Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 19th 2024

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Sunday… Yes, I am trying to get back to writing at least 3-4 articles per week… And therefore it is time once again for my weekend rant..

The weather over the last few days here in central Canada has been a bit wild, with a LOT of rain storms and one major hail storm just a few days ago….. It has curtailed my wanting to do a lot of yard work for the moment, as I am just waiting for the weather to cooperate for a change…

And yes, gosh darn that CLIMATE CHANGE or CLIMATE CRISIS bullshit that is still being harped constantly via the lying whore media outlets and our crooked governments… It simply is not happening, and what we are seeing is ‘seasonal’ weather in these parts, with the forecast for this year’s Summer to be actually quite normal…. For those who now have their simplistic minds wrapped around this ‘climate boiling’ bullshit, I have news for you all; YOU are being played as SUCKERS….

OK… I was alerted a few days ago that a former very close colleague of mine, and one who I have always respected in the alternative REAL truth movement, Barbara Lee aka ‘SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS’ passed away apparently at the beginning of this last week… She was 75 years old…

I used to constantly communicate with Barbara via SKYPE and we kept in touch consistently up to about 12 years ago…. What happened then was a bit disturbing to yours truly as Barbara swallowed the ‘Sandy Hook was real’ scam big time and was talking constantly with one of the biggest disinformation agents out there, Mark Glenn, he of the ‘UGLY TROLL’ website and whom for years I properly called this foul creature; ‘the midget man from Idaho’… I tried to warn Barbara then that she was being played the fool and that Glenn was indeed nothing more than a troll and someone who should never ever be trusted, but she did not listen to my pleas and decided instead to listen to Glenn instead.. The result was a ‘falling out’ between the two of us, and I stopped communication with Barbara after that point..

It was years later that Barbara and I finally kept periodically in touch via email, and I found that she was back to doing some pretty good work over at ‘SNIPPETS’…. Her weekend Saturday posts where she presented a long list of political cartoons that blasted the criminals in charge have proven to be astounding and a must see by everyone… Tragically with Barbara’s passing, her ‘SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS’ website will probably disappear and we now have lost someone who has indeed proven herself to be a true warrior in this fight against evil…

The question of course has been what actually caused Barbara Lee’s demise? And my fellow real truth seeker GREENCROW from the Vancouver area, across the bay from where Barbara lived on Vancouver Island at Victoria, has indeed written a pretty good article at her ‘Greencrow as the Crow Flies’ website about Barbara’s death and has surmised that Barbara having to take at least 3 shots of that horrid KILL SHOTS most probably accelerated her demise.. Barbara was forced to take those shots as her own daughter would not allow her to even see her own Grandchildren unless she complied!….. And from what Greencrow has speculated, her health declined very rapidly after taking those death jabs, and that YES, they were either the cause of her demise or helped accelerate her death via the damage that they do to the human body… Thus I will only speculate here that once again we have lost yet another person via these horrific KILL SHOTS and the hell that they do…

OK… I could go off on a tangent here about the SCAMDEMIC, but I will leave that for my articles that are beating that fraud to death… I want to give my two cents worth on a real tragedy that I and others have seen over the last few days, which is the LIBERAL and psychotic freaks in the ‘modern women’ sickness going absolutely berserk over HARRISON BUTKER making a most 100% truthful commencement speech earlier this week at Benedictine College, where he told the TRUTH about how modern ‘feminism’ and all of the horrible crap associated with that fraud has indeed DESTROYED modern women!

And yes, I have read the transcripts of Butker’s speech and watched the videos of Butker’s speech to that full house of graduates, and honestly there is not one thing wrong at all with what he states in that speech… In fact the message that he is trying to convey to the women in that graduation ceremony is 100% FACT and something that they should stop and think hard about, considering how in today’s ‘society’ so many of them are being so fucked up thanks to the lies of the fraudulent ‘feminism’ movement and all of its evil machinations…

As I have stated many times already; Modern ‘feminism’ is a 100% creation of the criminal JEWISH elite and was thrust into the mindset of gullible women for the purpose of destroying their lives…. I have also said that ‘Feminism’ overall is a POISON on society as it has its intentions of destroying the very fabric of the family unit, especially in trying to create this illusion that women are now to be ’empowered’ and to be ‘equals to men’ in every regard… ‘Feminism’ is not about ’empowerment’ or ‘equality’ but basically to destroy WOMEN’s lives and to try to remove them from their basic biological instincts and makeup to be MOTHERS and bearers of children… All of this is part of the evil JEWISH plans and plot to destroy society and also to curtail women from actually being the mothers of the next generation of humanity… It is no wonder that in today’s ‘society’ that so few women that are caught up in this ‘modern women’ bullshit are not even having children any more, which bodes badly for our population as yes indeed as a result we are witnessing a massive decline in world wide population growth…

