCR testing ‘swabs’ and apparently has shown that the tips that are supposed to go up the noses of the idiots taking that false test, are ‘radioactive’! Here is that link:

I have shown in previous articles how these ‘swabs’ that mostly originate in China do contain a carcinogen called “Ethylene Oxide” and I had warned everyone to NOT TAKE these stupid tests at all.. BUT now this finding of ‘radioactive material’ at the end of these horrific and stupid ‘swabs’ may put them into a whole different light indeed…

I will follow up this ‘finding’ in future articles, as I will be waiting on verification of this finding of ‘radioactive’ material on the end of these swabs…. If this does ‘pan out’ and proven correct, then it just adds a new deadly aspect to these fraud ‘tests’ that everyone must be warned about..

Well… I do want to change gears here, and once again present some of the ‘human aspects’ of this entire SCAMDEMIC, as I once again have received a few ‘observations’ by several readers as to what they are witnessing in terms of their own contacts with those around them that have been ‘vaxxed’ and have been turned into GMO-humans…..

I want to start off with the following report that comes from commentator ‘BBUTTERBUG’ from ‘parts unknown’… This one is pretty long, but gives an insight on what he/she is seeing for themselves:

“Just wanted to let you know that in my family there have been 3 babies born this year and 1 due any day now. My cousin’s daughters each had a baby boy. No problems so far. I don’t know if they were vaxxed, but one of them worked at a nursing home and from what I know of my cousin and her mom, I assume they were. My nephew’s wife gave birth to a little girl 10 weeks ago and was born with what they thought was a red birthmark around one eye. It turned out to be a problem with the blood vessels. The little girl is on blood pressure medicine. I know his wife was vaxxed and probably got a real one as I know she got sick after it. To make matters worse the mother took the baby in for her 2 month doctors visit and the pediatrician gave the poor little girl the routine vaxxes (I don’t know how many or which ones) and 2 days later the baby had some problem and had to go to the hospital for a night or two. A week later they took her back to another hospital where she was again hospitalized for 3 or 4 nıghts. Of course they say the new vaxxes were just a coincidence. Why shove a needle into a suffering little girl? These pediatricians should go straight to hell for all the damage they have done to all the little ones with all their vaccinations. If it wasn’t for vaccinations there would be very little need for pediatricians. Why inject anything into such tiny little babies? I also have a niece and her husband who were vaxxed (I don’t know if they had any more than the original ones) and she had a normal baby boy in 2022 and the boy still seems to be healthy. She is due again any day now. I believe that the little girl is a victim of the clot shot. Maybe the other babies will also be victims, or maybe the body is more resilient than we think. Only time will tell. On the other end I know of 5 people that have died since September of last year. My cousin, about 45 years old, died of cancer in September, he had it for 2 years, he did the usual medical route and I believe he was vaxxed because his sister said the whole family was vaxxed, but I don’t know if he had the cancer before or after the shots were available. In December my cousin’s ex-wife, probably 60-65, died I don’t know how. Also in Dec. my mom’s friend’s granddaughter, she was 28, was found dead after doing drugs. In April my sister’s friend’s son, 38 years old, was also found dead in an abandoned building after doing drugs. The same sister’s father-in-law died this month, he was about 85 or so and had been put into a nursing home shortly before his death. So his death obviously was not unexpected. The clot shot probably weakened the heart so the heart couldn’t handle the effects of the drug.”

OK…. I too have been waiting for more reports about how these KILL SHOTS have affected the children born of mothers that have been heavily ‘vaxxed’…. Many have said that these children are being born and are said to be ‘normal’ at birth… BUT it must be noted here that so many researchers are on this ‘wait and see’ approach, as the question is out there in terms of the ‘long term prognosis’ for these babies as they grow into children and then adults… Will the damage from their GMO modified cells become apparent as they do grow older?

And yes, I too have seen the ravages of CANCER right here in my own personal observations, as so many here, just like ‘BBUTTERBUG’ is seeing for himself fall victim to the damages inflicted by these deadly injections…. The facts are that this massive death toll is on the rise, and will only get worse as this year, 2024, goes on….

