A Summation Of Interesting KILL SHOT News For Today: KILL SHOTS Lowering IQ, Important Greencrow Article, And Blockbuster Shocker About Exactly WHO Owns These Bio-Weapons!

Well, I am still on vacation this week, and since I have nowhere to go in terms of a real ‘vacation’ this time around, it is once again a ‘stay-cation’ where I am doing a shit load of work around my humble abode…

And this morning we had our first BOUT of major snow flurries as the temperature here in central Canada fell to a cold -6C overnight (That’s 21F for you Americans..)… Yes, this flies in the faces of those who claim man caused ‘Global Warming’ which just like the SCAMDEMIC is a 100% fraud…. Considering that this is only the 7th of October, this signals that a very COLD winter is indeed coming to these parts…

And speaking of the SCAMDEMIC… I actually have 3 separate reports that I wanted to do in 3 separate articles… But to make my life simpler and to attack the entire fraud SCAMDEMIC and especially the KILL SHOTS head on once again, I decided to encapsulate ALL 3 MAJOR articles in ONE report here…. I call it a summation of all three, and indeed is a must read by everyone…

OK, First of all I want to present here a most interesting report that comes courtesy of the Expose online website out of the UK at http://www.expose-news.com, where none other than the great Doctor Vernon Coleman has issued an interesting report stating that the KILL SHOTS have lowered the average IQ of those who have taken these death jabs into their bodies…. Here is the link to that article here:

I absolutely agree with Doctor Coleman’s assessment that those who have taken these death jabs have seriously lowered their intelligence quota, for I have seen that for myself in my daily observations of the sheep around me that have stupidly taken these death jabs..

And yes, this makes perfect sense, for the facts are that the KILL SHOTS have been purposely designed to have an affinity for ‘nerve cells’ as well as liver cells…. And so many so quickly forget that the human brain is composed nearly 100% of NERVE CELLS and nerve tissue.. Thus the antigen spike proteins are indeed attacking and destroying brain tissue which is obviously making the victims dumber and dumber by the day and when they take even MORE of the deadly boosters into their bodies!

And of course we cannot forget about how the Spike Proteins are indeed attacking and DESTROYING the cells of the victim’s LIVER…. I have already explained in several previous articles at this blog about how the destruction of the liver leads to the liver no longer able to process the poisons that are supposed to be flushed out of the victim’s body through urine.. Thus the AMMONIA that normally is flushed out of the body is instead left in the person’s blood stream, which of course circulates that Ammonia throughout the victim’s body and especially into the victim’s BRAIN…. The net result is to see Ammonia poisoning of the brain which leads to ‘brain fog’, cognitive damage, and absolutely a lowering of the victim’s IQ!

Basically all that anyone needs to do is to just look around them and observe those who have taken multiple doses of these KILL SHOTS.. You will clearly see in most cases these people being turned into blithering morons, zombies, and drooling idiots… Believe me, I have seen it and am still seeing it and it makes me sick to my stomach… And do not get me started about seeing these morons trying to operate motor vehicles, for that is maddening enough as rates of auto crashes and accidents is on a steep rise everywhere…

Well… That is PART I of this report.. Onto PART II, and it pertains to the newest article that comes courtesy of my great colleague and fellow Canadian patriot, that lives out on the “left coast’ in the wilds of British Columbia, GREENCROW…

I do in fact want to present the latest article from Greencrow, through her website at http://www.greencrowasthecrowflies.ca , that covers some most interesting happenings from right here in this formerly free nation called ‘Canada’… Here in fact is the latest from Greencrow’s website here:

Thanks again, Greencrow, for this report….

I recently read about the ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) attempts on both sides of the US/Canadian border to get several lawsuits going to force the TRUTH to come out about the severity of the injuries to those who have taken the KILL SHOTS.. Thus this win in Canada is indeed a step in the right direction towards waking people up to the horrors of these death jabs..

The other part in Greencrow’s report that especially caught my eye was the ‘poem’ enclosed, and I do want to share that with everyone here:

What especially interested me in this poem was the last part of ‘Without the VAX, He would be deader’ which is something that I have seen over and over again coming out of the mouths of those stupid enough to take these KILL SHOTS into their bodies… It shows the level of brainwashing that we are up against and WHY so many can not be saved from their own ignorance and are in fact better off dead….

Well, that is PART II of my report… And in PART III, I want to present here the latest PODCAST from the ‘JEFF RENSE SHOW’ where Jeff once again has on as a guest Erika Khan, and they answer the HUGE question as to exactly WHO owns the KILL SHOTS…. Here is that podcast here:

OK, The answer given in that podcast is the US department of Defence, and most definitely DARPA… But to me that is a given, for these KILL SHOTS are definitely BIOWEAPONS and have been designed to kill… Thus it makes sense that the US Defence department has their hands all over these sinister death jabs….

Thus there are indeed many facets of this entire program of mass culling of humanity… The facts remain that ‘big Pharma’ run by Elite JEWS has been running this criminal program and making BILLIONS of dollars in profits from having the suckers that take these shots become sick and die from these lethal injections.. And the US department of Defence also has their hands all over this criminal act as these things are indeed BIOWEAPONS of certain death… BUT I cannot forget about the part that the Chinese and even the Israelis have in this genocide, which I have also covered in some detail in previous articles… Thus there are many who are involved and who gain and profit from this program that will undoubtably kill BILLIONS…..

Well, there you go… Some more important news about this entire SCAMDEMIC for everyone to read and especially share with others… And it is so important to share with everyone as I can only be a messenger here in the hope that my work can continue to try to awaken those who are still unaware of the serious damage they are doing to themselves by taking these KILL SHOTS into their bodies…. And to those who are now too far gone, and have taken multiple doses of these death jabs, I do hope their deaths are swift and painless, as I do want them out of the way so that the rest of us can still try to save this planet…

More to come


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