And yes, I have seen video after video of these fraud ‘feminists’ trying to destroy Harrison Butker’s life by screaming that he should immediately be fired by the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League… And they have tried everything to make his own life as miserable as possible by going after his own family and everyone that he associates with as well…. But of course all of this flak from the ‘Feminist’ madhouse does not even bother with the notion that Butker is RIGHT in what he said in that commencement speech…. These lunatics in that fraud ‘feminist movement’ and even those ‘modern women’ who have been so thoroughly brainwashed by the lies spoon fed into their gullible brains are absolutely unwilling to even debate Butker’s arguments, but instead are resorting to their usual ‘shooting the messenger’ instead…

As I have stated countless times now over the last few months, “modern women” are indeed 100% fucked up right now… Most do not even have a CLUE about what life is all about as they go about with this delusional thinking that they can do anything that they want and can basically sleep around with as many ‘CHADS’ that they possibly can without even caring about the consequences of their sad decisions.. It only becomes apparent to many of them as they ‘ hit the wall’ in their early 30’s and their biological clocks’ are now ticking with time becoming relatively short to actually have children and spend their lives with a loving caring man as part of a family. that they suddenly see the error of their ways.. But by then it is too late for so many of them as they are now in their 30’s and early 40’s crying the blues that they wasted their lives and have NOBODY in their lives as a partner…..

Thus what we see now, thanks to this ‘modern women’ stupidity is a society where marriage is out the door, as the MEN out there are now realizing that there is no ‘upside’ at all to marrying ANY ‘modern women’ as most are just looking for someone to ‘take care of them’ and are nothing more than walking ATM machines for their greedy, self centred, and narcissistic ways…. This is why well over 50% of all ‘modern marriages’ end in divorce, and in those situations it is the MEN that suffer due to the fact that the ‘court systems’ in North America and much of Europe favour women in the divorce breakup, especially where the women take at least 1/2 of everything that the man has brought to the table in the ‘marriage’……Therefore with everything basically against the man in the ‘marriage contract’ you have to wonder WHY in the hell would ANY SANE MAN ever want to even try to get married to these toxic ‘modern women’ at all?

And yes, I am speaking as someone who is watching how ‘modern women’ are having the horrific effect on my own son’s life.. As I have said before, my son is an intelligent 28 year old very rational and to me, very handsome, young man with so much going for him… He has a great job as a manager, where he is pulling in nearly 70000 dollars annually with a lot of other perks and bonuses to boot… Not too shabby, right? And he is a money saver and a person who does not waste his money on frivolous items, but instead has invested wisely and is saving funds for his own house that my better half and myself want to see him obtain in a few years once the crazy housing market here in Canada ‘corrects itself’…. Thus he has a lot going for him, including a great head on his shoulders and someone who is wise beyond his years..

So, what is the problem here? Well, my son has tried dating so many of these ‘modern women’ and he finds most of them to be beyond disgusting… These ‘modern women’ are indeed looking for this insane ‘6-6-6’ rule where the man has to make ‘six figures’, be at least ‘6 feet tall’ and must have a ‘6 pack abdomen’ and be in perfect shape…. My son has approached some of them and has asked ‘Well, if you want perfection, what do YOU bring to the table as well?’, and the answer is equally astounding as most of these foul creatures bring NOTHING other than their ‘looks and their bodies’ to the mix! Luckily my son has not fallen for this crap, and has told so many of these insane lunatics to take a hike…

The other issue that my son has begun to say even to his parents is that he does not want a ‘human pin cushion’ as someone that could be his partner for life.. He has told me about how some of these women that he has met are actually bragging about the number of sexual partners that they have gone through by the time they are in their mid 20’s, and he finds that to be so disgusting…..Granted, when in today’s society there is never a ‘virgin’ anywhere to be seen, you would expect at most 2-3 sexual partners, but he has told us that some of these women talk about rolling through HUNDREDS and are actually proud of such a high ‘body count’!!! Yes, these foul creatures think that being a human ‘pin cushion’ and being poked by every ‘CHAD’ in sight is somehow something to be proud of and to be admired for? Disgusting is indeed putting it mildly….

