I Am Back..New Articles Coming Starting With My Weekend Rant This Sunday

Well… I am nearly fully recovered from what in the fuck hit me hard for the last month….

Suffice to say, but waking up one day nearly a month ago and discovering that my skin colour had turned a deep shade of YELLOW did indeed scare the living fuck out of me… When that happened, I called my family doctor (Yes, the same ‘quack’ that absolutely wanted me to take the KILL SHOTS nearly 2 years ago…) and set up an emergency appointment to have her take a close look at me…. One quick look at her office nearly a month ago and she immediately told me to get to the hospital emergency as I was showing signs of liver failure….

I must say that at that time my mind was in overdrive with so much worry… I have zero history of liver failure or liver damage, and the facts are that I DO NOT DRINK at all… I have had at most 3 Canadian beers since last Christmas and I usually avoid alcohol as much as I can…. I DO NOT smoke, or take Marijuana, for I gave up on both of those over 30 years ago in my University days….. And I do not take any other strange medications or food items at all, since I have been trying to eat and drink as ‘healthy’ as possible as my goal is to lose about 20 pounds of excess weight this year……Heck, I even avoid FLUORIDATED water or heavily Chlorinated water as much as I can for I have long written and fully understand the damage those two chemicals can do to human health…

Now after spending time in an EMERGENCY ward in the hospital and having now 19 vials of my fully unvaccinated blood extracted out of my body, the so called ‘medical experts’ are at a loss in even coming up with a solid explanation as to what in the fuck actually hit me… Most of them are coming up with the same conclusions that I somehow came into contact with SOMETHING that triggered this response from my liver……. But what? After spending the last 3+ weeks basically laid up at home, with nearly ZERO energy, and a heck of terrible case of itchiness as well as insomnia, I still have no answers… These ‘experts’ ran every conceivable type of ‘test’ imaginable, including MRI, CAT scan, x-Rays, and heck even ultra sounds, and they found nothing wrong other than to state that everything is operating within a ‘normal standard’ with zero signs of any REAL Liver malfunction, Cancer, or other illnesses… One ‘expert’ said to me straight that I am actually in excellent shape for a 64 year old man, other than the ‘yellow’ discolouration of my skin…

So again, what in the fuck hit me? The saying goes that when a long list of causes is exhausted, you have to think ‘outside of the box’ which leads me again and again to the idea that since I am hyper-sensitive to the GMO-humans out there that I do come into contact with on a daily basis, it is very possible that one of them ‘shed’ something onto my skin that caused my body to go into overdrive….I do NOT rule out this possibility at all, as every other aspect has now been ‘ruled out’………Thus once I do finally get my white pigmentation of my skin back to normal, I will probably be spending less time around the MUTANTS out there just to make sure that I do not get a reoccurrence of what in the fuck hit me hard…

Well… There you have it… And for those who are saying that I may have a ‘blood disorder’, that possibility was also ruled out via the blood tests conducted from the 19 vials of blood they ripped out of my body….. I am indeed on the road to a full recovery as thankfully the INSOMNIA associated with the severe body ‘itching’ is now passing, and I am now able to spend hours at a time outside without feeling so exhausted…..I am continuing to eat proper foods, mostly not heavily processed, and drink as much non-fluoridated water as I possibly can….

It is good to be back, as I have missed out on so much over the last while… I did not use the IDIOT BOX aka the ‘talmudvision’ for getting REAL news as I cannot stand the propaganda spewed by the lying whore media outlets via those brainwashing devices… Thus here I am now playing ‘catch up’ and reading the REAL news out there online from trustworthy and real truth telling internet sources….. I again can only thank readers for staying patient with me…

Sunday will indeed be a busy day for yours truly, as I will try to write my Sunday Rant and once again try to get up to speed on what has been really happening out there…..And therefore I will close this updated report with the usual…

More to come


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