Justin “Castro” Trudeau Has Turned Canada Into An Economic Nightmare: REAL Pictures Of What Vancouver Has Turned Into, Thanks To Bad Government

I will be writing my ‘SCAMDEMIC’ report tomorrow, as I have been busy today doing some major yard work and taking care of some personal business..

But in the meantime, a fellow Canadian patriot recently sent me a ghastly video, courtesy of ‘YOUTUBE’ that shows the real picture of what the west coast city of Vancouver has turned into under the criminal ‘policies’ of both the heinous British Columbia provincial government, and also thanks to the workings of the criminal Federal Government under that sicko freak, Justin “I absolutely get off on having tampons shoved up my ass” TURDEAU….

That patriot asked me to share this video with my readers and to give my thoughts on what has happened to the city of Vancouver, and how it reflects what is happening EVERYWHERE across Canada as well… First, I want to present that video here for everyone to view for themselves:

NTS Notes: OK… I have to say that what is happening right now in Vancouver, British Columbia, is happening EVERYWHERE across Canada…

I have personally seen a rapid rise in ‘homelessness’ right here in my own city of Winnipeg, especially in my recent travels when I had to go to the downtown area to take care of some personal business… What I witnessed was horrendous while at the same time so heart wrenching, as every street corner in this city’s core area had a multitude of homeless and destitute people to be seen….

OK…The big question is of course; WHY? AND why is this happening in this once proud nation of mine, CANADA, that used to be amongst the ‘wealthiest’ nations on the planet and one that everyone saw with such a high level of pride and dignity?

Well, for starters.. We have a corrupt system of politics at both the provincial level and especially at the FEDERAL level here in this country that has created such a level of ‘waste’ and has put so much of the taxpayer’s of this nation’s money to programs and to other ‘ventures’ that are not for the BENEFIT of Canadians at all….. One primary and most horrible level of such waste is seeing the TURDEAU ‘Liberal’ regime in Ottawa throw away as much as 50 BILLION DOLLARS in Canadian funds into that money pit sewer called Ukraine, when that money could have gone to programs such as shelters and food for this nation’s increasing homeless problem!

Another factor is of course ‘Illegal immigration’ into this nation of mine that has POLLUTED the Canadian populace with upwards of 3+ MILLION illegals over the last few years alone… What is not ‘talked about’ up here in Canada is how these third world pieces of garbage come into CANADA with ZERO hopes of finding any employment at all and instead are left on the ‘welfare dole’ and collecting one heck of a lot of money from CANADA’s ever strained taxpaying working people just to ‘live’ in this once proud nation… All of that money should absolutely be used to help clean up this homeless problem first and foremost BEFORE ever allowing ANY ‘immigrant’ to step foot in this nation….

AND of course with TURDEAU’s insane ‘economic measures’ as thrust on the Canadian people due to him being a psychotic WEF freak and minion, the economies of our provinces right across this once great nation are basically collapsing… GONE are the days when Canada used to be a powerhouse on the world stage due to its abundance of raw materials and goods for the world to use, as TURDEAU has ruined this critical aspect of Canada’s importance in trading those goods for fair market value and to generate the economic dividends of such an important trading policy, due to his INSANE WEF idealisms…..

And yes, Canada, just like the US, has ‘off shored’ so much of its industrial might to third world shit holes, under that falsehood called the “free trade agreements” causing such grief in the Canadian people as this nation used to have a pretty good industrial basis which generated a lot of good paying jobs for nearly all Canadians… But not any more….. With little heavy industry left in this nation, Canada is nearly fully dependent on imports from places like China for its basic needs, and much of Canada’s present employment is nothing more than low paying ‘service industry’ jobs instead…

And do not get me started on the CRUSHING DEBT situation that this once proud nation is saddled with today… It used to be, at least up to the early 1970’s, that Canada had ZERO debt and actually carried a large surplus… But since that time and the terrible policies of Canada’s ruling parties and the evil wishes of its criminal ‘elite’, Canada now has a terrible DEBT that recently was estimated to be around 5 TRILLION dollars… .And that ‘debt’ is not only impossible for Canadians now to ever pay back, but it is increasing exponentially thanks to the criminal waste of our governments….

It will be interesting to see what ‘ROY’, ‘Greencrow’, and a few other British Columbia denizens have to say about what is shown in this video, and their takes on the criminal situation in British Columbia, since they actually live in that province….

The bottom line is this; Watching this video and seeing how far the city of Vancouver has fallen is absolutely very heartbreaking.. But sadly this is only the beginning, as what you see in this video is happening EVERYWHERE across this once great nation of mine… And the facts are that this nation is absolutely heading towards a horrific economic collapse…. Can we save this situation? Possibly, but it will take a lot of effort on the part of Canada’s citizens, especially in the possibility of needing to take down our crooked governments and the so called ‘elite’ that created this situation in the first place…

2 thoughts on “Justin “Castro” Trudeau Has Turned Canada Into An Economic Nightmare: REAL Pictures Of What Vancouver Has Turned Into, Thanks To Bad Government

  1. The economic consequences of “progressive” policies have rarely been covered by the mainstream or alternative media in a meaningful way. Canada has long been an assertive leader in those policies, but the US is catching up. What is happening in Canada is also happening across the US in cities like Portland, San Francisco, Denver, Los Angeles, and elsewhere. The video is shocking, and should be for Americans and Canadians who generally want to believe that Canada is a successful society with little to no crime and poverty and has one of the highest standards of living in the world. Yes, it would be interesting to see what those who live in those areas have to say about this issue when it’s shoved in their faces. Can anyone really believe they haven’t been aware of what has been going on in their backyards all along? For those who are aware, it should be apparent how all this is going to end. 


  2. Good post, of course here in the United Snakes our economy is definitely in the toilet as well.
    I’ve never seen so many local businesses closing down yet Biden the undead keeps spouting his lies and fake statistics.

    GREAT link here “Bad day to be a Vaxxie….” More nefarious facts about the death jab coming out.

    You’ve Been Hit By… You’ve Been Hit By…


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