The other factor in all of this mix is the fraud of ‘SOCIAL MEDIA’ and yes, my son is just like his parents, in absolutely NOT having that sick and twisted ‘platforms’ anywhere on his computer or his cell phone… My son has gone out with so many of these ‘modern women’ who seem to have their eyes glued to their not so ‘smart phones’ and are absolutely not even wanting to have a decent one on one conversation with him at all… And he has told me about how so many of them are in ‘shock and horror’ when he explains that he absolutely does NOT use ‘social media’ platforms such as that disgusting ‘TIK TOK’ at all….. He finds ‘SOCIAL MEDIA’ to be beyond disgusting and nothing more than a detriment to human society, and I absolutely agree… I have indeed taught him well, and I can be proud for the fact that he has not given in to the “social media’ stupidity at all…..

The bottom line here is this; “Modern dating” has been utterly destroyed by the frauds of the ‘feminist movement’ and of course ‘social media’ as well… My own son is at the point where he is considering looking ‘overseas’ for a ‘traditional woman’ who wants to have a real family and does not come with the horrible ‘baggage’ that these ‘modern women’ carry. He wants to have children and wants to bring up children in a traditional marriage where he shares responsibility for those childrens’ upbringing and also as the MAN in that arrangement as the provider and protector of the family unit…. AND yes, this all brings to light again Harrison Butker’s speech where he indeed is trying to show women what a wholesome, loving, and real, family is all about….

OK… Onto other news, and of course we cannot overlook the present situation in UKRAINE where the RUSSIANS have probably now given up on even trying to seek peace in that ‘war’ and have indeed launched operations, especially around the KHARKOV region, to put the Ukrainians out of their misery… To me, I can only say this is about fucking time, for Putin and the Russians have tried EVERYTHING possible to get that lunatic JEWISH freak Zelenskyy to finally have some rational thinking and realize that the war has indeed been all but lost and that the way out is to actually NEGOTIATE, as all we have seen is more and more death and destruction of Ukraine’s dwindling armed forces and especially the mass slaughter of Ukraine’s WHITE population over the last few years…

The real scary aspect of this Ukraine ‘war’ has been seeing the further escalation of the conflict with the US and their minions in NATO actually contemplating the sending of regular NATO and US forces directly to the Ukrainian front lines to confront Russian forces…. But honestly, this whole scenario is already a moot point, as it is now clear that the Russians have been facing NATO regulars in the front lines for the last 1.5 years at least… The evidence is where the Russians are reporting that their regular forces in the front lines have already killed and/or captured so many foreign soldiers who are not ‘mercenaries’ at all, but REGULAR NATO forces….

Thus what we have here is a very scary point in modern history, where the psychopaths in charge in the US and course in NATO are so willing to further escalate this conflict into a direct US/NATO versus Russia/China scenario…And indeed one that will very quickly become a full blown nuclear war, simply because the losses already incurred by NATO and the US by throwing away their ‘modern weapons’ into the conflict over the last 2 full years has been unsustainable…Armament supplies in both NATO and the US have been so heavily depleted now, that any direct conflict with Russia would spell defeat for NATO and the US as those nations would quickly run out of weapons to fight against Russian (and yes, very possibly Chinese) forces within days…. Thus the lunatics in charge, when defeat is staring them in their faces, may indeed turn quickly to the nuclear option…. Once the nuclear weapons start flying, escalation to full blown world wide nuclear war will quickly follow which will doom the entire planet…

I have had so many ask me in just the last while as to WHY the lunatics in charge would actually contemplate seeing the whole world destroyed? And the answer is because we are dealing with insane people in charge, and lunatics that want world dominion at ALL COST…..Yes, these psychopaths actually do think that with the world destroyed in a nuclear hell, that THEY will be the ones in charge of the planet and of its survivors on the other side…..People have to start realizing that we are indeed dealing with such a level of criminal psychosis, and that they must be stopped in their tracks NOW before it does become too late….

But back to the Ukrainian situation; And yes I am indeed watching the latest news out of Ukraine more closely, and am indeed urging the Russians to finally have had enough of the lunacy in Kiev and finish the job once and for all…. I for one do hope that the Russians continue their advances, seize Kharkov, and possibly push all the way to Kiev itself just to remove lunatics such as Zelenskyy from power and save what is left of Ukraines primarily WHITE population… Trying to even ask for ‘peace negotiations’ as Putin has indeed tried for the last 2+ years is definitely out of the picture now, and the Russians must know that their only choice now is to have Ukraine and the lunatics in the US/NATO thoroughly defeated…..