“BBUTTERBUG” does indeed present a lot of material in that one comment, and I do hope that he follows up this one with future comments.. My recommendation to him/her is to try to break up these comments into a shorter and more legible form, and I will indeed present them in future articles as well…

And I have one more ‘comment’ which was a ‘follow up’ to the last comment from regular viewer ‘R PB’ as he continues his ‘observations’ of those around him out in British Columbia that have been heavily ‘vaxxed’… HERE in fact is “R PB”‘s latest, and once again I will change the names of those involved as per R PB’s request:

“Hello Brian…”

“Further to the “I’ve got a Bad Feeling about this” file.. 🙄”

“So my cousins Rebecca and Carla celebrated birthdays quite recently (May 5, April 15 respectively)… meanwhile “injections”? Rebecca’s had 2, Carla’s had 4 – that I know of. Normally they send back a “thank you”, there’s a bit of texting back-and-forth.. we’re usually in fairly regular touch.. but this time? …Nothing… Not a peep in weeks…”

“And this morning was my friend for the last 50 years’ birthday, Kevin. Known him since Grade 10; he came “out of the closet” to myself and wife #1 (long gone) in 1994. When he got married to boyfriend Patrick in 2006, I was one of the “Best Men” at the wedding… yeah, total Clown World, OTOH when I was going through my break-up and divorce, Kevin and Patrick were there to pull me through.. It’s a messed-up world as you’re obviously aware and when someone throws you a lifeline, grab it…”

“Thus Summer of 2021 he and Terrence, partner #2 (Patrick had passed in 2012 due to Hepatitis C from a blood transfusion) were going to come out to visit us, when Terrence’s liver in turn suddenly packed it in and he died of cirrhosis of the liver. Out of the blue. They’d both had 3 injections at least; I know this, because they could travel in 2021 and I could not.”

“So I sent him an e-card and …Nothing… Decided to call him and – his phone number is disconnected. He’s in Toronto, I’m in Victoria. I have no idea what could have happened, and now suddenly, no way to reach him. 😳”

“Another similar odd story; I’ve been in touch with my cousin Lisa in Halifax for years.. but suddenly her emails have become quite sporadic and very short, as in maybe a sentence, instead of 2 – 3 paragraphs; also her writing indicates a lot of confusion and forgetfulness – She’s 80 years old, but – everything seemed fine.. until suddenly about 3 months ago… She and husband Curtis? At least 3 injections. Tried to warn them. They wouldn’t listen. 🙄”

“What am I thinking based on precious little besides disturbing coincidence? The Lethal Injections of course… 🤔”

Again, I do want to thank R PB for another of his updates…

And sadly, and again, what he is seeing is ‘par for the course’ as I too have been witnessing so much ravage and destruction here due to those around me taking the KILL SHOTS…. It is very disheartening that so many are now coming down with severe forms of TURBO CANCER, while most STILL cannot put 2+2 together and realize the definitive links to the KILL SHOTS that they and their loved ones have taken…

As I have said countless times already; I do and have always wanted to hear from readers as to what they personally are witnessing in terms of their dealing with those who have been ‘vaxxed’ and thus turned into GMO-humans… I want to make sure readers are realizing that they are NOT ALONE in terms of personal heart ache and watching so many suffering, and that we all are in this war together….

OK.. Time to close this LONG report with my usual presentation of the last few PODCASTS that come courtesy of the JEFF RENSE website, at where JEFF RENSE discusses the latest important news about this entire SCAMDEMIC with ERIKA KHAN… Here in fact are those last few podcasts:

First, here is the one from last week Friday, May 17th 2024:

And here is the one from this week Monday, May 20th 2024:

Yes, only 2 podcasts in this report, as I presented the previous 4 podcasts in my last SCAMDEMIC report last week….

Well… That about does it for this week’s SCAMDEMIC report.. I will be busy over the next few days with taking care of a lot of yard work, landscaping, etc, as I do want to spend more time OUTDOORS and trying to enjoy this very short Summer in this part of central Canada…

I will definitely be back this SUNDAY with my usual ‘Weekend Rant’ as there is a lot of important news to cover in regards to our very sick world… So until then..

More to come


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