Update On Freedom Convoy Now Rolling Across Ontario: Apparently Criminal Justin Trudeau Will Now Avoid The Upcoming Confrontation Because He Claims He Has Been “Exposed” To The Fraud Called COVID!

Well, another day and apparently in spite of some delays due to the massive size of the Freedom Convoy, that is now rolling through and past Sault Ste Marie on the eastern side of Lake Superior, the convoy is not faltering and is continuing its trek to try to reach Ottawa Ontario by the 29th of this month…

And apparently the convoy continues to grow in both size and the support that it is getting from both Canadians and Americans… As of right now, the convoy contains nearly 15000 trucks and support vehicles, and has been estimated to be nearly 100 kilometers in length… This does make it THE greatest truck convoy in history and will make it into the Guiness Book of World Records definitely…..

And the support that this convoy has been receiving from BOTH Canadians and many Americans is so overwhelming in itself…. People are lining the highway on BOTH sides in frigid temperatures and are waving signs, and cheering as these brave and courageous drivers continue their march on Ottawa…. Some have said that we could see as many as 1.5 Million Canadians and well over 100000 trucks converge on Ottawa by this coming Saturday, and I would say that may be in fact a low estimate as this protest against the criminal Trudeau regime and its ‘mandates’, is just exploding…

And yes, what about that snake in the grass, Justin Trudeau, who has now realized that his very political future may now be in the balance as Canadians have had ENOUGH of his WEF Globalist thinking and destruction of this nation? Well, apparently, this bastard is trying to ‘run for cover’ for according to the following report from the ‘Calgary Sun’ online news service, this freak is now claiming that he came ‘into contact’ with THE FRAUD called ‘COVID’ recently , and that suddenly NOW he has to ‘self isolate’ for the next ‘5 days’ at least!!! Here is the link to that article here:


Honestly, what a fucking loser and scum bucket …. We that know what a sniveling pathetic pedophile creep this ass hole truly is, knew that he would try to find an ‘excuse’ to NOT be in Ottawa when the protest rallies come this Saturday… AND here we go with he suddenly and ‘conveniently’ has to ‘isolate’ due to ‘possible exposure’ to the very phantom ‘virus’ that he has been using to brutalize this entire nation!

I do hope Canadians are paying attention to this ‘sudden’ action by this freak and will be out there in droves protesting, and demanding that he immediately resign…. But will that happen? Probably not, for it still can be said that most of Ontario, and much of Quebec, and for the most idiotic reasons still somehow ‘love’ this SOB…

And this ‘sudden action’ by this turd could be because he found out he is getting zero support from the RCMP apparently for they have shown that they are in support of the convoy and will not take action against these protestors… AND according to the following report from my fellow Canadian real truth seeker, Greencrow, this psychotic freak may be punishing the Canadian military now due to their refusal to take action against this convoy as well! Here is the link to Greencrow’s report right here:

OK, So obviously since this prick could not take action against this massive convoy and its supporters, he is simply going to ‘fly the coup’ and probably go and hide at his getaway in Quebec…. I do hope that people in Quebec and Ontario are already aware of this action, and that they will go to his ‘private getaway’ to have thousands of protestors there to make his life a living hell…

And with these direct actions obviously failing by this psycho that does not deserve to be ‘Prime Minister’, then what will the ‘powers that be’ try to do to stop or destroy this convoy? Well, apparently there is now a growing fear that these psychos will simply inject some of their patented ‘agent provocateurs’ into the convoy to try to disrupt it, or even have a ‘criminal act’ take place that will be used by the lying whore media to try to ‘shame’ these truckers and to try to give the convoy a ‘black eye’ in the eyes of the moronic sheep that still watch the media whore networks! Therefore I do suggest that if anyone in this convoy or nearby the convoy is reading this, to be aware that the criminal Trudeau regime may stoop to this level of criminality in a last ditch effort to halt this convoy in its tracks…. Be vigilant!

Right now, I am still proud to be a freedom fighting Canadian, and I will continue to support this convoy for freedom… AND in regards to that TURD Justin Trudeau; You can run and hide but Canadians are no longer putting up with your lunacy. Your days are definitely numbered…

More to come


*Updates: January 27th, 2022: First and foremost, I am wrong on the actual position of the ‘Freedom Convoy’ and had assumed if their trek did not get any further delays would be around the Sault Ste Marie point in the journey to Ottawa… BUT instead the convoy is still ‘making its way’ around Lake Superior and some recent reports claim that it will be in the vicinity of Wawa Ontario shortly at the time I am posting this update, and possibly in Sault Ste Marie later tonight or early tomorrow morning..

Second update: One of my great supporters and readers sent me the following link to a report from the “en-Volve” website at http://www.en-volve.com, where the prick Prime Minister in charge, Justin “the turd” Trudeau, has declared this Freedom Convoy to be a ‘terrorist group’ and has demanded that ALL of the drivers and others involved to be ‘stripped of their Canadian citizenship’ immediately! Here is the link to that article:

Yes, what an incredibly arrogant SOB… He is the one that should be declared a ‘terrorist’ for the intense harm that he has done and continues to do to Canadians!

I do hope that readers show that to EVERYONE, and in doing so encourage them to fully support this Freedom Convoy IMMEDIATELY!

More to come


3 thoughts on “Update On Freedom Convoy Now Rolling Across Ontario: Apparently Criminal Justin Trudeau Will Now Avoid The Upcoming Confrontation Because He Claims He Has Been “Exposed” To The Fraud Called COVID!

  1. Hi NTS

    Latest from Twitter is that the Health Authority Regulations in Ottawa do not require the Fully VaxxxZinated [which the Turvert is] to self-isolate after exposure to the non-existent CovID-19. LOloololololo…caught with his pants down AGAIN. Now he will have to walk that stupid statement back and find another excuse to hide his tail between his legs and run. Things are popping all over the Internet…happening so fast it’s impossible to keep up.

    In the meantime for you and your readers…here’s a good video I sent all my sheeplefied friends and relatives this morning…with the caption “And for two years I thought I was all alone…”



  2. I’m not under his jurisdiction and I hate the bastard.

    I hope a bunch of men get physical hold of the stinker and his bodyguards are all on an extended coffee break.


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