In terms of that other ‘conflict’ in the GAZA STRIP? Well, if people do not get it by now and realize that we are dealing with murderous psychopaths in that shit hole called ‘ISRAEL’ that are indeed a poison to the entire planet, then there is no hope for them…. These monsters are absolutely hell bent on seeing EVERY Palestinian destroyed, and they have their poodles in the US government that bend to every whim that they desire, to supply them with an endless flow of weaponry to see to that destruction…..There has never been a chance at all for any ‘peace’ in terms of this ‘war’ in Gaza, as these psychopaths only want blood… It is high time that the good people left on this planet realize that we are dealing with a demonic evil that calls itself ‘Israel’ and that we MUST do everything in our power to see such evil destroyed…

This is why I continue to be so astounded as to the level of butt kissing and dick swallowing of JEWISH interests that is so prevalent around this planet…. I had hoped that there would be a long list of nations by this time that would have joined real heroes such as the HOUTHIS in YEMEN in seeing that these psychopaths in Israel be crushed… But sadly, all I see is our nation’s so called ‘leadership’ continue to show their servitude to these Jewish lunatics and have the gall to say that their nations and their people ‘support’ what that psycho state of Israel is doing…I have had to say to myself ‘Where is human decency?’ and ‘Where is real human compassion?’ especially in supporting the Palestinian plight, for right now I see those two ideas that make us all human no where to be found…

Well… I wanted to get a lot of that off my chest for the last while…. It is indeed good to be back, and yes I will try my utmost to keep up with some of the most important ‘news’ out there…. I am of course continuing with my SCAMDEMIC news as THAT is the most important subject in all of human history, as it is indeed the real fight for our lives right now and a ‘war’ that could decide the fate of humanity itself…..As I have said so many times, do not fall for the FEAR MONGERING that is so prevalent everywhere we look these days, but be WARRIORS for real truth……

OK… Onto my ‘last minute tidbits’ and I will TRY to keep this one relatively shorter for a change… First and foremost, there are indications everywhere that the Demon-rats in America are indeed going to ‘steal’ the 2024 ‘selections’ again, except this time far worse than what happened in 2020. But this makes sense, as there is now NO WAY IN HELL that their sick pedophile pant-shitting freak in charge, barely sentient ‘Joe Biden’ can possibly win, and thus THEFT is the only answer to these criminals…….And again, I can NOT understand this insane ‘love’ for a criminal such as Donald Drumpf at all? So many stupid Americans so quickly forget that it was this monster that brought in ‘OPERATION WARP SPEED’ that has destroyed the lives of some 270+ MILLION Americans thanks to the KILL SHOTS, and yet so many gullible Americans are now falling all over this lunatic and want him back in the White House? Be careful what you wish for, my American friends, for Drumpf is NO HERO and if ‘elected’ will do everything to bow down to ISRAEL and see America destroyed……..Saw news that the cackling witch of the west herself, Jewess Hillary Clinton, is considering coming back just to try to ‘bolster’ the Demon-rats’ chances to win in 2024. And honestly, have we not had enough of this psycho bitch already? You know the Demon-rats are this desperate when they would consider throwing this demonic creature into the mix for the upcoming ‘selections’…….Yes, Canada has fallen as that heinous ‘BILL C63’ is now the ‘law of the land’ here in Canada, and ANYONE who says anything about the EVIL WAYS of that psychotic freak in charge, WEF minion Justin “I do enjoy the feeling of those tampons up my ass” TURDEAU can now be put into jail just for telling the truth. I personally have to be careful myself, for with everything that I have written over the last 15+ years in trying to get the truth out to everyone, I can possibly be a prime target for arrest in the near future……..The horrific PANDEMIC TREATY is about to rammed up everyone’s asses within the next two weeks, and sadly there STILL is very little outcry out there about that fraud ‘treaty’ and its horrific ramifications. Once again, it is apparent that the SHEEP out there will only wake the fuck up AFTER this ‘treaty’ gets put into the ‘law of the land’ and by that time we all will be royally FUCKED……Speaking of royally fucked, I too saw that recent ‘portrait’ of that heinous murderous freak “King Charles” and yes it does show that lunatic bathed in blood. This all makes sense, for once again these murderous bastards absolutely love throwing this type of symbolism in our faces, knowing that the majority out there are simply too stupid to live and to see that they are all nothing but gullible slaves……..Someone again asked me about this ‘bird flu’ thingy, and all I can say now is ‘wait for it’, for the psychopaths in the WHO are just waiting until AFTER they get their ‘pandemic treaty’ in place before subjugating the entire planet by using this fraud ‘bird flu’ as their excuse. The facts are that this ‘bird flu’ unless these lunatics have indeed turned it into a mass weapon of destruction by tinkering with its makeup, is nothing more that a bad case of INFLUENZA and healthy people will be able to shrug it off with no ill effects. Those who have had their immune systems destroyed by taking the KILL SHOTS? Well, they are in for a very ‘bumpy ride’ indeed and they could face death instead if they contract this ‘disease’…….Yes, the US southern border remains basically wide open to every foreign third world piece of garbage and filth to come waltzing in to destroy the US itself. This is so blatantly obvious, and I am STILL waiting to see if those so called ‘American patriots’ will finally get the fuck off their couches and do something about this madness before the American republic collapses…….Yes, Inflation is still ‘out of control’ and in spite of the lies coming from the so called ‘experts’ that are claiming that it is ‘under control’ the evidence just by everyone observing rising costs is right there to be seen…. And sadly, this inflation is so right in our faces for we Canadians, as recent reports are now showing that CANADA now has some of the highest prices anywhere across the planet. We can all thank TURDEAU and his minions for fuelling this inflation madness with some of his ‘programs’ especially the fraud ‘green initiatives’ and especially the fraud ‘carbon taxes’. Sadly most Canadians simply do not get it, and strangely continue to support that lunatic in power……Is it not amazing that the LBGTQI-EI-EI-O stupidity and the ‘transgender’ stupidity gripping our nations is now dying such a painful death? I say it is about time as neither of those sicknesses have any place in a healthy society and those pushing those ‘agendas’ should preferably be put in jail for promoting such sicknesses….. Sadly, my favourite Soccer team, Arsenal, just came up short in their quest for the EPL championship this year. Manchester City has now won the title for the 4th consecutive year, leaving the Gunners into the usual ‘wait until next year’ scenario. And yes, I have always been a soccer fan………There is ‘news’ out now that the Kelce/Swifty shit show is going to the ‘next level’ with apparently these two sell outs to criminal JEWISH interests about to be ‘engaged’ to be married. I say good, as having these two useless eaters marry each other means they will save others from such a horror of being involved with either of them…..And in spite of missing two weeks’ worth of Kardashian ‘news’ there is basically nothing of real interest to say about this group of wretched useless eaters, trolls, misfits, sluts, and skanks. I am still waiting for anyone to come forward and explain to me what ‘good’ any of these freaks do for our society as to this day I have found none….

More to come


3 thoughts on “Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 19th 2024

  1. Bummer on the snippets snappits lady, I went to her sight about once a week and was just thinking of visiting, aside from her occasional repugnant-cans vs demonrats stuff (gimme a break, same master there) – and the occasional abrahamic religion bs – her stuff was very good… All my heroes are dead or dying, Lynyrd Skynyrd and allman bros last members recently died, and we’re left with crap jokes in the music world at this point.. Kaminski gone.. my sister whose daughter is a death jab promoting Karen and she no doubt took the jab… she had a big heart. All these folks are in pure peace now, wondering how they ever gave a crap about this life, in a tax slavery system of parasitism designed by subhuman jews. My health sucks from smoking and I got only a few years left .. but eastern philosophy showed me this maya world is of no concern – your true nature is freedom, not this slave world. The idea that anyone could convince you to take the shot, threatening you with such things – even the closest in my family – I would say SMELL you later, I;m gone…but I don’t mess around.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had read SNIPPITS AND SNAPPITS on occasion years ago, but was never a regular follower. I decided that the site wasn’t hard hitting enough for me at the time and ignored it after that. I was never aware of the author’s stance on Sandy Hook until you brought it up here. That alone would certainly would have been enough for me to consider SAS as disinfo instead of “soft” at the time. Thanks for including information about her possible jab status. Even though it can’t be proved, it’s more likely true than not and explains a lot. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi NTS. Okay, better late than never. I read your RANT of May 19th and thanks again for the hat tip. Barbara was a complicated soul…she wanted to be brave and stand up for what she knew was the truth–but she was pulled by the Sheepeople society and, in the end, could not stand up to them. She suffered the tortures of the damned about a year or more ago as I described in my post where she thought her body was being taken over by demons.

    If I had taken the shot(s) I’d be crawling right out of my skin by now.



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